16,096 research outputs found

    Decentralized Data Fusion and Active Sensing with Mobile Sensors for Modeling and Predicting Spatiotemporal Traffic Phenomena

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    The problem of modeling and predicting spatiotemporal traffic phenomena over an urban road network is important to many traffic applications such as detecting and forecasting congestion hotspots. This paper presents a decentralized data fusion and active sensing (D2FAS) algorithm for mobile sensors to actively explore the road network to gather and assimilate the most informative data for predicting the traffic phenomenon. We analyze the time and communication complexity of D2FAS and demonstrate that it can scale well with a large number of observations and sensors. We provide a theoretical guarantee on its predictive performance to be equivalent to that of a sophisticated centralized sparse approximation for the Gaussian process (GP) model: The computation of such a sparse approximate GP model can thus be parallelized and distributed among the mobile sensors (in a Google-like MapReduce paradigm), thereby achieving efficient and scalable prediction. We also theoretically guarantee its active sensing performance that improves under various practical environmental conditions. Empirical evaluation on real-world urban road network data shows that our D2FAS algorithm is significantly more time-efficient and scalable than state-of-the-art centralized algorithms while achieving comparable predictive performance.Comment: 28th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2012), Extended version with proofs, 13 page

    A semi-decentralized control strategy for urban traffic

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    We present in this article a semi-decentralized approach for urban traffic control, based on the TUC (Traffic responsive Urban Control) strategy. We assume that the control is centralized as in the TUC strategy, but we introduce a contention time window inside the cycle time, where antagonistic stages alternate a priority rule. The priority rule is set by applying green colours for given stages and yellow colours for antagonistic ones, in such a way that the stages with green colour have priority over the ones with yellow colour. The idea of introducing this time window is to reduce the red time inside the cycle, and by that, increase the capacity of the network junctions. In practice, the priority rule could be applied using vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) or vehicle-to-infrastructure (v2i) communications. The vehicles having the priority pass almost normally through the junction, while the others reduce their speed and yield the way. We propose a model for the dynamics and the control of such a system. The model is still formulated as a linear quadratic problem, for which the feedback control law is calculated off-line, and applied in real time. The model is implemented using the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) tool in a small regular (American-like) network configuration. The results are presented and compared to the classical TUC strategy.Comment: 16 page

    Road Pricing with Autonomous Links

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    This research examines road pricing on a network of autonomous highway links. By autonomous it is meant that the links are competitive and independent, with the objective of maximizing their own profits without regard for either social welfare or the profits of other links. The principal goal of the research is to understand the implications of adoption of road pricing and privatization on social welfare and the distribution of gains and losses. The specific pricing strategies of autonomous links are evaluated first under the condition of competition for simple networks. An agent-based modeling system is developed which integrates an equilibrated travel demand, route choice, and travel time model with a repeated game of autonomous links setting prices to maximize profit. The levels of profit, welfare consequences, and potential cooperative arrangements undertaken by autonomous links will be evaluated. By studying how such an economic system may behave under various circumstances, the effectiveness of road pricing and road privatization as public policy can be assessed.Network dynamics, road pricing, autonomous links, privatization, agent-based transportation model

    Congestion management in traffic-light intersections via Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis

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    We present a flow-control technique in traffic-light intersections, aiming at regulating queue lengths to given reference setpoints. The technique is based on multivariable integrators with adaptive gains, computed at each control cycle by assessing the IPA gradients of the plant functions. Moreover, the IPA gradients are computable on-line despite the absence of detailed models of the traffic flows. The technique is applied to a two-intersection system where it exhibits robustness with respect to modeling uncertainties and computing errors, thereby permitting us to simplify the on-line computations perhaps at the expense of accuracy while achieving the desired tracking. We compare, by simulation, the performance of a centralized, joint two-intersection control with distributed control of each intersection separately, and show similar performance of the two control schemes for a range of parameters