1,149 research outputs found

    Deep Self-Taught Hashing for Image Retrieval

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    Hashing algorithm has been widely used to speed up image retrieval due to its compact binary code and fast distance calculation. The combination with deep learning boosts the performance of hashing by learning accurate representations and complicated hashing functions. So far, the most striking success in deep hashing have mostly involved discriminative models, which require labels. To apply deep hashing on datasets without labels, we propose a deep self-taught hashing algorithm (DSTH), which generates a set of pseudo labels by analyzing the data itself, and then learns the hash functions for novel data using discriminative deep models. Furthermore, we generalize DSTH to support both supervised and unsupervised cases by adaptively incorporating label information. We use two different deep learning framework to train the hash functions to deal with out-of-sample problem and reduce the time complexity without loss of accuracy. We have conducted extensive experiments to investigate different settings of DSTH, and compared it with state-of-the-art counterparts in six publicly available datasets. The experimental results show that DSTH outperforms the others in all datasets

    ForestHash: Semantic Hashing With Shallow Random Forests and Tiny Convolutional Networks

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    Hash codes are efficient data representations for coping with the ever growing amounts of data. In this paper, we introduce a random forest semantic hashing scheme that embeds tiny convolutional neural networks (CNN) into shallow random forests, with near-optimal information-theoretic code aggregation among trees. We start with a simple hashing scheme, where random trees in a forest act as hashing functions by setting `1' for the visited tree leaf, and `0' for the rest. We show that traditional random forests fail to generate hashes that preserve the underlying similarity between the trees, rendering the random forests approach to hashing challenging. To address this, we propose to first randomly group arriving classes at each tree split node into two groups, obtaining a significantly simplified two-class classification problem, which can be handled using a light-weight CNN weak learner. Such random class grouping scheme enables code uniqueness by enforcing each class to share its code with different classes in different trees. A non-conventional low-rank loss is further adopted for the CNN weak learners to encourage code consistency by minimizing intra-class variations and maximizing inter-class distance for the two random class groups. Finally, we introduce an information-theoretic approach for aggregating codes of individual trees into a single hash code, producing a near-optimal unique hash for each class. The proposed approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art hashing methods for image retrieval tasks on large-scale public datasets, while performing at the level of other state-of-the-art image classification techniques while utilizing a more compact and efficient scalable representation. This work proposes a principled and robust procedure to train and deploy in parallel an ensemble of light-weight CNNs, instead of simply going deeper.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 201

    Variational Deep Semantic Hashing for Text Documents

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    As the amount of textual data has been rapidly increasing over the past decade, efficient similarity search methods have become a crucial component of large-scale information retrieval systems. A popular strategy is to represent original data samples by compact binary codes through hashing. A spectrum of machine learning methods have been utilized, but they often lack expressiveness and flexibility in modeling to learn effective representations. The recent advances of deep learning in a wide range of applications has demonstrated its capability to learn robust and powerful feature representations for complex data. Especially, deep generative models naturally combine the expressiveness of probabilistic generative models with the high capacity of deep neural networks, which is very suitable for text modeling. However, little work has leveraged the recent progress in deep learning for text hashing. In this paper, we propose a series of novel deep document generative models for text hashing. The first proposed model is unsupervised while the second one is supervised by utilizing document labels/tags for hashing. The third model further considers document-specific factors that affect the generation of words. The probabilistic generative formulation of the proposed models provides a principled framework for model extension, uncertainty estimation, simulation, and interpretability. Based on variational inference and reparameterization, the proposed models can be interpreted as encoder-decoder deep neural networks and thus they are capable of learning complex nonlinear distributed representations of the original documents. We conduct a comprehensive set of experiments on four public testbeds. The experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed supervised learning models for text hashing.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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