419 research outputs found

    Data Collection and Machine Learning Methods for Automated Pedestrian Facility Detection and Mensuration

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    Large-scale collection of pedestrian facility (crosswalks, sidewalks, etc.) presence data is vital to the success of efforts to improve pedestrian facility management, safety analysis, and road network planning. However, this kind of data is typically not available on a large scale due to the high labor and time costs that are the result of relying on manual data collection methods. Therefore, methods for automating this process using techniques such as machine learning are currently being explored by researchers. In our work, we mainly focus on machine learning methods for the detection of crosswalks and sidewalks from both aerial and street-view imagery. We test data from these two viewpoints individually and with an ensemble method that we refer to as our “dual-perspective prediction model”. In order to obtain this data, we developed a data collection pipeline that combines crowdsourced pedestrian facility location data with aerial and street-view imagery from Bing Maps. In addition to the Convolutional Neural Network used to perform pedestrian facility detection using this data, we also trained a segmentation network to measure the length and width of crosswalks from aerial images. In our tests with a dual-perspective image dataset that was heavily occluded in the aerial view but relatively clear in the street view, our dual-perspective prediction model was able to increase prediction accuracy, recall, and precision by 49%, 383%, and 15%, respectively (compared to using a single perspective model based on only aerial view images). In our tests with satellite imagery provided by the Mississippi Department of Transportation, we were able to achieve accuracies as high as 99.23%, 91.26%, and 93.7% for aerial crosswalk detection, aerial sidewalk detection, and aerial crosswalk mensuration, respectively. The final system that we developed packages all of our machine learning models into an easy-to-use system that enables users to process large batches of imagery or examine individual images in a directory using a graphical interface. Our data collection and filtering guidelines can also be used to guide future research in this area by establishing standards for data quality and labelling

    Copycat CNN: Stealing Knowledge by Persuading Confession with Random Non-Labeled Data

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    In the past few years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been achieving state-of-the-art performance on a variety of problems. Many companies employ resources and money to generate these models and provide them as an API, therefore it is in their best interest to protect them, i.e., to avoid that someone else copies them. Recent studies revealed that state-of-the-art CNNs are vulnerable to adversarial examples attacks, and this weakness indicates that CNNs do not need to operate in the problem domain (PD). Therefore, we hypothesize that they also do not need to be trained with examples of the PD in order to operate in it. Given these facts, in this paper, we investigate if a target black-box CNN can be copied by persuading it to confess its knowledge through random non-labeled data. The copy is two-fold: i) the target network is queried with random data and its predictions are used to create a fake dataset with the knowledge of the network; and ii) a copycat network is trained with the fake dataset and should be able to achieve similar performance as the target network. This hypothesis was evaluated locally in three problems (facial expression, object, and crosswalk classification) and against a cloud-based API. In the copy attacks, images from both non-problem domain and PD were used. All copycat networks achieved at least 93.7% of the performance of the original models with non-problem domain data, and at least 98.6% using additional data from the PD. Additionally, the copycat CNN successfully copied at least 97.3% of the performance of the Microsoft Azure Emotion API. Our results show that it is possible to create a copycat CNN by simply querying a target network as black-box with random non-labeled data.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted by IJCNN 201

    Automating Intersection Marking Data Collection and Condition Assessment at Scale With An Artificial Intelligence-Powered System

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    Intersection markings play a vital role in providing road users with guidance and information. The conditions of intersection markings will be gradually degrading due to vehicular traffic, rain, and/or snowplowing. Degraded markings can confuse drivers, leading to increased risk of traffic crashes. Timely obtaining high-quality information of intersection markings lays a foundation for making informed decisions in safety management and maintenance prioritization. However, current labor-intensive and high-cost data collection practices make it very challenging to gather intersection data on a large scale. This paper develops an automated system to intelligently detect intersection markings and to assess their degradation conditions with existing roadway Geographic information systems (GIS) data and aerial images. The system harnesses emerging artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as deep learning and multi-task learning to enhance its robustness, accuracy, and computational efficiency. AI models were developed to detect lane-use arrows (85% mean average precision) and crosswalks (89% mean average precision) and to assess the degradation conditions of markings (91% overall accuracy for lane-use arrows and 83% for crosswalks). Data acquisition and computer vision modules developed were integrated and a graphical user interface (GUI) was built for the system. The proposed system can fully automate the processes of marking data collection and condition assessment on a large scale with almost zero cost and short processing time. The developed system has great potential to propel urban science forward by providing fundamental urban infrastructure data for analysis and decision-making across various critical areas such as data-driven safety management and prioritization of infrastructure maintenance

    A Systematic Review of Urban Navigation Systems for Visually Impaired People

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    Blind and Visually impaired people (BVIP) face a range of practical difficulties when undertaking outdoor journeys as pedestrians. Over the past decade, a variety of assistive devices have been researched and developed to help BVIP navigate more safely and independently. In~addition, research in overlapping domains are addressing the problem of automatic environment interpretation using computer vision and machine learning, particularly deep learning, approaches. Our aim in this article is to present a comprehensive review of research directly in, or relevant to, assistive outdoor navigation for BVIP. We breakdown the navigation area into a series of navigation phases and tasks. We then use this structure for our systematic review of research, analysing articles, methods, datasets and current limitations by task. We also provide an overview of commercial and non-commercial navigation applications targeted at BVIP. Our review contributes to the body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive, structured analysis of work in the domain, including the state of the art, and guidance on future directions. It will support both researchers and other stakeholders in the domain to establish an informed view of research progress

    Effortless Deep Training for Traffic Sign Detection Using Templates and Arbitrary Natural Images

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    Deep learning has been successfully applied to several problems related to autonomous driving. Often, these solutions rely on large networks that require databases of real image samples of the problem (i.e., real world) for proper training. The acquisition of such real-world data sets is not always possible in the autonomous driving context, and sometimes their annotation is not feasible (e.g., takes too long or is too expensive). Moreover, in many tasks, there is an intrinsic data imbalance that most learning-based methods struggle to cope with. It turns out that traffic sign detection is a problem in which these three issues are seen altogether. In this work, we propose a novel database generation method that requires only (i) arbitrary natural images, i.e., requires no real image from the domain of interest, and (ii) templates of the traffic signs, i.e., templates synthetically created to illustrate the appearance of the category of a traffic sign. The effortlessly generated training database is shown to be effective for the training of a deep detector (such as Faster R-CNN) on German traffic signs, achieving 95.66% of mAP on average. In addition, the proposed method is able to detect traffic signs with an average precision, recall and F1-score of about 94%, 91% and 93%, respectively. The experiments surprisingly show that detectors can be trained with simple data generation methods and without problem domain data for the background, which is in the opposite direction of the common sense for deep learning
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