142 research outputs found

    Expansions of MSO by cardinality relations

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    We study expansions of the Weak Monadic Second Order theory of (N,<) by cardinality relations, which are predicates R(X1,...,Xn) whose truth value depends only on the cardinality of the sets X1, ...,Xn. We first provide a (definable) criterion for definability of a cardinality relation in (N,<), and use it to prove that for every cardinality relation R which is not definable in (N,<), there exists a unary cardinality relation which is definable in (N,<,R) and not in (N,<). These results resemble Muchnik and Michaux-Villemaire theorems for Presburger Arithmetic. We prove then that + and x are definable in (N,<,R) for every cardinality relation R which is not definable in (N,<). This implies undecidability of the WMSO theory of (N,<,R). We also consider the related satisfiability problem for the class of finite orderings, namely the question whether an MSO sentence in the language {<,R} admits a finite model M where < is interpreted as a linear ordering, and R as the restriction of some (fixed) cardinality relation to the domain of M. We prove that this problem is undecidable for every cardinality relation R which is not definable in (N,<).Comment: to appear in LMC

    Advances and applications of automata on words and trees : abstracts collection

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    From 12.12.2010 to 17.12.2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10501 "Advances and Applications of Automata on Words and Trees" was held in Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Monadic second-order definable graph orderings

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    We study the question of whether, for a given class of finite graphs, one can define, for each graph of the class, a linear ordering in monadic second-order logic, possibly with the help of monadic parameters. We consider two variants of monadic second-order logic: one where we can only quantify over sets of vertices and one where we can also quantify over sets of edges. For several special cases, we present combinatorial characterisations of when such a linear ordering is definable. In some cases, for instance for graph classes that omit a fixed graph as a minor, the presented conditions are necessary and sufficient; in other cases, they are only necessary. Other graph classes we consider include complete bipartite graphs, split graphs, chordal graphs, and cographs. We prove that orderability is decidable for the so called HR-equational classes of graphs, which are described by equation systems and generalize the context-free languages

    There is no maximal decidable expansion of the ⟨N,{<}⟩\langle \mathbb{N} ,\{ < \} \rangle structure

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    We are going to prove that if the theory of a structure M=⟨N,Σ⟩\mathcal M=\langle \mathbb{N}, \Sigma \rangle is decidable and the standard order << on natural numbers N\mathbb{N} is definable in M\mathcal M, then there is a nontrivial decidable expansion of M\mathcal MComment: removed the definition of a node rank, the notion of the rank is referenced to the previous articl

    Infinite and Bi-infinite Words with Decidable Monadic Theories

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    We study word structures of the form (D,<,P)(D,<,P) where DD is either N\mathbb{N} or Z\mathbb{Z}, << is the natural linear ordering on DD and P⊆DP\subseteq D is a predicate on DD. In particular we show: (a) The set of recursive ω\omega-words with decidable monadic second order theories is Σ3\Sigma_3-complete. (b) Known characterisations of the ω\omega-words with decidable monadic second order theories are transfered to the corresponding question for bi-infinite words. (c) We show that such "tame" predicates PP exist in every Turing degree. (d) We determine, for P⊆ZP\subseteq\mathbb{Z}, the number of predicates Q⊆ZQ\subseteq\mathbb{Z} such that (Z,≤,P)(\mathbb{Z},\le,P) and (Z,≤,Q)(\mathbb{Z},\le,Q) are indistinguishable. Through these results we demonstrate similarities and differences between logical properties of infinite and bi-infinite words

    Expansions of MSO by cardinality relations

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    Interpretations in Trees with Countably Many Branches

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    Abstract—We study the expressive power of logical interpreta-tions on the class of scattered trees, namely those with countably many infinite branches. Scattered trees can be thought of as the tree analogue of scattered linear orders. Every scattered tree has an ordinal rank that reflects the structure of its infinite branches. We prove, roughly, that trees and orders of large rank cannot be interpreted in scattered trees of small rank. We consider a quite general notion of interpretation: each element of the interpreted structure is represented by a set of tuples of subsets of the interpreting tree. Our trees are countable, not necessarily finitely branching, and may have finitely many unary predicates as labellings. We also show how to replace injective set-interpretations in (not necessarily scattered) trees by ‘finitary’ set-interpretations. Index Terms—Composition method, finite-set interpretations, infinite scattered trees, monadic second order logic. I

    Monadic second-order definable graph orderings

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