7 research outputs found

    Formation Control Algorithms With Limited or No Communication

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    Formation control refers to a collective behaviour of multi-agent systems where individual agents come together to form a pattern, often geometric. These formations can enable multi-agent systems to function more effectively in a broad range of applications. Many formation control algorithms require centralized decision making, communication between agents or a centralized decision maker and other factors that increase per-agent cost and reduce the robustness and scalability of multi-agent systems. To this end, we introduce two algorithms that operate using local decision making and limited or no communication. The first algorithm is a communication-free and index-free algorithm based on polar indicator distributions. The second is a progressive assignment algorithm using limited, situated communication that deterministically assigns agents a position in the objective formation along a convex spiral directed path graph. We also present an extension of the second algorithm for 3-dimensional formation definitions. The first algorithm is demonstrated in a physical experiment using ground-based agents while the second one is simulated using micro air vehicles (MAVs) in a physics-based simulator

    Collaborative autonomy in heterogeneous multi-robot systems

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    As autonomous mobile robots become increasingly connected and widely deployed in different domains, managing multiple robots and their interaction is key to the future of ubiquitous autonomous systems. Indeed, robots are not individual entities anymore. Instead, many robots today are deployed as part of larger fleets or in teams. The benefits of multirobot collaboration, specially in heterogeneous groups, are multiple. Significantly higher degrees of situational awareness and understanding of their environment can be achieved when robots with different operational capabilities are deployed together. Examples of this include the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity helicopter that NASA has deployed in Mars, or the highly heterogeneous robot teams that explored caves and other complex environments during the last DARPA Sub-T competition. This thesis delves into the wide topic of collaborative autonomy in multi-robot systems, encompassing some of the key elements required for achieving robust collaboration: solving collaborative decision-making problems; securing their operation, management and interaction; providing means for autonomous coordination in space and accurate global or relative state estimation; and achieving collaborative situational awareness through distributed perception and cooperative planning. The thesis covers novel formation control algorithms, and new ways to achieve accurate absolute or relative localization within multi-robot systems. It also explores the potential of distributed ledger technologies as an underlying framework to achieve collaborative decision-making in distributed robotic systems. Throughout the thesis, I introduce novel approaches to utilizing cryptographic elements and blockchain technology for securing the operation of autonomous robots, showing that sensor data and mission instructions can be validated in an end-to-end manner. I then shift the focus to localization and coordination, studying ultra-wideband (UWB) radios and their potential. I show how UWB-based ranging and localization can enable aerial robots to operate in GNSS-denied environments, with a study of the constraints and limitations. I also study the potential of UWB-based relative localization between aerial and ground robots for more accurate positioning in areas where GNSS signals degrade. In terms of coordination, I introduce two new algorithms for formation control that require zero to minimal communication, if enough degree of awareness of neighbor robots is available. These algorithms are validated in simulation and real-world experiments. The thesis concludes with the integration of a new approach to cooperative path planning algorithms and UWB-based relative localization for dense scene reconstruction using lidar and vision sensors in ground and aerial robots

    Decentralized progressive shape formation with robot swarms

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    We address the problem of progressively deploying a set of robots to a formation defined as a point cloud, in a decentralized manner. To achieve this, we present an algorithm that transforms a given point cloud into an acyclic directed graph. This graph is used by the control law to allow a swarm of robots to progressively form the target shape based only on local decisions. This means that free robots (i.e., not yet part of the formation) find their location based on the perceived location of the robots already in the formation. We prove that for a 2D shape it is sufficient for a free robot to compute its distance from two robots in the formation to achieve this objective. We validate our method using physics-based simulations and robotic experiments, showing consistent convergence and minimal formation placement error