2,362 research outputs found

    Semantic bottleneck for computer vision tasks

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    This paper introduces a novel method for the representation of images that is semantic by nature, addressing the question of computation intelligibility in computer vision tasks. More specifically, our proposition is to introduce what we call a semantic bottleneck in the processing pipeline, which is a crossing point in which the representation of the image is entirely expressed with natural language , while retaining the efficiency of numerical representations. We show that our approach is able to generate semantic representations that give state-of-the-art results on semantic content-based image retrieval and also perform very well on image classification tasks. Intelligibility is evaluated through user centered experiments for failure detection

    C4Synth: Cross-Caption Cycle-Consistent Text-to-Image Synthesis

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    Generating an image from its description is a challenging task worth solving because of its numerous practical applications ranging from image editing to virtual reality. All existing methods use one single caption to generate a plausible image. A single caption by itself, can be limited, and may not be able to capture the variety of concepts and behavior that may be present in the image. We propose two deep generative models that generate an image by making use of multiple captions describing it. This is achieved by ensuring 'Cross-Caption Cycle Consistency' between the multiple captions and the generated image(s). We report quantitative and qualitative results on the standard Caltech-UCSD Birds (CUB) and Oxford-102 Flowers datasets to validate the efficacy of the proposed approach.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV-201

    What is the Role of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in an Image Caption Generator?

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    In neural image captioning systems, a recurrent neural network (RNN) is typically viewed as the primary `generation' component. This view suggests that the image features should be `injected' into the RNN. This is in fact the dominant view in the literature. Alternatively, the RNN can instead be viewed as only encoding the previously generated words. This view suggests that the RNN should only be used to encode linguistic features and that only the final representation should be `merged' with the image features at a later stage. This paper compares these two architectures. We find that, in general, late merging outperforms injection, suggesting that RNNs are better viewed as encoders, rather than generators.Comment: Appears in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG'17

    CanvasGAN: A simple baseline for text to image generation by incrementally patching a canvas

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    We propose a new recurrent generative model for generating images from text captions while attending on specific parts of text captions. Our model creates images by incrementally adding patches on a "canvas" while attending on words from text caption at each timestep. Finally, the canvas is passed through an upscaling network to generate images. We also introduce a new method for generating visual-semantic sentence embeddings based on self-attention over text. We compare our model's generated images with those generated Reed et. al.'s model and show that our model is a stronger baseline for text to image generation tasks.Comment: CVC 201

    What value do explicit high level concepts have in vision to language problems?

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    Much of the recent progress in Vision-to-Language (V2L) problems has been achieved through a combination of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). This approach does not explicitly represent high-level semantic concepts, but rather seeks to progress directly from image features to text. We propose here a method of incorporating high-level concepts into the very successful CNN-RNN approach, and show that it achieves a significant improvement on the state-of-the-art performance in both image captioning and visual question answering. We also show that the same mechanism can be used to introduce external semantic information and that doing so further improves performance. In doing so we provide an analysis of the value of high level semantic information in V2L problems.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2016. Fixed titl