1 research outputs found

    Dealing with Incompatibilities Among Goals

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    An intelligent agent may in general pursue multiple goals at the same time, which leads to arise some conflict among them. In this paper, we focus on these conflicts or incompatibilities among goals. Our approach is based on the model of Castelfranchi and Paglieri, in which, three forms of incompatibility and the criteria for selection of goals are defined. We characterise computationally the different forms of incompatibility (terminal, instrumental and superfluity) and propose a way, based on abstract argumentation theory, for selecting those goals that will continue to be pursued.Authors acknowledge the support of CAPES (Coordena¸c˜ao de Aperfei¸coamento de Pessoal de N´ıvel Superior) and CNPQ (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development) and the partial support of CSIC Intramural projects SMA (201550E040) and AMIDA (201450E009), the Spanish MICINN projects EdeTRI (TIN2012-39348-C02-01) and MILESS (TIN2013-45039-P), and the grants 2014-SGR-118 from the Generalitat de Catalunya