50 research outputs found

    Defective and Clustered Graph Colouring

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    Consider the following two ways to colour the vertices of a graph where the requirement that adjacent vertices get distinct colours is relaxed. A colouring has "defect" dd if each monochromatic component has maximum degree at most dd. A colouring has "clustering" cc if each monochromatic component has at most cc vertices. This paper surveys research on these types of colourings, where the first priority is to minimise the number of colours, with small defect or small clustering as a secondary goal. List colouring variants are also considered. The following graph classes are studied: outerplanar graphs, planar graphs, graphs embeddable in surfaces, graphs with given maximum degree, graphs with given maximum average degree, graphs excluding a given subgraph, graphs with linear crossing number, linklessly or knotlessly embeddable graphs, graphs with given Colin de Verdi\`ere parameter, graphs with given circumference, graphs excluding a fixed graph as an immersion, graphs with given thickness, graphs with given stack- or queue-number, graphs excluding KtK_t as a minor, graphs excluding Ks,tK_{s,t} as a minor, and graphs excluding an arbitrary graph HH as a minor. Several open problems are discussed.Comment: This is a preliminary version of a dynamic survey to be published in the Electronic Journal of Combinatoric

    Defective and Clustered Choosability of Sparse Graphs

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    An (improper) graph colouring has "defect" dd if each monochromatic subgraph has maximum degree at most dd, and has "clustering" cc if each monochromatic component has at most cc vertices. This paper studies defective and clustered list-colourings for graphs with given maximum average degree. We prove that every graph with maximum average degree less than 2d+2d+2k\frac{2d+2}{d+2} k is kk-choosable with defect dd. This improves upon a similar result by Havet and Sereni [J. Graph Theory, 2006]. For clustered choosability of graphs with maximum average degree mm, no (1ϵ)m(1-\epsilon)m bound on the number of colours was previously known. The above result with d=1d=1 solves this problem. It implies that every graph with maximum average degree mm is 34m+1\lfloor{\frac{3}{4}m+1}\rfloor-choosable with clustering 2. This extends a result of Kopreski and Yu [Discrete Math., 2017] to the setting of choosability. We then prove two results about clustered choosability that explore the trade-off between the number of colours and the clustering. In particular, we prove that every graph with maximum average degree mm is 710m+1\lfloor{\frac{7}{10}m+1}\rfloor-choosable with clustering 99, and is 23m+1\lfloor{\frac{2}{3}m+1}\rfloor-choosable with clustering O(m)O(m). As an example, the later result implies that every biplanar graph is 8-choosable with bounded clustering. This is the best known result for the clustered version of the earth-moon problem. The results extend to the setting where we only consider the maximum average degree of subgraphs with at least some number of vertices. Several applications are presented

    Clustered Colouring in Minor-Closed Classes

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    The "clustered chromatic number" of a class of graphs is the minimum integer kk such that for some integer cc every graph in the class is kk-colourable with monochromatic components of size at most cc. We prove that for every graph HH, the clustered chromatic number of the class of HH-minor-free graphs is tied to the tree-depth of HH. In particular, if HH is connected with tree-depth tt then every HH-minor-free graph is (2t+14)(2^{t+1}-4)-colourable with monochromatic components of size at most c(H)c(H). This provides the first evidence for a conjecture of Ossona de Mendez, Oum and Wood (2016) about defective colouring of HH-minor-free graphs. If t=3t=3 then we prove that 4 colours suffice, which is best possible. We also determine those minor-closed graph classes with clustered chromatic number 2. Finally, we develop a conjecture for the clustered chromatic number of an arbitrary minor-closed class

    Improper colourings inspired by Hadwiger’s conjecture

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    Hadwiger’s Conjecture asserts that every Kt-minor-free graph has a proper (t − 1)-colouring. We relax the conclusion in Hadwiger’s Conjecture via improper colourings. We prove that every Kt-minor-free graph is (2t − 2)-colourable with monochromatic components of order at most 1/2 (t − 2). This result has no more colours and much smaller monochromatic components than all previous results in this direction. We then prove that every Kt-minor-free graph is (t − 1)-colourable with monochromatic degree at most t − 2. This is the best known degree bound for such a result. Both these theorems are based on a decomposition method of independent interest. We give analogous results for Ks,t-minorfree graphs, which lead to improved bounds on generalised colouring numbers for these classes. Finally, we prove that graphs containing no Kt-immersion are 2-colourable with bounded monochromatic degree

    Clustered 3-Colouring Graphs of Bounded Degree

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    A (not necessarily proper) vertex colouring of a graph has "clustering" cc if every monochromatic component has at most cc vertices. We prove that planar graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta are 3-colourable with clustering O(Δ2)O(\Delta^2). The previous best bound was O(Δ37)O(\Delta^{37}). This result for planar graphs generalises to graphs that can be drawn on a surface of bounded Euler genus with a bounded number of crossings per edge. We then prove that graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta that exclude a fixed minor are 3-colourable with clustering O(Δ5)O(\Delta^5). The best previous bound for this result was exponential in Δ\Delta.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1904.0479

