9 research outputs found

    Maximum Entropy Heterogeneous-Agent Mirror Learning

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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has been shown effective for cooperative games in recent years. However, existing state-of-the-art methods face challenges related to sample inefficiency, brittleness regarding hyperparameters, and the risk of converging to a suboptimal Nash Equilibrium. To resolve these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel theoretical framework, named Maximum Entropy Heterogeneous-Agent Mirror Learning (MEHAML), that leverages the maximum entropy principle to design maximum entropy MARL actor-critic algorithms. We prove that algorithms derived from the MEHAML framework enjoy the desired properties of the monotonic improvement of the joint maximum entropy objective and the convergence to quantal response equilibrium (QRE). The practicality of MEHAML is demonstrated by developing a MEHAML extension of the widely used RL algorithm, HASAC (for soft actor-critic), which shows significant improvements in exploration and robustness on three challenging benchmarks: Multi-Agent MuJoCo, StarCraftII, and Google Research Football. Our results show that HASAC outperforms strong baseline methods such as HATD3, HAPPO, QMIX, and MAPPO, thereby establishing the new state of the art. See our project page at https://sites.google.com/view/mehaml

    A Policy Gradient Algorithm for Learning to Learn in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning

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    A fundamental challenge in multiagent reinforcement learning is to learn beneficial behaviors in a shared environment with other simultaneously learning agents. In particular, each agent perceives the environment as effectively non-stationary due to the changing policies of other agents. Moreover, each agent is itself constantly learning, leading to natural non-stationarity in the distribution of experiences encountered. In this paper, we propose a novel meta-multiagent policy gradient theorem that directly accounts for the non-stationary policy dynamics inherent to multiagent learning settings. This is achieved by modeling our gradient updates to consider both an agent's own non-stationary policy dynamics and the non-stationary policy dynamics of other agents in the environment. We show that our theoretically grounded approach provides a general solution to the multiagent learning problem, which inherently comprises all key aspects of previous state of the art approaches on this topic. We test our method on a diverse suite of multiagent benchmarks and demonstrate a more efficient ability to adapt to new agents as they learn than baseline methods across the full spectrum of mixed incentive, competitive, and cooperative domains.Comment: Accepted to ICML 2021. Code at https://github.com/dkkim93/meta-mapg and Videos at https://sites.google.com/view/meta-mapg/hom

    Learning in Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Games with Potentials

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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has become effective in tackling discrete cooperative game scenarios. However, MARL has yet to penetrate settings beyond those modelled by team and zero-sum games, confining it to a small subset of multi-agent systems. In this paper, we introduce a new generation of MARL learners that can handle nonzero-sum payoff structures and continuous settings. In particular, we study the MARL problem in a class of games known as stochastic potential games (SPGs) with continuous state-action spaces. Unlike cooperative games, in which all agents share a common reward, SPGs are capable of modelling real-world scenarios where agents seek to fulfil their individual goals. We prove theoretically our learning method, SPot-AC, enables independent agents to learn Nash equilibrium strategies in polynomial time. We demonstrate our framework tackles previously unsolvable tasks such as Coordination Navigation and large selfish routing games and that it outperforms the state of the art MARL baselines such as MADDPG and COMIX in such scenarios.Comment: ICML 202

    Monotonic Value Function Factorisation for Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    In many real-world settings, a team of agents must coordinate its behaviour while acting in a decentralised fashion. At the same time, it is often possible to train the agents in a centralised fashion where global state information is available and communication constraints are lifted. Learning joint action-values conditioned on extra state information is an attractive way to exploit centralised learning, but the best strategy for then extracting decentralised policies is unclear. Our solution is QMIX, a novel value-based method that can train decentralised policies in a centralised end-to-end fashion. QMIX employs a mixing network that estimates joint action-values as a monotonic combination of per-agent values. We structurally enforce that the joint-action value is monotonic in the per-agent values, through the use of non-negative weights in the mixing network, which guarantees consistency between the centralised and decentralised policies. To evaluate the performance of QMIX, we propose the StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) as a new benchmark for deep multi-agent reinforcement learning. We evaluate QMIX on a challenging set of SMAC scenarios and show that it significantly outperforms existing multi-agent reinforcement learning methods.Comment: Extended version of the ICML 2018 conference paper (arXiv:1803.11485

    Regularized Softmax Deep Multi-Agent Q-Learning

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    Tackling overestimation in Q-learning is an important problem that has been extensively studied in single-agent reinforcement learning, but has received comparatively little attention in the multi-agent setting. In this work, we empirically demonstrate that QMIX, a popular Q-learning algorithm for cooperative multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL), suffers from a more severe overestimation in practice than previously acknowledged, and is not mitigated by existing approaches. We rectify this with a novel regularization-based update scheme that penalizes large joint action-values that deviate from a baseline and demonstrate its effectiveness in stabilizing learning. Furthermore, we propose to employ a softmax operator, which we efficiently approximate in a novel way in the multiagent setting, to further reduce the potential overestimation bias. Our approach, Regularized Softmax (RES) Deep Multi-Agent Q-Learning, is general and can be applied to any Q-learning based MARL algorithm. We demonstrate that, when applied to QMIX, RES avoids severe overestimation and significantly improves performance, yielding state-of-the-art results in a variety of cooperative multi-agent tasks, including the challenging StarCraft II micromanagement benchmarks