14,709 research outputs found

    Linear-Logic Based Analysis of Constraint Handling Rules with Disjunction

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    Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) is a declarative committed-choice programming language with a strong relationship to linear logic. Its generalization CHR with Disjunction (CHRv) is a multi-paradigm declarative programming language that allows the embedding of horn programs. We analyse the assets and the limitations of the classical declarative semantics of CHR before we motivate and develop a linear-logic declarative semantics for CHR and CHRv. We show how to apply the linear-logic semantics to decide program properties and to prove operational equivalence of CHRv programs across the boundaries of language paradigms

    An Integrated Development Environment for Declarative Multi-Paradigm Programming

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    In this paper we present CIDER (Curry Integrated Development EnviRonment), an analysis and programming environment for the declarative multi-paradigm language Curry. CIDER is a graphical environment to support the development of Curry programs by providing integrated tools for the analysis and visualization of programs. CIDER is completely implemented in Curry using libraries for GUI programming (based on Tcl/Tk) and meta-programming. An important aspect of our environment is the possible adaptation of the development environment to other declarative source languages (e.g., Prolog or Haskell) and the extensibility w.r.t. new analysis methods. To support the latter feature, the lazy evaluation strategy of the underlying implementation language Curry becomes quite useful.Comment: In A. Kusalik (ed), proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Logic Programming Environments (WLPE'01), December 1, 2001, Paphos, Cyprus. cs.PL/011104

    A Visual Notation for Declarative Behaviour Specification

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    Logical programming has many merits that should appeal to modellers. It enables declarative specifications that are free from implementation details and even (mostly) abstracts away from control flow specification. However, the textual syntax of, for example PROLOG, most likely represents a barrier to the adoption of such languages in the modelling community. The visual notation presented in this paper aims to facilitate the understanding of behaviour specifications based on logic programming. I anticipate that the dataflow-like nature of the resulting diagrams will appeal to modellers. I believe the visual notation to be an improvement over the traditional textual syntax for the purpose of specifying PROLOG programs as such, but the ultimate hope is to have found a vehicle to make declarative logic programming a commonplace activity in multi-paradigm modelling

    Scalable Declarative HEP Analysis Workflows for Containerised Compute Clouds

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    We describe a novel approach for experimental High-Energy Physics (HEP) data analyses that is centred around the declarative rather than imperative paradigm when describing analysis computational tasks. The analysis process can be structured in the form of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where each graph vertex represents a unit of computation with its inputs and outputs, and the graph edges describe the interconnection of various computational steps. We have developed REANA, a platform for reproducible data analyses, that supports several such DAG workflow specifications. The REANA platform parses the analysis workflow and dispatches its computational steps to various supported computing backends (Kubernetes, HTCondor, Slurm). The focus on declarative rather than imperative programming enables researchers to concentrate on the problem domain at hand without having to think about implementation details such as scalable job orchestration. The declarative programming approach is further exemplified by a multi-level job cascading paradigm that was implemented in the Yadage workflow specification language. We present two recent LHC particle physics analyses, ATLAS searches for dark matter and CMS jet energy correction pipelines, where the declarative approach was successfully applied. We argue that the declarative approach to data analyses, combined with recent advancements in container technology, facilitates the portability of computational data analyses to various compute backends, enhancing the reproducibility and the knowledge preservation behind particle physics data analyses.Peer reviewe

    A multi-paradigm language for reactive synthesis

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    This paper proposes a language for describing reactive synthesis problems that integrates imperative and declarative elements. The semantics is defined in terms of two-player turn-based infinite games with full information. Currently, synthesis tools accept linear temporal logic (LTL) as input, but this description is less structured and does not facilitate the expression of sequential constraints. This motivates the use of a structured programming language to specify synthesis problems. Transition systems and guarded commands serve as imperative constructs, expressed in a syntax based on that of the modeling language Promela. The syntax allows defining which player controls data and control flow, and separating a program into assumptions and guarantees. These notions are necessary for input to game solvers. The integration of imperative and declarative paradigms allows using the paradigm that is most appropriate for expressing each requirement. The declarative part is expressed in the LTL fragment of generalized reactivity(1), which admits efficient synthesis algorithms, extended with past LTL. The implementation translates Promela to input for the Slugs synthesizer and is written in Python. The AMBA AHB bus case study is revisited and synthesized efficiently, identifying the need to reorder binary decision diagrams during strategy construction, in order to prevent the exponential blowup observed in previous work.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2015, arXiv:1602.0078