1,843 research outputs found

    Suggesting Cooking Recipes Through Simulation and Bayesian Optimization

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    Cooking typically involves a plethora of decisions about ingredients and tools that need to be chosen in order to write a good cooking recipe. Cooking can be modelled in an optimization framework, as it involves a search space of ingredients, kitchen tools, cooking times or temperatures. If we model as an objective function the quality of the recipe, several problems arise. No analytical expression can model all the recipes, so no gradients are available. The objective function is subjective, in other words, it contains noise. Moreover, evaluations are expensive both in time and human resources. Bayesian Optimization (BO) emerges as an ideal methodology to tackle problems with these characteristics. In this paper, we propose a methodology to suggest recipe recommendations based on a Machine Learning (ML) model that fits real and simulated data and BO. We provide empirical evidence with two experiments that support the adequacy of the methodology

    Bayesian optimization of the PC algorithm for learning Gaussian Bayesian networks

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    The PC algorithm is a popular method for learning the structure of Gaussian Bayesian networks. It carries out statistical tests to determine absent edges in the network. It is hence governed by two parameters: (i) The type of test, and (ii) its significance level. These parameters are usually set to values recommended by an expert. Nevertheless, such an approach can suffer from human bias, leading to suboptimal reconstruction results. In this paper we consider a more principled approach for choosing these parameters in an automatic way. For this we optimize a reconstruction score evaluated on a set of different Gaussian Bayesian networks. This objective is expensive to evaluate and lacks a closed-form expression, which means that Bayesian optimization (BO) is a natural choice. BO methods use a model to guide the search and are hence able to exploit smoothness properties of the objective surface. We show that the parameters found by a BO method outperform those found by a random search strategy and the expert recommendation. Importantly, we have found that an often overlooked statistical test provides the best over-all reconstruction results

    Black-box Mixed-Variable Optimisation using a Surrogate Model that Satisfies Integer Constraints

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    A challenging problem in both engineering and computer science is that of minimising a function for which we have no mathematical formulation available, that is expensive to evaluate, and that contains continuous and integer variables, for example in automatic algorithm configuration. Surrogate-based algorithms are very suitable for this type of problem, but most existing techniques are designed with only continuous or only discrete variables in mind. Mixed-Variable ReLU-based Surrogate Modelling (MVRSM) is a surrogate-based algorithm that uses a linear combination of rectified linear units, defined in such a way that (local) optima satisfy the integer constraints. This method outperforms the state of the art on several synthetic benchmarks with up to 238 continuous and integer variables, and achieves competitive performance on two real-life benchmarks: XGBoost hyperparameter tuning and Electrostatic Precipitator optimisation.Comment: Ann Math Artif Intell (2020

    Combinatorial Bayesian Optimization using the Graph Cartesian Product

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    This paper focuses on Bayesian Optimization (BO) for objectives on combinatorial search spaces, including ordinal and categorical variables. Despite the abundance of potential applications of Combinatorial BO, including chipset configuration search and neural architecture search, only a handful of methods have been proposed. We introduce COMBO, a new Gaussian Process (GP) BO. COMBO quantifies "smoothness" of functions on combinatorial search spaces by utilizing a combinatorial graph. The vertex set of the combinatorial graph consists of all possible joint assignments of the variables, while edges are constructed using the graph Cartesian product of the sub-graphs that represent the individual variables. On this combinatorial graph, we propose an ARD diffusion kernel with which the GP is able to model high-order interactions between variables leading to better performance. Moreover, using the Horseshoe prior for the scale parameter in the ARD diffusion kernel results in an effective variable selection procedure, making COMBO suitable for high dimensional problems. Computationally, in COMBO the graph Cartesian product allows the Graph Fourier Transform calculation to scale linearly instead of exponentially. We validate COMBO in a wide array of realistic benchmarks, including weighted maximum satisfiability problems and neural architecture search. COMBO outperforms consistently the latest state-of-the-art while maintaining computational and statistical efficiency.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 2019, code: https://github.com/QUVA-Lab/COMB

    Hyperparameter optimization for recommender systems through Bayesian optimization

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    AbstractRecommender systems represent one of the most successful applications of machine learning in B2C online services, to help the users in their choices in many web services. Recommender system aims to predict the user preferences from a huge amount of data, basically the past behaviour of the user, using an efficient prediction algorithm. One of the most used is the matrix-factorization algorithm. Like many machine learning algorithms, its effectiveness goes through the tuning of its hyper-parameters, and the associated optimization problem also called hyper-parameter optimization. This represents a noisy time-consuming black-box optimization problem. The related objective function maps any possible hyper-parameter configuration to a numeric score quantifying the algorithm performance. In this work, we show how Bayesian optimization can help the tuning of three hyper-parameters: the number of latent factors, the regularization parameter, and the learning rate. Numerical results are obtained on a benchmark problem and show that Bayesian optimization obtains a better result than the default setting of the hyper-parameters and the random search

    Tree ensemble kernels for Bayesian optimization with known constraints over mixed-feature spaces

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    Tree ensembles can be well-suited for black-box optimization tasks such as algorithm tuning and neural architecture search, as they achieve good predictive performance with little or no manual tuning, naturally handle discrete feature spaces, and are relatively insensitive to outliers in the training data. Two well-known challenges in using tree ensembles for black-box optimization are (i) effectively quantifying model uncertainty for exploration and (ii) optimizing over the piece-wise constant acquisition function. To address both points simultaneously, we propose using the kernel interpretation of tree ensembles as a Gaussian Process prior to obtain model variance estimates, and we develop a compatible optimization formulation for the acquisition function. The latter further allows us to seamlessly integrate known constraints to improve sampling efficiency by considering domain-knowledge in engineering settings and modeling search space symmetries, e.g., hierarchical relationships in neural architecture search. Our framework performs as well as state-of-the-art methods for unconstrained black-box optimization over continuous/discrete features and outperforms competing methods for problems combining mixed-variable feature spaces and known input constraints.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, 4 table
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