5 research outputs found

    Joint Relay Selection and Power Control that aims to Maximize Sum-Rate in Multi-Hop Networks

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    Focusing on the joint relay selection and power control problem with a view to maximizing the sum-rate, we propose a novel sub-optimal algorithm that iterates between relay selection and power control. The relay selection is performed by maximizing the minimum signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (as opposed to maximizing the sum-rate) and the power control is performed using a successive convex approximation. By comparing the proposed algorithm with existing solutions via extensive simulations, we show that the proposed algorithm results in significant sum-rate gains. Finally, we analyze the two-user multi-hop network and show that optimum transmit power of at least for two transmitting nodes can be found using binary power allocation.Comment: Extended Version, Submitted to IEEE Communications Letter

    Performance Analysis of Relay Selection Schemes in Multi-Hop Decode-and-Forward Networks

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    This paper analyses the data rate achieved by various relay selection schemes in a single-user multi-hop relay network with decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. While the single-user relay selection problem is well studied in the literature, research on achievable rate maximization is limited to dual-hop networks and multi-hop networks with a single relay per hop. We fill this important gap by focusing on achievable rate maximization in multi-hop, multi-relay networks. First, we consider optimal relay selection and obtain two approximations to the achievable rate. Next, we consider three existing sub-optimal relay selection strategies namely hop-by-hop, ad-hoc and block-by-block relay selection and obtain exact expressions for the achievable rate under each of these strategies. We also extend the sliding window based relay selection to the DF relay network and derive an approximation to the achievable rate. Further, we investigate the impact of window size in sliding window based relay selection and show that a window size of three is sufficient to achieve most of the possible performance gains. Finally, we extend this analysis to a noise limited multi-user network where the number of available relay nodes is large compared to the number of users and derive approximations to the achievable sum-rate

    Decentralized Relay Selection in Multi-User Multihop Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks

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    This paper analyzes the performance of a multi-user multihop relay network using a low complexity decentralized relay selection (DRS) scheme for decode-and-forward cooperative networks. We carry out a rigorous diversity order analysis, with Nakagami- m fading and pathloss and show that the DRS scheme achieves full diversity while maintaining a complexity that is quadratic in the number of users, quadratic in the number of relays and independent of the number of hops. For a special case of two-user networks we derive exact closed-form expressions for the outage probability by considering the order statistics. Furthermore, we extend our analysis to consider interfering relay networks and derive an accurate lower bound on the outage of an arbitrary network user. Based on the lower bound we also show how the outage probability saturates in the high signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio regime. Extensive numerical examples are used to illustrate the accuracy of the analysis and to highlight the use of the DRS scheme in multi-user multihop relay networks. © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works