25 research outputs found

    Deep neural networks employing multi-task learning and stacked bottleneck features for speech synthesis.

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) use a cascade of hidden representa-tions to enable the learning of complex mappings from input to out-put features. They are able to learn the complex mapping from text-based linguistic features to speech acoustic features, and so perform text-to-speech synthesis. Recent results suggest that DNNs can pro-duce more natural synthetic speech than conventional HMM-based statistical parametric systems. In this paper, we show that the hidden representation used within a DNN can be improved through the use of Multi-Task Learning, and that stacking multiple frames of hid-den layer activations (stacked bottleneck features) also leads to im-provements. Experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed methods, and in listening tests we find that stacked bottle-neck features in particular offer a significant improvement over both a baseline DNN and a benchmark HMM system. Index Terms — Speech synthesis, acoustic model, multi-task learning, deep neural network, bottleneck featur

    Multitask Learning with Low-Level Auxiliary Tasks for Encoder-Decoder Based Speech Recognition

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    End-to-end training of deep learning-based models allows for implicit learning of intermediate representations based on the final task loss. However, the end-to-end approach ignores the useful domain knowledge encoded in explicit intermediate-level supervision. We hypothesize that using intermediate representations as auxiliary supervision at lower levels of deep networks may be a good way of combining the advantages of end-to-end training and more traditional pipeline approaches. We present experiments on conversational speech recognition where we use lower-level tasks, such as phoneme recognition, in a multitask training approach with an encoder-decoder model for direct character transcription. We compare multiple types of lower-level tasks and analyze the effects of the auxiliary tasks. Our results on the Switchboard corpus show that this approach improves recognition accuracy over a standard encoder-decoder model on the Eval2000 test set

    Improving Sequence-to-Sequence Acoustic Modeling by Adding Text-Supervision

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    This paper presents methods of making using of text supervision to improve the performance of sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) voice conversion. Compared with conventional frame-to-frame voice conversion approaches, the seq2seq acoustic modeling method proposed in our previous work achieved higher naturalness and similarity. In this paper, we further improve its performance by utilizing the text transcriptions of parallel training data. First, a multi-task learning structure is designed which adds auxiliary classifiers to the middle layers of the seq2seq model and predicts linguistic labels as a secondary task. Second, a data-augmentation method is proposed which utilizes text alignment to produce extra parallel sequences for model training. Experiments are conducted to evaluate our proposed method with training sets at different sizes. Experimental results show that the multi-task learning with linguistic labels is effective at reducing the errors of seq2seq voice conversion. The data-augmentation method can further improve the performance of seq2seq voice conversion when only 50 or 100 training utterances are available.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to IEEE ICASSP 201