621 research outputs found

    Irregular polar coding for complexity-constrained lightwave systems

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    Next-generation fiber-optic communications call for ultra-reliable forward error correction codes that are capable of low-power and low-latency decoding. In this paper, we propose a new class of polar codes, whose polarization units are irregularly pruned to reduce computational complexity and decoding latency without sacrificing error correction performance. We then experimentally demonstrate that the proposed irregular polar codes can outperform state-of-the-art low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, while decoding complexity and latency can be reduced by at least 30% and 70%, respectively, versus regular polar codes, while also obtaining a marginal performance improvement

    How to Achieve the Capacity of Asymmetric Channels

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    We survey coding techniques that enable reliable transmission at rates that approach the capacity of an arbitrary discrete memoryless channel. In particular, we take the point of view of modern coding theory and discuss how recent advances in coding for symmetric channels help provide more efficient solutions for the asymmetric case. We consider, in more detail, three basic coding paradigms. The first one is Gallager's scheme that consists of concatenating a linear code with a non-linear mapping so that the input distribution can be appropriately shaped. We explicitly show that both polar codes and spatially coupled codes can be employed in this scenario. Furthermore, we derive a scaling law between the gap to capacity, the cardinality of the input and output alphabets, and the required size of the mapper. The second one is an integrated scheme in which the code is used both for source coding, in order to create codewords distributed according to the capacity-achieving input distribution, and for channel coding, in order to provide error protection. Such a technique has been recently introduced by Honda and Yamamoto in the context of polar codes, and we show how to apply it also to the design of sparse graph codes. The third paradigm is based on an idea of B\"ocherer and Mathar, and separates the two tasks of source coding and channel coding by a chaining construction that binds together several codewords. We present conditions for the source code and the channel code, and we describe how to combine any source code with any channel code that fulfill those conditions, in order to provide capacity-achieving schemes for asymmetric channels. In particular, we show that polar codes, spatially coupled codes, and homophonic codes are suitable as basic building blocks of the proposed coding strategy.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, presented in part at Allerton'14 and published in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Construction of Capacity-Achieving Lattice Codes: Polar Lattices

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    In this paper, we propose a new class of lattices constructed from polar codes, namely polar lattices, to achieve the capacity \frac{1}{2}\log(1+\SNR) of the additive white Gaussian-noise (AWGN) channel. Our construction follows the multilevel approach of Forney \textit{et al.}, where we construct a capacity-achieving polar code on each level. The component polar codes are shown to be naturally nested, thereby fulfilling the requirement of the multilevel lattice construction. We prove that polar lattices are \emph{AWGN-good}. Furthermore, using the technique of source polarization, we propose discrete Gaussian shaping over the polar lattice to satisfy the power constraint. Both the construction and shaping are explicit, and the overall complexity of encoding and decoding is O(NlogN)O(N\log N) for any fixed target error probability.Comment: full version of the paper to appear in IEEE Trans. Communication

    Approximate quantum error correction for generalized amplitude damping errors

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    We present analytic estimates of the performances of various approximate quantum error correction schemes for the generalized amplitude damping (GAD) qubit channel. Specifically, we consider both stabilizer and nonadditive quantum codes. The performance of such error-correcting schemes is quantified by means of the entanglement fidelity as a function of the damping probability and the non-zero environmental temperature. The recovery scheme employed throughout our work applies, in principle, to arbitrary quantum codes and is the analogue of the perfect Knill-Laflamme recovery scheme adapted to the approximate quantum error correction framework for the GAD error model. We also analytically recover and/or clarify some previously known numerical results in the limiting case of vanishing temperature of the environment, the well-known traditional amplitude damping channel. In addition, our study suggests that degenerate stabilizer codes and self-complementary nonadditive codes are especially suitable for the error correction of the GAD noise model. Finally, comparing the properly normalized entanglement fidelities of the best performant stabilizer and nonadditive codes characterized by the same length, we show that nonadditive codes outperform stabilizer codes not only in terms of encoded dimension but also in terms of entanglement fidelity.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, improved v