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    Estimating the pose, orientation and the location of objects has been a central problem addressed by the computer vision community for decades. In this dissertation, we propose new approaches for these important problems using deep neural networks as well as tree-based regression models. For the first topic, we look at the human body pose estimation problem and propose a novel regression-based approach. The goal of human body pose estimation is to predict the locations of body joints, given an image of a person. Due to significant variations introduced by pose, clothing and body styles, it is extremely difficult to address this task by a standard application of the regression method. Thus, we address this task by dividing the whole body pose estimation problem into a set of local pose estimation problems by introducing a dependency graph which describes the dependency among different body joints. For each local pose estimation problem, we train a boosted regression tree model and estimate the pose by progressively applying the regression along the paths in a dependency graph starting from the root node. Our next work is on improving the traditional regression tree method and demonstrate its effectiveness for pose/orientation estimation tasks. The main issues of the traditional regression training are, 1) the node splitting is limited to binary splitting, 2) the form of the splitting function is limited to thresholding on a single dimension of the input vector and 3) the best splitting function is found by exhaustive search. We propose a novel node splitting algorithm for regression tree training which does not have the issues mentioned above. The algorithm proceeds by first applying k-means clustering in the output space, conducting multi-class classification by support vector machine (SVM) and determining the constant estimate at each leaf node. We apply the regression forest that includes our regression tree models to head pose estimation, car orientation estimation and pedestrian orientation estimation tasks and demonstrate its superiority over various standard regression methods. Next, we turn our attention to the role of pose information for the object detection task. In particular, we focus on the detection of fashion items a person is wearing or carrying. It is clear that the locations of these items are strongly correlated with the pose of the person. To address this task, we first generate a set of candidate bounding boxes by using an object proposal algorithm. For each candidate bounding box, image features are extracted by a deep convolutional neural network pre-trained on a large image dataset and the detection scores are generated by SVMs. We introduce a pose-dependent prior on the geometry of the bounding boxes and combine it with the SVM scores. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves significant improvement in the detection performance. Lastly, we address the object detection task by exploring a way to incorporate an attention mechanism into the detection algorithm. Humans have the capability of allocating multiple fixation points, each of which attends to different locations and scales of the scene. However, such a mechanism is missing in the current state-of-the-art object detection methods. Inspired by the human vision system, we propose a novel deep network architecture that imitates this attention mechanism. For detecting objects in an image, the network adaptively places a sequence of glimpses at different locations in the image. Evidences of the presence of an object and its location are extracted from these glimpses, which are then fused for estimating the object class and bounding box coordinates. Due to the lack of ground truth annotations for the visual attention mechanism, we train our network using a reinforcement learning algorithm. Experiment results on standard object detection benchmarks show that the proposed network consistently outperforms the baseline networks that do not employ the attention mechanism

    Deep Directional Statistics: Pose Estimation with Uncertainty Quantification

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    Modern deep learning systems successfully solve many perception tasks such as object pose estimation when the input image is of high quality. However, in challenging imaging conditions such as on low-resolution images or when the image is corrupted by imaging artifacts, current systems degrade considerably in accuracy. While a loss in performance is unavoidable, we would like our models to quantify their uncertainty in order to achieve robustness against images of varying quality. Probabilistic deep learning models combine the expressive power of deep learning with uncertainty quantification. In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic deep learning model for the task of angular regression. Our model uses von Mises distributions to predict a distribution over object pose angle. Whereas a single von Mises distribution is making strong assumptions about the shape of the distribution, we extend the basic model to predict a mixture of von Mises distributions. We show how to learn a mixture model using a finite and infinite number of mixture components. Our model allows for likelihood-based training and efficient inference at test time. We demonstrate on a number of challenging pose estimation datasets that our model produces calibrated probability predictions and competitive or superior point estimates compared to the current state-of-the-art

    Multi-view Face Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this paper we consider the problem of multi-view face detection. While there has been significant research on this problem, current state-of-the-art approaches for this task require annotation of facial landmarks, e.g. TSM [25], or annotation of face poses [28, 22]. They also require training dozens of models to fully capture faces in all orientations, e.g. 22 models in HeadHunter method [22]. In this paper we propose Deep Dense Face Detector (DDFD), a method that does not require pose/landmark annotation and is able to detect faces in a wide range of orientations using a single model based on deep convolutional neural networks. The proposed method has minimal complexity; unlike other recent deep learning object detection methods [9], it does not require additional components such as segmentation, bounding-box regression, or SVM classifiers. Furthermore, we analyzed scores of the proposed face detector for faces in different orientations and found that 1) the proposed method is able to detect faces from different angles and can handle occlusion to some extent, 2) there seems to be a correlation between dis- tribution of positive examples in the training set and scores of the proposed face detector. The latter suggests that the proposed methods performance can be further improved by using better sampling strategies and more sophisticated data augmentation techniques. Evaluations on popular face detection benchmark datasets show that our single-model face detector algorithm has similar or better performance compared to the previous methods, which are more complex and require annotations of either different poses or facial landmarks.Comment: in International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2015 (ICMR

    Convolutional Networks for Object Category and 3D Pose Estimation from 2D Images

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    Current CNN-based algorithms for recovering the 3D pose of an object in an image assume knowledge about both the object category and its 2D localization in the image. In this paper, we relax one of these constraints and propose to solve the task of joint object category and 3D pose estimation from an image assuming known 2D localization. We design a new architecture for this task composed of a feature network that is shared between subtasks, an object categorization network built on top of the feature network, and a collection of category dependent pose regression networks. We also introduce suitable loss functions and a training method for the new architecture. Experiments on the challenging PASCAL3D+ dataset show state-of-the-art performance in the joint categorization and pose estimation task. Moreover, our performance on the joint task is comparable to the performance of state-of-the-art methods on the simpler 3D pose estimation with known object category task
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