4,979 research outputs found

    Idempotent I/O for safe time travel

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    Debuggers for logic programming languages have traditionally had a capability most other debuggers did not: the ability to jump back to a previous state of the program, effectively travelling back in time in the history of the computation. This ``retry'' capability is very useful, allowing programmers to examine in detail a part of the computation that they previously stepped over. Unfortunately, it also creates a problem: while the debugger may be able to restore the previous values of variables, it cannot restore the part of the program's state that is affected by I/O operations. If the part of the computation being jumped back over performs I/O, then the program will perform these I/O operations twice, which will result in unwanted effects ranging from the benign (e.g. output appearing twice) to the fatal (e.g. trying to close an already closed file). We present a simple mechanism for ensuring that every I/O action called for by the program is executed at most once, even if the programmer asks the debugger to travel back in time from after the action to before the action. The overhead of this mechanism is low enough and can be controlled well enough to make it practical to use it to debug computations that do significant amounts of I/O.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902

    Relay: A New IR for Machine Learning Frameworks

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    Machine learning powers diverse services in industry including search, translation, recommendation systems, and security. The scale and importance of these models require that they be efficient, expressive, and portable across an array of heterogeneous hardware devices. These constraints are often at odds; in order to better accommodate them we propose a new high-level intermediate representation (IR) called Relay. Relay is being designed as a purely-functional, statically-typed language with the goal of balancing efficient compilation, expressiveness, and portability. We discuss the goals of Relay and highlight its important design constraints. Our prototype is part of the open source NNVM compiler framework, which powers Amazon's deep learning framework MxNet

    UML Assisted Visual Debugging for Distributed Systems

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    The DOD is developing a Joint Battlespace Infosphere, linking a large number of data sources and user applications. To assist in this process, debugging and analysis tools are required. Software debugging is an extremely difficult cognitive process requiring comprehension of the overall application behavior, along with detailed understanding of specific application components. This is further complicated with distributed systems by the addition of other programs, their large size and synchronization issues. Typical debuggers provide inadequate support for this process, focusing primarily on the details accessible through source code. To overcome this deficiency, this research links the dynamic program execution state to a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram that is reverse-engineered from data accessed within the Java Platform Debug Architecture. This research uses focus + context, graph layout, and color encoding techniques to enhance the standard UML diagram. These techniques organize and present objects and events in a manner that facilitates analysis of system behavior. High-level abstractions commonly used in system design support debugging while maintaining access to low-level details with an interactive display. The user is also able to monitor the control flow through highlighting of the relevant object and method in the display

    ConSIT: A conditioned program slicer

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    Conditioned slicing is a powerful generalisation of static and dynamic slicing which has applications to many problems in software maintenance and evolution, including reuse, reengineering and program comprehension. However there has been relatively little work on the implementation of conditioned slicing. Algorithms for implementing conditioned slicing necessarily involve reasoning about the values of program predicates in certain sets of states derived from the conditioned slicing criterion, making implementation particularly demanding. The paper introduces ConSIT, a conditioned slicing system which is based upon conventional static slicing, symbolic execution and theorem proving. ConSIT is the first fully automated implementation of conditioned slicing. An implementation of ConSIT is available for experimentation at &http://www.mcs.gold.ac.uk/tilde/~mas01sd/consit.htm

    Manipulating the 3D organization of the largest synthetic yeast chromosome

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    Whether synthetic genomes can power life has attracted broad interest in the synthetic biology field. Here, we report de novo synthesis of the largest eukaryotic chromosome thus far, synIV, a 1,454,621-bp yeast chromosome resulting from extensive genome streamlining and modification. We developed megachunk assembly combined with a hierarchical integration strategy, which significantly increased the accuracy and flexibility of synthetic chromosome construction. Besides the drastic sequence changes, we further manipulated the 3D structure of synIV to explore spatial gene regulation. Surprisingly, we found few gene expression changes, suggesting that positioning inside the yeast nucleoplasm plays a minor role in gene regulation. Lastly, we tethered synIV to the inner nuclear membrane via its hundreds of loxPsym sites and observed transcriptional repression of the entire chromosome, demonstrating chromosome-wide transcription manipulation without changing the DNA sequences. Our manipulation of the spatial structure of synIV sheds light on higher-order architectural design of the synthetic genomes. </p
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