18 research outputs found

    Deep BCD-Net Using Identical Encoding-Decoding CNN Structures for Iterative Image Recovery

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    In "extreme" computational imaging that collects extremely undersampled or noisy measurements, obtaining an accurate image within a reasonable computing time is challenging. Incorporating image mapping convolutional neural networks (CNN) into iterative image recovery has great potential to resolve this issue. This paper 1) incorporates image mapping CNN using identical convolutional kernels in both encoders and decoders into a block coordinate descent (BCD) signal recovery method and 2) applies alternating direction method of multipliers to train the aforementioned image mapping CNN. We refer to the proposed recurrent network as BCD-Net using identical encoding-decoding CNN structures. Numerical experiments show that, for a) denoising low signal-to-noise-ratio images and b) extremely undersampled magnetic resonance imaging, the proposed BCD-Net achieves significantly more accurate image recovery, compared to BCD-Net using distinct encoding-decoding structures and/or the conventional image recovery model using both wavelets and total variation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral2Spectral: Image-spectral Similarity Assisted Spectral CT Deep Reconstruction without Reference

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    The photon-counting detector (PCD) based spectral computed tomography attracts much more attentions since it has the capability to provide more accurate identification and quantitative analysis for biomedical materials. The limited number of photons within narrow energy-bin leads to low signal-noise ratio data. The existing supervised deep reconstruction networks for CT reconstruction are difficult to address these challenges. In this paper, we propose an iterative deep reconstruction network to synergize model and data priors into a unified framework, named as Spectral2Spectral. Our Spectral2Spectral employs an unsupervised deep training strategy to obtain high-quality images from noisy data with an end-to-end fashion. The structural similarity prior within image-spectral domain is refined as a regularization term to further constrain the network training. The weights of neural network are automatically updated to capture image features and structures with iterative process. Three large-scale preclinical datasets experiments demonstrate that the Spectral2spectral reconstruct better image quality than other state-of-the-art methods

    Convolutional Analysis Operator Learning: Dependence on Training Data

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    Convolutional analysis operator learning (CAOL) enables the unsupervised training of (hierarchical) convolutional sparsifying operators or autoencoders from large datasets. One can use many training images for CAOL, but a precise understanding of the impact of doing so has remained an open question. This paper presents a series of results that lend insight into the impact of dataset size on the filter update in CAOL. The first result is a general deterministic bound on errors in the estimated filters, and is followed by a bound on the expected errors as the number of training samples increases. The second result provides a high probability analogue. The bounds depend on properties of the training data, and we investigate their empirical values with real data. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the potential benefit of using more training data in CAOL.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Deep Radon Prior: A Fully Unsupervised Framework for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction

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    Although sparse-view computed tomography (CT) has significantly reduced radiation dose, it also introduces severe artifacts which degrade the image quality. In recent years, deep learning-based methods for inverse problems have made remarkable progress and have become increasingly popular in CT reconstruction. However, most of these methods suffer several limitations: dependence on high-quality training data, weak interpretability, etc. In this study, we propose a fully unsupervised framework called Deep Radon Prior (DRP), inspired by Deep Image Prior (DIP), to address the aforementioned limitations. DRP introduces a neural network as an implicit prior into the iterative method, thereby realizing cross-domain gradient feedback. During the reconstruction process, the neural network is progressively optimized in multiple stages to narrow the solution space in radon domain for the under-constrained imaging protocol, and the convergence of the proposed method has been discussed in this work. Compared with the popular pre-trained method, the proposed framework requires no dataset and exhibits superior interpretability and generalization ability. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can generate detailed images while effectively suppressing image artifacts.Meanwhile, DRP achieves comparable or better performance than the supervised methods.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, Journal pape

    Neural networks-based regularization for large-scale medical image reconstruction

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    In this paper we present a generalized Deep Learning-based approach for solving ill-posed large-scale inverse problems occuring in medical image reconstruction. Recently, Deep Learning methods using iterative neural networks (NNs) and cascaded NNs have been reported to achieve state-of-the-art results with respect to various quantitative quality measures as PSNR, NRMSE and SSIM across different imaging modalities. However, the fact that these approaches employ the application of the forward and adjoint operators repeatedly in the network architecture requires the network to process the whole images or volumes at once, which for some applications is computationally infeasible. In this work, we follow a different reconstruction strategy by strictly separating the application of the NN, the regularization of the solution and the consistency with the measured data. The regularization is given in the form of an image prior obtained by the output of a previously trained NN which is used in a Tikhonov regularization framework. By doing so, more complex and sophisticated network architectures can be used for the removal of the artefacts or noise than it is usually the case in iterative NNs. Due to the large scale of the considered problems and the resulting computational complexity of the employed networks, the priors are obtained by processing the images or volumes as patches or slices. We evaluated the method for the cases of 3D cone-beam low dose CT and undersampled 2D radial cine MRI and compared it to a total variation-minimization-based reconstruction algorithm as well as to a method with regularization based on learned overcomplete dictionaries. The proposed method outperformed all the reported methods with respect to all chosen quantitative measures and further accelerates the regularization step in the reconstruction by several orders of magnitude