8 research outputs found

    Decisions in thesaurus construction and use

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    A thesaurus and an ontology provide a set of structured terms, phrases, and metadata, often in a hierarchical arrangement, that may be used to index, search, and mine documents. We describe the decisions that should be made when including a term, deciding whether a term should be subdivided into its subclasses, or determining which of more than one set of possible subclasses should be used. Based on retrospective measurements or estimates of future performance when using thesaurus terms in document ordering, decisions are made so as to maximize performance. These decisions may be used in the automatic construction of a thesaurus. The evaluation of an existing thesaurus is described, consistent with the decision criteria developed here. These kinds of user-focused decision-theoretic techniques may be applied to other hierarchical applications, such as faceted classification systems used in information architecture or the use of hierarchical terms in "breadcrumb navigation.

    The Study of Thesaural Relationships from a Semantic Point of View

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    Thesaurus is one, out of many, precious tool in information technology by which information specialists can optimize storage and retrieval of documents in scientific databases and on the web. In recent years, there has been a shift from thesaurus to ontology by downgrading thesaurus in favor of ontology. It is because thesaurus cannot meet the needs of information management because it cannot create a rich knowledge-based description of documents. It is claimed that the thesaural relationships are restricted and insufficient. The writers in this paper show that thesaural relationships are not inadequate and restricted as they are said to be but quite the opposite they cover all semantic relations and can increase the possibility of successful storage and retrieval of documents. This study shows that thesauri are semantically optimal and they cover all lexical relations; therefore, thesauri can continue as suitable tools for knowledge management

    Propuesta de un modelo estructurado de análisis de vocabularios SKOS

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    This work aims to define a structured model for evaluating SKOS vocabularies. The main Semantic Web technologies involved in this task, essentially RDF and SPARQL, are analyzed, along with the different elements, definitions and integrity conditions of SKOS recommendation. Several proposals of quantitative indicators and quality criteria for the evaluation of SKOS vocabularies are also studied. Furthermore, we pointed out SPARQL queries, steps and algorithms required to perform an appropriate analysis. The result is an evaluation model that incorporates metrics, normative requirements and quality criteria. This model organizes the analysis elements into a twofold classification: functional aspects and requirement levels. The proposed model is easy to apply for the development of analysis and validation services of SKOS vocabularies. New indicators and additional quality criteria can be added

    Propuesta de un modelo estructurado de análisis de vocabularios SKOS

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    This work aims to define a structured model for evaluating SKOS vocabularies. The main Semantic Web technologies involved in this task, essentially RDF and SPARQL, are analyzed, along with the different elements, definitions and integrity conditions of SKOS recommendation. Several proposals of quantitative indicators and quality criteria for the evaluation of SKOS vocabularies are also studied. Furthermore, we pointed out SPARQL queries, steps and algorithms required to perform an appropriate analysis. The result is an evaluation model that incorporates metrics, normative requirements and quality criteria. This model organizes the analysis elements into a twofold classification: functional aspects and requirement levels. The proposed model is easy to apply for the development of analysis and validation services of SKOS vocabularies. New indicators and additional quality criteria can be added

    Improving Access to Information through Conceptual Classification

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    Overwhelming the users with large amount of information on the Web has resulted in users' inability to find the information and their dissatisfaction with available information searching and filtering systems. On the other hand, the information is distributed over many websites and a large part of it (for example news) is updated frequently. Keeping track of the changes in huge amount of information is a real problem for users.   Due to the great impact the information has on people's lives and business decision-making, much research has been done on the efficient ways of accessing and analyzing the information. This thesis will propose a conceptual classification method and ranking of the information in order to provide better user access to a wider range of information, it also provides the information that may help in analyzing the global trends in various fields. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method, a feed aggregator system has been developed and evaluated through this thesis.   To improve the flexibility and adaptability of the system, we have adopted the agent-oriented software engineering architecture that has also helped facilitating the development process. In addition, since the system deals with storing and processing large amounts of information, that requires a large number of resources the cloud platform service has been used as a platform for deploying the application. The result was a cloud based software service that benefited from the unlimited on-demand resources.   To take advantage of the available features of public cloud computing platforms, those supporting the agent-oriented design, the multi-agent system was implemented by mapping the agents to the cloud computing services. In addition, the cloud queue service that is provided by some cloud providers such as Microsoft and Amazon was used to implement indirect communication among the agents in the multi-agent system.  M.S

    The development of a reference database of health information resources to facilitate informed lifestyle choice

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    This study investigates, within the current health care situation, the interrelationship of the user, resources and tool in the design of a prototype WELLNESS database-driven web site. A shift has taken place in health care, in which the base of conventional medicine has broadened to integrate other systems, practices and worldviews. These include complementary and alternative medicine, health promotion, disease prevention and wellness. Emphasis is placed on the need to take personal responsibility for one's own health and wellness. The global burden of chronic disease, reaching epidemic proportions, is increasingly linked to risk factors resulting from personal lifestyle choices. The growing evidence of the user's need to make personal, informed, lifestyle choices and their reliance on the Web for health information, required investigation. WELLNESS, a specific orientation to health and wellness, formed the framework within which the user and resources were defined and the tool designed. The user was profiled as the WELLNESS health information seeker, hereby contributing significantly to an understanding of the user in this new context. The user profile informed the establishment of resource selection criteria and tool design. The identification of WELLNESS content selection criteria, within a five-dimensional model, was required to ensure quality, relevant and credible resources. The tool is comprised of the WELLNESS thesaurus and WELLNESS database-driven web site. The WELLNESS thesaurus was constructed based on a combination of relevant thesauri. It will be used as an indexing tool. An investigation of existing health information web sites highlighted the importance of designing a specific WELLNESS database-driven web site. A database host was identified against which the original study's conceptual schema was assessed. A low-fidelity prototype web site was designed as the interface between the WELLNESS health information seeker and the database of WELLNESS health information resources. This study has epidemiological, philosophical, epistemological, sociological and psychological relevance. The provision of access to WELLNESS health information resources, made available in the WELLNESS database-driven web site, for personal, informed lifestyle choice by the WELLNESS health information seeker could potentially contribute to the reduction of the global burden of chronic disease.Information ScienceD.Litt. et Phil. (Information Science

    Acsiology of education in communication culture kingdom 1. Valuable accents 2. Communication trends 3. Distance format

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    Навчально – методичний посібник є оригінальним виданням, в якому втілюється потреба ціннісно- сфокусованого осмислення освітньо-комунікативного феномену; надається аксіологічний та дистанційно-комунікативний вектор дії феномену знання як такого. Стрижневою метою інформативної фабули посібника є прагнення резонувати пошуково-дослідницьку цікавість до проблем освітньої аксіології загалом і дистанційного навчання зокрема. Розрахований для студентів і викладачів гуманітарних факультетів закладів освіти; усіх, хто цікавиться проблемами філософії освіти, освітньої культури та значущості ролі комунікативного та дистанційного чинника в теорії та практиці своєї задіяності.A presented textbook is an original edition in which the necessity of valuefocused education and communication phenomena comprehension embodied. Acsiologycal, distance and communication vectors of knowledge phenomena actions are given in the work. The main aim of a textbook information plot is a desire to attract searching interest to the education acsiology problems in general and distance learning problems in particular. The textbook is aimed at students and teachers of education establishment humanity faculties and all who are interested in philosophy of education problems, education culture and role of communication and distance aspects in the theory and practice

    2007a). Decisions in thesaurus construction and use

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