    Product structure of graph classes with bounded treewidth

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    We show that many graphs with bounded treewidth can be described as subgraphs of the strong product of a graph with smaller treewidth and a bounded-size complete graph. To this end, define the "underlying treewidth" of a graph class G\mathcal{G} to be the minimum non-negative integer cc such that, for some function ff, for every graph GG{G \in \mathcal{G}} there is a graph HH with tw(H)c{\text{tw}(H) \leq c} such that GG is isomorphic to a subgraph of HKf(tw(G)){H \boxtimes K_{f(\text{tw}(G))}}. We introduce disjointed coverings of graphs and show they determine the underlying treewidth of any graph class. Using this result, we prove that the class of planar graphs has underlying treewidth 3; the class of Ks,tK_{s,t}-minor-free graphs has underlying treewidth ss (for tmax{s,3}{t \geq \max\{s,3\}}); and the class of KtK_t-minor-free graphs has underlying treewidth t2{t-2}. In general, we prove that a monotone class has bounded underlying treewidth if and only if it excludes some fixed topological minor. We also study the underlying treewidth of graph classes defined by an excluded subgraph or excluded induced subgraph. We show that the class of graphs with no HH subgraph has bounded underlying treewidth if and only if every component of HH is a subdivided star, and that the class of graphs with no induced HH subgraph has bounded underlying treewidth if and only if every component of HH is a star

    The grid-minor theorem revisited

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    We prove that for every planar graph XX of treedepth hh, there exists a positive integer cc such that for every XX-minor-free graph GG, there exists a graph HH of treewidth at most f(h)f(h) such that GG is isomorphic to a subgraph of HKcH\boxtimes K_c. This is a qualitative strengthening of the Grid-Minor Theorem of Robertson and Seymour (JCTB 1986), and treedepth is the optimal parameter in such a result. As an example application, we use this result to improve the upper bound for weak coloring numbers of graphs excluding a fixed graph as a minor

    Defective coloring is perfect for minors

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    The defective chromatic number of a graph class is the infimum kk such that there exists an integer dd such that every graph in this class can be partitioned into at most kk induced subgraphs with maximum degree at most dd. Finding the defective chromatic number is a fundamental graph partitioning problem and received attention recently partially due to Hadwiger's conjecture about coloring minor-closed families. In this paper, we prove that the defective chromatic number of any minor-closed family equals the simple lower bound obtained by the standard construction, confirming a conjecture of Ossona de Mendez, Oum, and Wood. This result provides the optimal list of unavoidable finite minors for infinite graphs that cannot be partitioned into a fixed finite number of induced subgraphs with uniformly bounded maximum degree. As corollaries about clustered coloring, we obtain a linear relation between the clustered chromatic number of any minor-closed family and the tree-depth of its forbidden minors, improving an earlier exponential bound proved by Norin, Scott, Seymour, and Wood and confirming the planar case of their conjecture

    Product structure of graph classes with strongly sublinear separators

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    We investigate the product structure of hereditary graph classes admitting strongly sublinear separators. We characterise such classes as subgraphs of the strong product of a star and a complete graph of strongly sublinear size. In a more precise result, we show that if any hereditary graph class G\mathcal{G} admits O(n1ϵ)O(n^{1-\epsilon}) separators, then for any fixed δ(0,ϵ)\delta\in(0,\epsilon) every nn-vertex graph in G\mathcal{G} is a subgraph of the strong product of a graph HH with bounded tree-depth and a complete graph of size O(n1ϵ+δ)O(n^{1-\epsilon+\delta}). This result holds with δ=0\delta=0 if we allow HH to have tree-depth O(loglogn)O(\log\log n). Moreover, using extensions of classical isoperimetric inequalties for grids graphs, we show the dependence on δ\delta in our results and the above td(H)O(loglogn)\text{td}(H)\in O(\log\log n) bound are both best possible. We prove that nn-vertex graphs of bounded treewidth are subgraphs of the product of a graph with tree-depth tt and a complete graph of size O(n1/t)O(n^{1/t}), which is best possible. Finally, we investigate the conjecture that for any hereditary graph class G\mathcal{G} that admits O(n1ϵ)O(n^{1-\epsilon}) separators, every nn-vertex graph in G\mathcal{G} is a subgraph of the strong product of a graph HH with bounded tree-width and a complete graph of size O(n1ϵ)O(n^{1-\epsilon}). We prove this for various classes G\mathcal{G} of interest.Comment: v2: added bad news subsection; v3: removed section "Polynomial Expansion Classes" which had an error, added section "Lower Bounds", and added a new author; v4: minor revisions and corrections