194 research outputs found

    Demonstration of JML Tools

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    The Java Modeling language (JML) is a behavioral interface specification language tailored to Java. This demonstration presents some of the basic tools for generating and browsing documentation, runtime assertion checking, and unit testing

    Preliminary Design of JML: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Java

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    JML is a behavioral interface specification language tailored to Java(TM). Besides pre- and postconditions, it also allows assertions to be intermixed with Java code; these aid verification and debugging. JML is designed to be used by working software engineers; to do this it follows Eiffel in using Java expressions in assertions. JML combines this idea from Eiffel with the model-based approach to specifications, typified by VDM and Larch, which results in greater expressiveness. Other expressiveness advantages over Eiffel include quantifiers, specification-only variables, and frame conditions. This paper discusses the goals of JML, the overall approach, and describes the basic features of the language through examples. It is intended for readers who have some familiarity with both Java and behavioral specification using pre- and postconditions

    An Overview of Larch/C++: Behavioral Specifications for C++ Modules

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    An overview is presented of the behavioral interface specification language Larch/C++. The features of Larch/C++ used to specify the behavior of C++ functions and classes, including subclasses, are described, with examples. Comparisons are made with other object-oriented specification languages. An innovation in Larch/C++ is the use of examples in function specifications. Copyright (c) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. Used by permission. An abbreviated and earlier version of this paper is chapter 8 in the book Specification of Behavioral Semantics in Object-Oriented Information Modeling, edited by Haim Kilov and William Harvey (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996), pages 121-142

    On the execution of high level formal specifications

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    Executable specifications can serve as prototypes of the specified system and as oracles for automated testing of implementations, and so are more useful than non-executable specifications. Executable specifications can also be debugged in much the same way as programs, allowing errors to be detected and corrected at the specification level rather than in later stages of software development. However, existing executable specification languages often force the specifier to work at a low level of abstraction, which negates many of the advantages of non-executable specifications. This dissertation shows how to execute specifications written at a level of abstraction comparable to that found in specifications written in non-executable specification languages. The key innovation is an algorithm for evaluating and satisfying first order predicate logic assertions written over abstract model types. This is important because many specification languages use such assertions. Some of the features of this algorithm were inspired by techniques from constraint logic programming

    Transformational derivation of programs using the Focus system

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    A program derivation support system called Focus is being constructed. It will formally derive programs using the paradigm of program transformation. The following issues are discussed: (1) the integration of validation and program derivation activities in the Focus system; (2) its tree-based user interface; (3) the control of search spaces in program derivation; and (4) the structure and organization of program derivation records. The inference procedures of the system are based on the integration of functional and logic programming principles. This brings about a synthesis of paradigms that were heretofore considered far apart, such as logical and executable specifications and constructive and transformational approaches to program derivation. A great emphasis has been placed, in the design of Focus, on achieving small search spaces during program derivation. The program manipulation operations such as expansion, simplification and rewriting were designed with this objective. The role of operations that are expensive in search spaces, such as folding, has been reduced. Program derivations are documented in Focus in a way that the high level descriptions of derivations are expressed only using program level information. All the meta-level information, together with dependencies between derivations of program components, is automatically recorded by the system at a lower level of description for its own use in replay

    Specifying Reusable Components

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    Reusable software components need expressive specifications. This paper outlines a rigorous foundation to model-based contracts, a method to equip classes with strong contracts that support accurate design, implementation, and formal verification of reusable components. Model-based contracts conservatively extend the classic Design by Contract with a notion of model, which underpins the precise definitions of such concepts as abstract equivalence and specification completeness. Experiments applying model-based contracts to libraries of data structures suggest that the method enables accurate specification of practical software

    Matching Spec# Specifications

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    In this project, we develop a tool which compares two Spec# programs (C# code with specification contracts) for signature matching. The tool automatically identifies whether the two specifications are similar, and gives out a new Spec# program which needs to be verified. There are levels of standards to judge how similar these two Spec# programs’ specification is. This work contributes to the area of code reuse via match specifications: given a specification we aim to mark it to a similar specification and use its implementation to generate the implementation of the original specification. In this work we present the process of match specifications in detail for Spec# programs, we discuss how the method may be applied to other languages and indicate future work in this direction. We match specifications according to the work of Amy Moormann Zaremski and Jeannette M. Wing’s on "Match specifications of Software Components" [1]. This work proposes a lattice of possible technique for match specifications. Examples include Exact Pre/Post Match, Plug-In Match, Plug-In Post Match, Weak Post Match, Exact Predicate Match, Generalized Match and Specialized Match. We apply these definitions to Spec# programs, provide examples of verification matches and illustrate the level of matching that can be achieved automatically within the Spec# tools
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