270 research outputs found

    Domain adaptive segmentation in volume electron microscopy imaging

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    In the last years, automated segmentation has become a necessary tool for volume electron microscopy (EM) imaging. So far, the best performing techniques have been largely based on fully supervised encoder-decoder CNNs, requiring a substantial amount of annotated images. Domain Adaptation (DA) aims to alleviate the annotation burden by 'adapting' the networks trained on existing groundtruth data (source domain) to work on a different (target) domain with as little additional annotation as possible. Most DA research is focused on the classification task, whereas volume EM segmentation remains rather unexplored. In this work, we extend recently proposed classification DA techniques to an encoder-decoder layout and propose a novel method that adds a reconstruction decoder to the classical encoder-decoder segmentation in order to align source and target encoder features. The method has been validated on the task of segmenting mitochondria in EM volumes. We have performed DA from brain EM images to HeLa cells and from isotropic FIB/SEM volumes to anisotropic TEM volumes. In all cases, the proposed method has outperformed the extended classification DA techniques and the finetuning baseline. An implementation of our work can be found on https://github.com/JorisRoels/domain-adaptive-segmentation

    Mutual Alignment Transfer Learning

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    Training robots for operation in the real world is a complex, time consuming and potentially expensive task. Despite significant success of reinforcement learning in games and simulations, research in real robot applications has not been able to match similar progress. While sample complexity can be reduced by training policies in simulation, such policies can perform sub-optimally on the real platform given imperfect calibration of model dynamics. We present an approach -- supplemental to fine tuning on the real robot -- to further benefit from parallel access to a simulator during training and reduce sample requirements on the real robot. The developed approach harnesses auxiliary rewards to guide the exploration for the real world agent based on the proficiency of the agent in simulation and vice versa. In this context, we demonstrate empirically that the reciprocal alignment for both agents provides further benefit as the agent in simulation can adjust to optimize its behaviour for states commonly visited by the real-world agent

    Incremental Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Continually Changing Environments

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    Continuous appearance shifts such as changes in weather and lighting conditions can impact the performance of deployed machine learning models. While unsupervised domain adaptation aims to address this challenge, current approaches do not utilise the continuity of the occurring shifts. In particular, many robotics applications exhibit these conditions and thus facilitate the potential to incrementally adapt a learnt model over minor shifts which integrate to massive differences over time. Our work presents an adversarial approach for lifelong, incremental domain adaptation which benefits from unsupervised alignment to a series of intermediate domains which successively diverge from the labelled source domain. We empirically demonstrate that our incremental approach improves handling of large appearance changes, e.g. day to night, on a traversable-path segmentation task compared with a direct, single alignment step approach. Furthermore, by approximating the feature distribution for the source domain with a generative adversarial network, the deployment module can be rendered fully independent of retaining potentially large amounts of the related source training data for only a minor reduction in performance.Comment: International Conference on Robotics and Automation 201
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