26 research outputs found

    Variational-Correlations Approach to Quantum Many-body Problems

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    We investigate an approach for studying the ground state of a quantum many-body Hamiltonian that is based on treating the correlation functions as variational parameters. In this approach, the challenge set by the exponentially-large Hilbert space is circumvented by approximating the positivity of the density matrix, order-by-order, in a way that keeps track of a limited set of correlation functions. In particular, the density-matrix description is replaced by a correlation matrix whose dimension is kept linear in system size, to all orders of the approximation. Unlike the conventional variational principle which provides an upper bound on the ground-state energy, in this approach one obtains a lower bound instead. By treating several one-dimensional spin 1/2 Hamiltonians, we demonstrate the ability of this approach to produce long-range correlations, and a ground-state energy that converges to the exact result. Possible extensions, including to higher-excited states are discussed

    Boosting Monte Carlo simulations of spin glasses using autoregressive neural networks

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    The autoregressive neural networks are emerging as a powerful computational tool to solve relevant problems in classical and quantum mechanics. One of their appealing functionalities is that, after they have learned a probability distribution from a dataset, they allow exact and efficient sampling of typical system configurations. Here we employ a neural autoregressive distribution estimator (NADE) to boost Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations of a paradigmatic classical model of spin-glass theory, namely the two-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Hamiltonian. We show that a NADE can be trained to accurately mimic the Boltzmann distribution using unsupervised learning from system configurations generated using standard MCMC algorithms. The trained NADE is then employed as smart proposal distribution for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. This allows us to perform efficient MCMC simulations, which provide unbiased results even if the expectation value corresponding to the probability distribution learned by the NADE is not exact. Notably, we implement a sequential tempering procedure, whereby a NADE trained at a higher temperature is iteratively employed as proposal distribution in a MCMC simulation run at a slightly lower temperature. This allows one to efficiently simulate the spin-glass model even in the low-temperature regime, avoiding the divergent correlation times that plague MCMC simulations driven by local-update algorithms. Furthermore, we show that the NADE-driven simulations quickly sample ground-state configurations, paving the way to their future utilization to tackle binary optimization problems.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Variational-Correlations Approach to Quantum Many-body Problems

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    We investigate an approach for studying the ground state of a quantum many-body Hamiltonian that is based on treating the correlation functions as variational parameters. In this approach, the challenge set by the exponentially-large Hilbert space is circumvented by approximating the positivity of the density matrix, order-by-order, in a way that keeps track of a limited set of correlation functions. In particular, the density-matrix description is replaced by a correlation matrix whose dimension is kept linear in system size, to all orders of the approximation. Unlike the conventional variational principle which provides an upper bound on the ground-state energy, in this approach one obtains a lower bound instead. By treating several one-dimensional spin 1/2 Hamiltonians, we demonstrate the ability of this approach to produce long-range correlations, and a ground-state energy that converges to the exact result. Possible extensions, including to higher-excited states are discussed

    A Non-stochastic Optimization Algorithm for Neural-network Quantum States

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    Neural-network quantum states (NQS) employ artificial neural networks to encode many-body wave functions in second quantization through variational Monte Carlo (VMC). They have recently been applied to accurately describe electronic wave functions of molecules and have shown the challenges in efficiency comparing with traditional quantum chemistry methods. Here we introduce a general non-stochastic optimization algorithm for NQS in chemical systems, which deterministically generates a selected set of important configurations simultaneously with energy evaluation of NQS. This method bypasses the need for Markov-chain Monte Carlo within the VMC framework, thereby accelerating the entire optimization process. Furthermore, this newly-developed non-stochastic optimization algorithm for NQS offers comparable or superior accuracy compared to its stochastic counterpart and ensures more stable convergence. The application of this model to test molecules exhibiting strong electron correlations provides further insight into the performance of NQS in chemical systems and opens avenues for future enhancements.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, and 1 tabl