144,847 research outputs found

    Database logic programming

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    Compiling ER Specifications into Declarative Programs

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    This paper proposes an environment to support high-level database programming in a declarative programming language. In order to ensure safe database updates, all access and update operations related to the database are generated from high-level descriptions in the entity- relationship (ER) model. We propose a representation of ER diagrams in the declarative language Curry so that they can be constructed by various tools and then translated into this representation. Furthermore, we have implemented a compiler from this representation into a Curry program that provides access and update operations based on a high-level API for database programming.Comment: Paper presented at the 17th Workshop on Logic-based Methods in Programming Environments (WLPE2007

    Inductive Logic Programming in Databases: from Datalog to DL+log

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    In this paper we address an issue that has been brought to the attention of the database community with the advent of the Semantic Web, i.e. the issue of how ontologies (and semantics conveyed by them) can help solving typical database problems, through a better understanding of KR aspects related to databases. In particular, we investigate this issue from the ILP perspective by considering two database problems, (i) the definition of views and (ii) the definition of constraints, for a database whose schema is represented also by means of an ontology. Both can be reformulated as ILP problems and can benefit from the expressive and deductive power of the KR framework DL+log. We illustrate the application scenarios by means of examples. Keywords: Inductive Logic Programming, Relational Databases, Ontologies, Description Logics, Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems. Note: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables

    Answer Sets for Consistent Query Answering in Inconsistent Databases

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    A relational database is inconsistent if it does not satisfy a given set of integrity constraints. Nevertheless, it is likely that most of the data in it is consistent with the constraints. In this paper we apply logic programming based on answer sets to the problem of retrieving consistent information from a possibly inconsistent database. Since consistent information persists from the original database to every of its minimal repairs, the approach is based on a specification of database repairs using disjunctive logic programs with exceptions, whose answer set semantics can be represented and computed by systems that implement stable model semantics. These programs allow us to declare persistence by defaults and repairing changes by exceptions. We concentrate mainly on logic programs for binary integrity constraints, among which we find most of the integrity constraints found in practice.Comment: 34 page

    Poster Presentation: Xcerpt and XChange – Logic Programming Languages for Querying and Evolution on the Web

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    age Xcerpt and provides advanced, Web-specific capabilities, such as propagation of changes on the Web (change) and event-based communications between Web sites (exchange). Xcerpt: Querying Data on the Web Xcerpt is a declarative, rule-based query language for Web data (i.e. XML documents or semistructured databases) based on logic programming. An Xcerpt program contains at least one goal and some (maybe zero) rules. Rules and goals consist of query and construction patterns, called terms in analogy to other logic programming languages. Terms represent tree-like (or graph-like) structures. The children of a node may be either ordered (as in standard XML) or unordered (as is common in databases). Data terms are used to represent XML documents and the data items of a semistructured database. They are similar to ground functional programming expressions and logical atoms. A database is a (multi-)set of data terms (e.g. the Web). Query terms are patterns matched against Web resources

    Logic Programming Applications: What Are the Abstractions and Implementations?

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    This article presents an overview of applications of logic programming, classifying them based on the abstractions and implementations of logic languages that support the applications. The three key abstractions are join, recursion, and constraint. Their essential implementations are for-loops, fixed points, and backtracking, respectively. The corresponding kinds of applications are database queries, inductive analysis, and combinatorial search, respectively. We also discuss language extensions and programming paradigms, summarize example application problems by application areas, and touch on example systems that support variants of the abstractions with different implementations
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