3 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for Multi-Pass Processing of Multiple Data Streams

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    This paper gives a brief overview of computation models for data stream processing, and it introduces a new model for multi-pass processing of multiple streams, the so-called mp2s-automata. Two algorithms for solving the set disjointness problem wi th these automata are presented. The main technical contribution of this paper is the proof of a lower bound on the size of memory and the number of heads that are required for solvin g the set disjointness problem with mp2s-automata

    Trade-offs in Static and Dynamic Evaluation of Hierarchical Queries

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    We investigate trade-offs in static and dynamic evaluation of hierarchical queries with arbitrary free variables. In the static setting, the trade-off is between the time to partially compute the query result and the delay needed to enumerate its tuples. In the dynamic setting, we additionally consider the time needed to update the query result under single-tuple inserts or deletes to the database. Our approach observes the degree of values in the database and uses different computation and maintenance strategies for high-degree (heavy) and low-degree (light) values. For the latter it partially computes the result, while for the former it computes enough information to allow for on-the-fly enumeration. We define the preprocessing time, the update time, and the enumeration delay as functions of the light/heavy threshold. By appropriately choosing this threshold, our approach recovers a number of prior results when restricted to hierarchical queries. We show that for a restricted class of hierarchical queries, our approach achieves worst-case optimal update time and enumeration delay conditioned on the Online Matrix-Vector Multiplication Conjecture

    Database query processing using finite cursor machines

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    We introduce a new abstract model of database query processing, finite cursor machines, that incorporates certain data streaming aspects. The model describes quite faithfully what happens in so-called ā€œone-passā€ and ā€œtwo-pass query processingā€. Technically, the model is described in the framework of abstract state machines. Our main results are upper and lower bounds for processing relational algebra queries in this model, specifically, queries of the semijoin fragment of the relational algebra