26 research outputs found

    Deep HyperNetwork-Based MIMO Detection

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    Optimal symbol detection for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems is known to be an NP-hard problem. Conventional heuristic algorithms are either too complex to be practical or suffer from poor performance. Recently, several approaches tried to address those challenges by implementing the detector as a deep neural network. However, they either still achieve unsatisfying performance on practical spatially correlated channels, or are computationally demanding since they require retraining for each channel realization. In this work, we address both issues by training an additional neural network (NN), referred to as the hypernetwork, which takes as input the channel matrix and generates the weights of the neural NN-based detector. Results show that the proposed approach achieves near state-of-the-art performance without the need for re-training

    HyperRNN: Deep Learning-Aided Downlink CSI Acquisition via Partial Channel Reciprocity for FDD Massive MIMO

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    In order to unlock the full advantages of massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) in the downlink, channel state information (CSI) is required at the base station (BS) to optimize the beamforming matrices. In frequency division duplex (FDD) systems, full channel reciprocity does not hold, and CSI acquisition generally requires downlink pilot transmission followed by uplink feedback. Prior work proposed the end-to-end design of pilot transmission, feedback, and CSI estimation via deep learning. In this work, we introduce an enhanced end-to-end design that leverages partial uplink-downlink reciprocity and temporal correlation of the fading processes by utilizing jointly downlink and uplink pilots. The proposed method is based on a novel deep learning architecture -- HyperRNN -- that combines hypernetworks and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to optimize the transfer of long-term channel features from uplink to downlink. Simulation results demonstrate that the HyperRNN achieves a lower normalized mean square error (NMSE) performance, and that it reduces requirements in terms of pilot lengths.Comment: To be presented at SPAWC 202

    On Investigations of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for MIMO Detection

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    This paper reviews in detail the various types of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) detector algorithms. The current MIMO detectors are not suitable for massive MIMO (mMIMO) scenarios where there are a large number of antennas. Their performance degrades with the increase in number of antennas in the MIMO system. For combatting the issues, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) based detection algorithms are being researched and developed. An extensive survey of these detectors is provided in this paper, alongwith their advantages and challenges. The issues discussed have to be resolved before using them for final deployment

    Domain Generalization in Machine Learning Models for Wireless Communications: Concepts, State-of-the-Art, and Open Issues

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    Data-driven machine learning (ML) is promoted as one potential technology to be used in next-generations wireless systems. This led to a large body of research work that applies ML techniques to solve problems in different layers of the wireless transmission link. However, most of these applications rely on supervised learning which assumes that the source (training) and target (test) data are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d). This assumption is often violated in the real world due to domain or distribution shifts between the source and the target data. Thus, it is important to ensure that these algorithms generalize to out-of-distribution (OOD) data. In this context, domain generalization (DG) tackles the OOD-related issues by learning models on different and distinct source domains/datasets with generalization capabilities to unseen new domains without additional finetuning. Motivated by the importance of DG requirements for wireless applications, we present a comprehensive overview of the recent developments in DG and the different sources of domain shift. We also summarize the existing DG methods and review their applications in selected wireless communication problems, and conclude with insights and open questions

    Adaptive KalmanNet: Data-Driven Kalman Filter with Fast Adaptation

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    Combining the classical Kalman filter (KF) with a deep neural network (DNN) enables tracking in partially known state space (SS) models. A major limitation of current DNN-aided designs stems from the need to train them to filter data originating from a specific distribution and underlying SS model. Consequently, changes in the model parameters may require lengthy retraining. While the KF adapts through parameter tuning, the black-box nature of DNNs makes identifying tunable components difficult. Hence, we propose Adaptive KalmanNet (AKNet), a DNN-aided KF that can adapt to changes in the SS model without retraining. Inspired by recent advances in large language model fine-tuning paradigms, AKNet uses a compact hypernetwork to generate context-dependent modulation weights. Numerical evaluation shows that AKNet provides consistent state estimation performance across a continuous range of noise distributions, even when trained using data from limited noise settings

    Neuromorphic Wireless Cognition: Event-Driven Semantic Communications for Remote Inference

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    New Environment Adaptation with Few Shots for OFDM Receiver and mmWave Beamforming

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    Few-shot learning (FSL) enables adaptation to new tasks with only limited training data. In wireless communications, channel environments can vary drastically; therefore, FSL techniques can quickly adjust transceiver accordingly. In this paper, we develop two FSL frameworks that fit in wireless transceiver design. Both frameworks are base on optimization programs that can be solved by well-known algorithms like the inexact alternating direction method of multipliers (iADMM) and the inexact alternating direction method (iADM). As examples, we demonstrate how the proposed two FSL frameworks are used for the OFDM receiver and beamforming (BF) for the millimeter wave (mmWave) system. The numerical experiments confirm their desirable performance in both applications compared to other popular approaches, such as transfer learning (TL) and model-agnostic meta-learning

    Hybrid Driven Learning for Channel Estimation in Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Millimeter Wave Communications

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    Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) have been proposed in millimeter wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) systems to achieve both coverage and capacity enhancement, where the design of hybrid precoders, combiners, and the IRS typically relies on channel state information. In this paper, we address the problem of uplink wideband channel estimation for IRS aided multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) systems with hybrid architectures. Combining the structure of model driven and data driven deep learning approaches, a hybrid driven learning architecture is devised for joint estimation and learning the properties of the channels. For a passive IRS aided system, we propose a residual learned approximate message passing as a model driven network. A denoising and attention network in the data driven network is used to jointly learn spatial and frequency features. Furthermore, we design a flexible hybrid driven network in a hybrid passive and active IRS aided system. Specifically, the depthwise separable convolution is applied to the data driven network, leading to less network complexity and fewer parameters at the IRS side. Numerical results indicate that in both systems, the proposed hybrid driven channel estimation methods significantly outperform existing deep learning-based schemes and effectively reduce the pilot overhead by about 60% in IRS aided systems.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE transactions on wireless communications on December 13, 202

    Investigation of the performance of multi-input multi-output detectors based on deep learning in non-Gaussian environments

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    The next generation of wireless cellular communication networks must be energy efficient, extremely reliable, and have low latency, leading to the necessity of using algorithms based on deep neural networks (DNN) which have better bit error rate (BER) or symbol error rate (SER) performance than traditional complex multi-antenna or multi-input multi-output (MIMO) detectors. This paper examines deep neural networks and deep iterative detectors such as OAMP-Net based on information theory criteria such as maximum correntropy criterion (MCC) for the implementation of MIMO detectors in non-Gaussian environments, and the results illustrate that the proposed method has better BER or SER performance