3 research outputs found

    Helly EPT graphs on bounded degree trees : Characterization and recognition

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    The edge-intersection graph of a family of paths on a host tree is called an EPT graph. When the tree has maximum degree h, we say that the graph is [h, 2, 2]. If, in addition, the family of paths satisfies the Helly property, then the graph is Helly [h, 2, 2]. In this paper, we present a family of EPT graphs called gates which are forbidden induced subgraphs for [h, 2, 2] graphs. Using these we characterize by forbidden induced subgraphs the Helly [h, 2, 2] graphs. As a byproduct we prove that in getting a Helly EPT -representation, it is not necessary to increase the maximum degree of the host tree. In addition, we give an efficient algorithm to recognize Helly [h, 2, 2] graphs based on their decomposition by maximal clique separators.Departamento de Matem谩tic

    Decomposition by maxclique separators

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    We present a minimal counterexample to an O(|V||E|) algorithm for decomposing a graph G=(V,E) by maximal cliques proposed by R. Tarjan. We also present a modification to this algorithm which is correct while retaining its O(|V||E|) complexity