582 research outputs found

    Distributed Monitoring of Robot Swarms with Swarm Signal Temporal Logic

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    In this paper, we develop a distributed monitoring framework for robot swarms so that the agents can monitor whether the executions of robot swarms satisfy Swarm Signal Temporal Logic (SwarmSTL) formulas. We define generalized moments (GMs) to represent swarm features. A dynamic generalized moments consensus algorithm (GMCA) with Kalman filter (KF) is proposed so that each agent can estimate the GMs. Also, we obtain an upper bound for the error between an agent's estimate and the actual GMs. This bound is independent of the motion of the agents. We also propose rules for monitoring SwarmSTL temporal and logical operators. As a result, the agents can monitor whether the swarm satisfies SwarmSTL formulas with a certain confidence level using these rules and the bound of the estimation error. The distributed monitoring framework is applied to a swarm transporting supplies example, where we also show the efficacy of the Kalman filter in the dynamic generalized moments consensus process

    A Distributed Epigenetic Shape Formation and Regeneration Algorithm for a Swarm of Robots

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    Living cells exhibit both growth and regeneration of body tissues. Epigenetic Tracking (ET), models this growth and regenerative qualities of living cells and has been used to generate complex 2D and 3D shapes. In this paper, we present an ET based algorithm that aids a swarm of identically-programmed robots to form arbitrary shapes and regenerate them when cut. The algorithm works in a distributed manner using only local interactions and computations without any central control and aids the robots to form the shape in a triangular lattice structure. In case of damage or splitting of the shape, it helps each set of the remaining robots to regenerate and position themselves to build scaled down versions of the original shape. The paper presents the shapes formed and regenerated by the algorithm using the Kilombo simulator.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, GECCO-18 conferenc

    Cost Adaptation for Robust Decentralized Swarm Behaviour

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    Decentralized receding horizon control (D-RHC) provides a mechanism for coordination in multi-agent settings without a centralized command center. However, combining a set of different goals, costs, and constraints to form an efficient optimization objective for D-RHC can be difficult. To allay this problem, we use a meta-learning process -- cost adaptation -- which generates the optimization objective for D-RHC to solve based on a set of human-generated priors (cost and constraint functions) and an auxiliary heuristic. We use this adaptive D-RHC method for control of mesh-networked swarm agents. This formulation allows a wide range of tasks to be encoded and can account for network delays, heterogeneous capabilities, and increasingly large swarms through the adaptation mechanism. We leverage the Unity3D game engine to build a simulator capable of introducing artificial networking failures and delays in the swarm. Using the simulator we validate our method on an example coordinated exploration task. We demonstrate that cost adaptation allows for more efficient and safer task completion under varying environment conditions and increasingly large swarm sizes. We release our simulator and code to the community for future work.Comment: Accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 201

    Quantifying Robotic Swarm Coverage

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    In the field of swarm robotics, the design and implementation of spatial density control laws has received much attention, with less emphasis being placed on performance evaluation. This work fills that gap by introducing an error metric that provides a quantitative measure of coverage for use with any control scheme. The proposed error metric is continuously sensitive to changes in the swarm distribution, unlike commonly used discretization methods. We analyze the theoretical and computational properties of the error metric and propose two benchmarks to which error metric values can be compared. The first uses the realizable extrema of the error metric to compute the relative error of an observed swarm distribution. We also show that the error metric extrema can be used to help choose the swarm size and effective radius of each robot required to achieve a desired level of coverage. The second benchmark compares the observed distribution of error metric values to the probability density function of the error metric when robot positions are randomly sampled from the target distribution. We demonstrate the utility of this benchmark in assessing the performance of stochastic control algorithms. We prove that the error metric obeys a central limit theorem, develop a streamlined method for performing computations, and place the standard statistical tests used here on a firm theoretical footing. We provide rigorous theoretical development, computational methodologies, numerical examples, and MATLAB code for both benchmarks.Comment: To appear in Springer series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE). This book contribution is an extension of our ICINCO 2018 conference paper arXiv:1806.02488. 27 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    The landscape of Collective Awareness in multi-robot systems

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    The development of collective-aware multi-robot systems is crucial for enhancing the efficiency and robustness of robotic applications in multiple fields. These systems enable collaboration, coordination, and resource sharing among robots, leading to improved scalability, adaptability to dynamic environments, and increased overall system robustness. In this work, we want to provide a brief overview of this research topic and identify open challenges.Comment: Submitted to workshop titled "Designing Aware Robots: The EIC Pathfinder Challenge - Explore Awareness Inside" at the European Robotics Forum 202
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