5,354 research outputs found

    Decoding Strategies at the Relay with Physical-Layer Network Coding

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.A two-way relay channel is considered where two users exchange information via a common relay in two transmission phases using physical-layer network coding (PNC). We consider an optimal decoding strategy at the relay to decode the network coded sequence during the first transmission phase, which is approximately implemented using a list decoding (LD) algorithm. The algorithm jointly decodes the codewords transmitted by the two users and sorts the L most likely pair of sequences in the order of decreasing a-posteriori probabilities, based on which, estimates of the most likely network coded sequences and the decoding results are obtained. Using several examples, it is observed that a lower complexity alternative, that jointly decodes the two transmitted codewords, has a performance similar to the LD based decoding and offers a near-optimal performance in terms of the error rates corresponding to the XOR of the two decoded sequences. To analyze the error rate at the relay, an analytical approximation of the word-error rate using the joint decoding (JD) scheme is evaluated over an AWGN channel using an approach that remains valid for the general case of two users adopting different codebooks and using different power levels. We further extend our study to frequency selective channels where two decoding approaches at the relay are investigated, namely; a trellis based joint channel detector/physical-layer network coded sequence decoder (JCD/PNCD) which is shown to offer a near-optimal performance, and a reduced complexity channel detection based on a linear receiver with minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criterion which is particularly useful where the number of channel taps is large

    Coding for Relay Networks with Parallel Gaussian Channels

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    A wireless relay network consists of multiple source nodes, multiple destination nodes, and possibly many relay nodes in between to facilitate its transmission. It is clear that the performance of such networks highly depends on information for- warding strategies adopted at the relay nodes. This dissertation studies a particular information forwarding strategy called compute-and-forward. Compute-and-forward is a novel paradigm that tries to incorporate the idea of network coding within the physical layer and hence is often referred to as physical layer network coding. The main idea is to exploit the superposition nature of the wireless medium to directly compute or decode functions of transmitted signals at intermediate relays in a net- work. Thus, the coding performed at the physical layer serves the purpose of error correction as well as permits recovery of functions of transmitted signals. For the bidirectional relaying problem with Gaussian channels, it has been shown by Wilson et al. and Nam et al. that the compute-and-forward paradigm is asymptotically optimal and achieves the capacity region to within 1 bit; however, similar results beyond the memoryless case are still lacking. This is mainly because channels with memory would destroy the lattice structure that is most crucial for the compute-and-forward paradigm. Hence, how to extend compute-and-forward to such channels has been a challenging issue. This motivates this study of the extension of compute-and-forward to channels with memory, such as inter-symbol interference. The bidirectional relaying problem with parallel Gaussian channels is also studied, which is a relevant model for the Gaussian bidirectional channel with inter-symbol interference and that with multiple-input multiple-output channels. Motivated by the recent success of linear finite-field deterministic model, we first investigate the corresponding deterministic parallel bidirectional relay channel and fully characterize its capacity region. Two compute-and-forward schemes are then proposed for the Gaussian model and the capacity region is approximately characterized to within a constant gap. The design of coding schemes for the compute-and-forward paradigm with low decoding complexity is then considered. Based on the separation-based framework proposed previously by Tunali et al., this study proposes a family of constellations that are suitable for the compute-and-forward paradigm. Moreover, by using Chinese remainder theorem, it is shown that the proposed constellations are isomorphic to product fields and therefore can be put into a multilevel coding framework. This study then proposes multilevel coding for the proposed constellations and uses multistage decoding to further reduce decoding complexity

    Reliable Physical Layer Network Coding

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    When two or more users in a wireless network transmit simultaneously, their electromagnetic signals are linearly superimposed on the channel. As a result, a receiver that is interested in one of these signals sees the others as unwanted interference. This property of the wireless medium is typically viewed as a hindrance to reliable communication over a network. However, using a recently developed coding strategy, interference can in fact be harnessed for network coding. In a wired network, (linear) network coding refers to each intermediate node taking its received packets, computing a linear combination over a finite field, and forwarding the outcome towards the destinations. Then, given an appropriate set of linear combinations, a destination can solve for its desired packets. For certain topologies, this strategy can attain significantly higher throughputs over routing-based strategies. Reliable physical layer network coding takes this idea one step further: using judiciously chosen linear error-correcting codes, intermediate nodes in a wireless network can directly recover linear combinations of the packets from the observed noisy superpositions of transmitted signals. Starting with some simple examples, this survey explores the core ideas behind this new technique and the possibilities it offers for communication over interference-limited wireless networks.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, survey paper to appear in Proceedings of the IEE

    Compute-and-Forward: Harnessing Interference through Structured Codes

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    Interference is usually viewed as an obstacle to communication in wireless networks. This paper proposes a new strategy, compute-and-forward, that exploits interference to obtain significantly higher rates between users in a network. The key idea is that relays should decode linear functions of transmitted messages according to their observed channel coefficients rather than ignoring the interference as noise. After decoding these linear equations, the relays simply send them towards the destinations, which given enough equations, can recover their desired messages. The underlying codes are based on nested lattices whose algebraic structure ensures that integer combinations of codewords can be decoded reliably. Encoders map messages from a finite field to a lattice and decoders recover equations of lattice points which are then mapped back to equations over the finite field. This scheme is applicable even if the transmitters lack channel state information.Comment: IEEE Trans. Info Theory, to appear. 23 pages, 13 figure

    Network-Coded Multiple Access

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    This paper proposes and experimentally demonstrates a first wireless local area network (WLAN) system that jointly exploits physical-layer network coding (PNC) and multiuser decoding (MUD) to boost system throughput. We refer to this multiple access mode as Network-Coded Multiple Access (NCMA). Prior studies on PNC mostly focused on relay networks. NCMA is the first realized multiple access scheme that establishes the usefulness of PNC in a non-relay setting. NCMA allows multiple nodes to transmit simultaneously to the access point (AP) to boost throughput. In the non-relay setting, when two nodes A and B transmit to the AP simultaneously, the AP aims to obtain both packet A and packet B rather than their network-coded packet. An interesting question is whether network coding, specifically PNC which extracts packet (A XOR B), can still be useful in such a setting. We provide an affirmative answer to this question with a novel two-layer decoding approach amenable to real-time implementation. Our USRP prototype indicates that NCMA can boost throughput by 100% in the medium-high SNR regime (>=10dB). We believe further throughput enhancement is possible by allowing more than two users to transmit together

    Physical-layer Network Coding: A Random Coding Error Exponent Perspective

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    In this work, we derive the random coding error exponent for the uplink phase of a two-way relay system where physical layer network coding (PNC) is employed. The error exponent is derived for the practical (yet sub-optimum) XOR channel decoding setting. We show that the random coding error exponent under optimum (i.e., maximum likelihood) PNC channel decoding can be achieved even under the sub-optimal XOR channel decoding. The derived achievability bounds provide us with valuable insight and can be used as a benchmark for the performance of practical channel-coded PNC systems employing low complexity decoders when finite-length codewords are used.Comment: Submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 201