226 research outputs found

    Decentralized Privacy-preserving Timed Execution in Blockchain-based Smart Contract Platforms

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    Timed transaction execution is critical for various decentralized privacy-preserving applications powered by blockchain-based smart contract platforms. Such privacy-preserving smart contract applications need to be able to securely maintain users' sensitive inputs off the blockchain until a prescribed execution time and then automatically make the inputs available to enable on-chain execution of the target function at the execution time, even if the user goes offline. While straight-forward centralized approaches provide a basic solution to the problem, unfortunately they are limited to a single point of trust. This paper presents a new decentralized privacy-preserving transaction scheduling approach that allows users of Ethereum-based decentralized applications to schedule transactions without revealing sensitive inputs before an execution time window selected by the users. The proposed approach involves no centralized party and allows users to go offline at their discretion after scheduling a transaction. The sensitive inputs are privately maintained by a set of trustees randomly selected from the network enabling the inputs to be revealed only at the execution time. The proposed protocol employs secret key sharing and layered encryption techniques and economic deterrence models to securely protect the sensitive information against possible attacks including some trustees destroying the sensitive information or secretly releasing the sensitive information prior to the execution time. We demonstrate the attack-resilience of the proposed approach through rigorous analysis. Our implementation and experimental evaluation on the Ethereum official test network demonstrates that the proposed approach is effective and has a low gas cost and time overhead associated with it

    Web3.0 Security: Privacy Enhancing and Anonym Auditing in Blockchain-based Structures

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    The advent of Web 3.0, underpinned by blockchain technologies, promises to transform the internet's landscape by empowering individuals with decentralized control over their data. However, this evolution brings unique security challenges that need to be addressed. This paper explores these complexities, focusing on enhancing privacy and anonymous auditing within blockchain structures. We present the architecture of Web 3.0 based on the blockchain, providing a clear perspective on its workflow and security mechanisms. A security protocol for Web 3.0 systems, employing privacy-preserving techniques and anonymous auditing during runtime, is proposed. Key components of our solution include the integration of privacy-enhancing techniques and the utilization of Tor for anonymous auditing. We discuss related work and propose a framework that meets these new security requirements. Lastly, we offer an evaluation and comparison of our model to existing methods. This research contributes towards the foundational understanding of Web 3.0's secure structure and offers a pathway towards secure and privacy-preserving digital interactions in this novel internet landscape

    Integration of Blockchain and Auction Models: A Survey, Some Applications, and Challenges

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    In recent years, blockchain has gained widespread attention as an emerging technology for decentralization, transparency, and immutability in advancing online activities over public networks. As an essential market process, auctions have been well studied and applied in many business fields due to their efficiency and contributions to fair trade. Complementary features between blockchain and auction models trigger a great potential for research and innovation. On the one hand, the decentralized nature of blockchain can provide a trustworthy, secure, and cost-effective mechanism to manage the auction process; on the other hand, auction models can be utilized to design incentive and consensus protocols in blockchain architectures. These opportunities have attracted enormous research and innovation activities in both academia and industry; however, there is a lack of an in-depth review of existing solutions and achievements. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive state-of-the-art survey of these two research topics. We review the existing solutions for integrating blockchain and auction models, with some application-oriented taxonomies generated. Additionally, we highlight some open research challenges and future directions towards integrated blockchain-auction models

    Protecting data privacy with decentralized self-emerging data release systems

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    In the age of Big Data, releasing private data at a future point in time is critical for various applications. Such self-emerging data release requires the data to be protected until a prescribed data release time and be automatically released to the target recipient at the release time. While straight-forward centralized approaches such as cloud storage services may provide a simple way to implement self-emerging data release, unfortunately, they are limited to a single point of trust and involves a single point of control. This dissertation proposes new decentralized designs of self-emerging data release systems using large-scale peer-to-peer (P2P) networks as the underlying infrastructure to eliminate a single point of trust or control. The first part of the dissertation presents the design of decentralized self-emerging data release systems using two different P2P network infrastructures, namely Distributed Hash Table (DHT) and blockchain. The second part of this dissertation proposes new mechanisms for supporting two key functionalities of self-emerging data release, namely (i) enabling the release of self-emerging data to blockchain-based smart contracts for facilitating a wide range of decentralized applications and (ii) supporting a cost-effective gradual release of self-emerging data in the decentralized infrastructure. We believe that the outcome of this dissertation would contribute to the development of decentralized security primitives and protocols in the context of timed release of private data

    Scalable and Privacy-preserving Design of On/Off-chain Smart Contracts

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    The rise of smart contract systems such as Ethereum has resulted in a proliferation of blockchain-based decentralized applications including applications that store and manage a wide range of data. Current smart contracts are designed to be executed solely by miners and are revealed entirely on-chain, resulting in reduced scalability and privacy. In this paper, we discuss that scalability and privacy of smart contracts can be enhanced by splitting a given contract into an off-chain contract and an on-chain contract. Specifically, functions of the contract that involve high-cost computation or sensitive information can be split and included as the off-chain contract, that is signed and executed by only the interested participants. The proposed approach allows the participants to reach unanimous agreement off-chain when all of them are honest, allowing computing resources of miners to be saved and content of the off-chain contract to be hidden from the public. In case of a dispute caused by any dishonest participants, a signed copy of the off-chain contract can be revealed so that a verified instance can be created to make miners enforce the true execution result. Thus, honest participants have the ability to redress and penalize any fraudulent or dishonest behavior, which incentivizes all participants to honestly follow the agreed off-chain contract. We discuss techniques for splitting a contract into a pair of on/off-chain contracts and propose a mechanism to address the challenges of handling dishonest participants in the system. Our implementation and evaluation of the proposed approach using an example smart contract demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in Ethereum