9 research outputs found

    Debunking Security-Usability Tradeoff Myths

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    Guest editors M. Angela Sasse and Matthew Smith discuss the origins of the security-usability tradeoff myth with leading academic experts Heather Lipford and Kami Vaniea and industry expert Cormac Herley

    Eight Lightweight Usable Security Principles for Developers

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    We propose eight usable security principles that provide software developers with a lightweight framework to help them integrate security in a user-friendly way. These principles should help developers who must weigh usability and security tradeoffs to facilitate adoption

    Framework for examination of software quality characteristics in conflict: A security and usability exemplar

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    © 2020, © 2020 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license. Standards and best practices for software quality guide on handling each quality characteristic individually, but not when two or more characteristics come into conflict such as security and usability. The objectives of this paper are twofold: (a) to argue on the importance of handling the conflicts between quality characteristics in general; (b) to formulate a framework for conflict examination of the software quality characteristics, we do so while considering the specific case of security and usability. In line with the objectives, a framework called Pattern-oriented Design Framework (PoDF) was formulated. The PoDF provides a mechanism for identification of the conflicts, modeling the conflicts to illuminate the reason for their occurrence, and eliciting the suitable trade-offs between the conflicting characteristics. The suitable trade-offs are thus documented as design patterns. The patterns can assist developers and designers in handling the conflicts in other but similar context of use. To validate and instantiate the PoDF, two studies were conducted. Usable security patterns discovered as a result of the studies are also presented in the paper

    Security Champions Without Support: Results from a Case Study with OWASP SAMM in a Large-Scale E-Commerce Enterprise

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    Developer-centered security research has identified a variety of reasons why software developers do not follow recommended security practices: lack of knowledge, outdated information sources, time pressure, and low usability of security mechanisms and tools. Contextual factors play an important role in security, but few studies have investigated security interventions with developers in organizational settings. In this case study, we track the impact of appointing security champions in a large e-commerce company with five software development teams, using the OWASP Security Assurance Maturity Model (OWASP SAMM) to measure the extent to which security practices were adopted. We also elicited the experiences of the security champions and developers in each team in 15 qualitative interviews. The results of the OWASP SAMM assessment show the adoption of secure practices varied widely between the different teams. Results from the interviews revealed different levels of security knowledge and commitment to the role between the security champions - but they agree in their perceived lack of support from company security experts and management. We conclude that secure software development requires more than appointing individuals such as security champions - to transform software development practices requires an organization-wide commitment, including access to resources and support

    Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies

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    The INTERACT Conferences are an important platform for researchers and practitioners in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) to showcase their work. They are organised biennially by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee on Human–Computer Interaction (IFIP TC13), an international committee of 30 member national societies and nine Working Groups. INTERACT is truly international in its spirit and has attracted researchers from several countries and cultures. With an emphasis on inclusiveness, it works to lower the barriers that prevent people in developing countries from participating in conferences. As a multidisciplinary field, HCI requires interaction and discussion among diverse people with different interests and backgrounds. The 17th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019) took place during 2-6 September 2019 in Paphos, Cyprus. The conference was held at the Coral Beach Hotel Resort, and was co-sponsored by the Cyprus University of Technology and Tallinn University, in cooperation with ACM and ACM SIGCHI. This volume contains the Adjunct Proceedings to the 17th INTERACT Conference, comprising a series of selected papers from workshops, the Student Design Consortium and the Doctoral Consortium. The volume follows the INTERACT conference tradition of submitting adjunct papers after the main publication deadline, to be published by a University Press with a connection to the conference itself. In this case, both the Adjunct Proceedings Chair of the conference, Dr Usashi Chatterjee, and the lead Editor of this volume, Dr Fernando Loizides, work at Cardiff University which is the home of Cardiff University Press

    The role of effort in security and privacy behaviours online

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    As more and more aspects of users’ lives go online, they can interact with each other, access services and purchase goods with unprecedented convenience and speed. However, this also means that users’ devices and data become more vulnerable to attacks. As security is often added to tools and services as an after-thought, it tends to be poorly integrated into the processes and part of the effort of securing is often offloaded onto the user. Users are goal-driven and they go online to get things done, protecting their security and privacy might therefore not be a priority. The six studies described in this dissertation examine the role of effort in users’ security and privacy behaviours online. First, two security studies use authentication diaries to examine the user effort required for authentication to organisational and online banking systems respectively. Second, two further studies are laboratory evaluations of proposed mechanisms for authentication and verification. Third, two privacy studies examine the role of effort in users’ information disclosure in webforms and evaluate a possible solution that could help users manage how much they disclose. All studies illustrate the different coping strategies users develop to manage their effort. They show that demanding too much effort can affect productivity, cause frustration and undermine the security these mechanisms were meant to offer. The work stresses the importance of conducting methodologically robust user evaluations of both proposed and deployed mechanisms in order to improve user satisfaction and their security and privacy

