5 research outputs found

    An Efficient Routing Implementation for Irregular Networks

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    with the recent advancements in multi-core era workstation clusters have emerged as a cost-effective approach to build a network of workstations NOWs NOWs connect the small groups of processors to a network of switching elements that form irregular topologies Designing an efficient routing and a deadlock avoidance algorithm for irregular networks is quite complicated in terms of latency and area of the routing tables thus impractical for scalability of On Chip Networks Many deadlock free routing mechanisms have been proposed for regular networks but they cannot be employed in irregular networks In this paper a new methodology has been proposed for efficient routing scheme called LBDR-UD which save the average 64 59 routing tables in the switch for irregular networks as compare to up down routing The Basic concept of routing scheme is combination of up down and Logic Based Distributed Routing By simulation it has been shown that the LBDR-UD is deadlock free and adaptive to all dynamic network traffic condition

    Energy Efficient Network Generation for Application Specific NoC

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    Networks-on-Chip is emerging as a communication platform for future complex SoC designs, composed of a large number of homogenous or heterogeneous processing resources. Most SoC platforms are customized to the domainspecific requirements of their applications, which communicate in a specific, mostly irregular way. The specific but often diverse communication requirements among cores of the SoC call for the design of application-specific network of SoC for improved performance in terms of communication energy, latency, and throughput. In this work, we propose a methodology for the design of customized irregular network architecture of SoC. The proposed method exploits priori knowledge of the application2019;s communication characteristic to generate an energy optimized network and corresponding routing tables

    Deadlock-Free Routing in Irregular Networks Using Prefix Routing

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    In this paper, we propose a deadlock-free routing in irregular networks using prefix routing. Prefix routing is a special type of routing with a compact routing table associated with each node (processor). Basically, each outgoing channel of a node is assigned a special label and an outgoing channel is selected if its label is a prefix of the label of the destination node. Node and channel labeling in an irregular network is done through constructing a spanning tree. The routing process follows a two-phase process of going up and then down along the spanning tree, with a possible cross channel (shortcut) between two branches of the tree between two phases. We show that the proposed routing scheme is deadlock- and livelock- free. Possible extensions are also discussed. Index terms: Deadlock-freedom, irregular networks, livelock-freedom, routing, spanning trees. 1 Introduction Switch-based networks are becoming more and more popular to meet the ever increasing demand for high performa..