    Supporting users in password authentication with persuasive design

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    Activities like text-editing, watching movies, or managing personal finances are all accomplished with web-based solutions nowadays. The providers need to ensure security and privacy of user data. To that end, passwords are still the most common authentication method on the web. They are inexpensive and easy to implement. Users are largely accustomed to this kind of authentication but passwords represent a considerable nuisance, because they are tedious to create, remember, and maintain. In many cases, usability issues turn into security problems, because users try to work around the challenges and create easily predictable credentials. Often, they reuse their passwords for many purposes, which aggravates the risk of identity theft. There have been numerous attempts to remove the root of the problem and replace passwords, e.g., through biometrics. However, no other authentication strategy can fully replace them, so passwords will probably stay a go-to authentication method for the foreseeable future. Researchers and practitioners have thus aimed to improve users' situation in various ways. There are two main lines of research on helping users create both usable and secure passwords. On the one hand, password policies have a notable impact on password practices, because they enforce certain characteristics. However, enforcement reduces users' autonomy and often causes frustration if the requirements are poorly communicated or overly complex. On the other hand, user-centered designs have been proposed: Assistance and persuasion are typically more user-friendly but their influence is often limited. In this thesis, we explore potential reasons for the inefficacy of certain persuasion strategies. From the gained knowledge, we derive novel persuasive design elements to support users in password authentication. The exploration of contextual factors in password practices is based on four projects that reveal both psychological aspects and real-world constraints. Here, we investigate how mental models of password strength and password managers can provide important pointers towards the design of persuasive interventions. Moreover, the associations between personality traits and password practices are evaluated in three user studies. A meticulous audit of real-world password policies shows the constraints for selection and reuse practices. Based on the review of context factors, we then extend the design space of persuasive password support with three projects. We first depict the explicit and implicit user needs in password support. Second, we craft and evaluate a choice architecture that illustrates how a phenomenon from marketing psychology can provide new insights into the design of nudging strategies. Third, we tried to empower users to create memorable passwords with emojis. The results show the challenges and potentials of emoji-passwords on different platforms. Finally, the thesis presents a framework for the persuasive design of password support. It aims to structure the required activities during the entire process. This enables researchers and practitioners to craft novel systems that go beyond traditional paradigms, which is illustrated by a design exercise.Heutzutage ist es möglich, mit web-basierten Lösungen Texte zu editieren, Filme anzusehen, oder seine persönlichen Finanzen zu verwalten. Die Anbieter müssen hierbei Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit von Nutzerdaten sicherstellen. Dazu sind Passwörter weiterhin die geläufigste Authentifizierungsmethode im Internet. Sie sind kostengünstig und einfach zu implementieren. NutzerInnen sind bereits im Umgang mit diesem Verfahren vertraut jedoch stellen Passwörter ein beträchtliches Ärgernis dar, weil sie mühsam zu erstellen, einzuprägen, und verwalten sind. Oft werden Usabilityfragen zu Sicherheitsproblemen, weil NutzerInnen Herausforderungen umschiffen und sich einfach zu erratende Zugangsdaten ausdenken. Daneben verwenden sie Passwörter für viele Zwecke wieder, was das Risiko eines Identitätsdiebstals weiter erhöht. Es gibt zahlreiche Versuche die Wurzel des Problems zu beseitigen und Passwörter zu ersetzen, z.B. mit Biometrie. Jedoch kann bisher kein anderes Verfahren sie vollkommen ersetzen, so dass Passwörter wohl für absehbare Zeit die Hauptauthentifizierungsmethode bleiben werden. ExpertInnen aus Forschung und Industrie haben sich deshalb zum Ziel gefasst, die Situation der NutzerInnen auf verschiedene Wege zu verbessern. Es existieren zwei Forschungsstränge darüber wie man NutzerInnen bei der Erstellung von sicheren und benutzbaren Passwörtern helfen kann. Auf der einen Seite haben Regeln bei der Passworterstellung deutliche Auswirkungen auf Passwortpraktiken, weil sie bestimmte Charakteristiken durchsetzen. Jedoch reduziert diese Durchsetzung die Autonomie der NutzerInnen und verursacht Frustration, wenn die Anforderungen schlecht kommuniziert oder übermäßig komplex sind. Auf der anderen Seite stehen nutzerzentrierte Designs: Hilfestellung und Überzeugungsarbeit sind typischerweise nutzerfreundlicher wobei ihr Einfluss begrenzt ist. In dieser Arbeit erkunden wir die potenziellen Gründe für die Ineffektivität bestimmter Überzeugungsstrategien. Von dem hierbei gewonnenen Wissen leiten wir neue persuasive Designelemente für Hilfestellung bei der Passwortauthentifizierung ab. Die Exploration von Kontextfaktoren im Umgang mit Passwörtern basiert auf vier Projekten, die sowohl psychologische Aspekte als auch Einschränkungen in der Praxis aufdecken. Hierbei untersuchen wir inwiefern Mental Modelle von Passwortstärke und -managern wichtige Hinweise auf das Design von persuasiven Interventionen liefern. Darüber hinaus werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und Passwortpraktiken in drei Nutzerstudien untersucht. Eine gründliche Überprüfung von Passwortregeln in der Praxis zeigt die Einschränkungen für Passwortselektion und -wiederverwendung. Basierend auf der Durchleuchtung der Kontextfaktoren erweitern wir hierauf den Design-Raum von persuasiver Passworthilfestellung mit drei Projekten. Zuerst schildern wir die expliziten und impliziten Bedürfnisse in punkto Hilfestellung. Daraufhin erstellen und evaluieren wir eine Entscheidungsarchitektur, welche veranschaulicht wie ein Phänomen aus der Marketingpsychologie neue Einsichten in das Design von Nudging-Strategien liefern kann. Im Schlussgang versuchen wir NutzerInnen dabei zu stärken, gut merkbare Passwörter mit Hilfe von Emojis zu erstellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Emoji-Passwörtern auf verschiedenen Plattformen. Zuletzt präsentiert diese Arbeit ein Rahmenkonzept für das persuasive Design von Passworthilfestellungen. Es soll die benötigten Aktivitäten während des gesamten Prozesses strukturieren. Dies erlaubt ExpertInnen neuartige Systeme zu entwickeln, die über traditionelle Ansätze hinausgehen, was durch eine Designstudie veranschaulicht wird