16 research outputs found

    Quantitative Regular Expressions for Arrhythmia Detection Algorithms

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    Motivated by the problem of verifying the correctness of arrhythmia-detection algorithms, we present a formalization of these algorithms in the language of Quantitative Regular Expressions. QREs are a flexible formal language for specifying complex numerical queries over data streams, with provable runtime and memory consumption guarantees. The medical-device algorithms of interest include peak detection (where a peak in a cardiac signal indicates a heartbeat) and various discriminators, each of which uses a feature of the cardiac signal to distinguish fatal from non-fatal arrhythmias. Expressing these algorithms' desired output in current temporal logics, and implementing them via monitor synthesis, is cumbersome, error-prone, computationally expensive, and sometimes infeasible. In contrast, we show that a range of peak detectors (in both the time and wavelet domains) and various discriminators at the heart of today's arrhythmia-detection devices are easily expressible in QREs. The fact that one formalism (QREs) is used to describe the desired end-to-end operation of an arrhythmia detector opens the way to formal analysis and rigorous testing of these detectors' correctness and performance. Such analysis could alleviate the regulatory burden on device developers when modifying their algorithms. The performance of the peak-detection QREs is demonstrated by running them on real patient data, on which they yield results on par with those provided by a cardiologist.Comment: CMSB 2017: 15th Conference on Computational Methods for Systems Biolog

    Robust Online Monitoring of Signal Temporal Logic

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    Signal Temporal Logic (STL) is a formalism used to rigorously specify requirements of cyberphysical systems (CPS), i.e., systems mixing digital or discrete components in interaction with a continuous environment or analog com- ponents. STL is naturally equipped with a quantitative semantics which can be used for various purposes: from assessing the robustness of a specification to guiding searches over the input and parameter space with the goal of falsifying the given property over system behaviors. Algorithms have been proposed and implemented for offline computation of such quantitative semantics, but only few methods exist for an online setting, where one would want to monitor the satisfaction of a formula during simulation. In this paper, we formalize a semantics for robust online monitoring of partial traces, i.e., traces for which there might not be enough data to decide the Boolean satisfaction (and to compute its quantitative counterpart). We propose an efficient algorithm to compute it and demonstrate its usage on two large scale real-world case studies coming from the automotive domain and from CPS education in a Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) setting. We show that savings in computationally expensive simulations far outweigh any overheads incurred by an online approach

    Learning and Designing Stochastic Processes from Logical Constraints

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    Stochastic processes offer a flexible mathematical formalism to model and reason about systems. Most analysis tools, however, start from the premises that models are fully specified, so that any parameters controlling the system's dynamics must be known exactly. As this is seldom the case, many methods have been devised over the last decade to infer (learn) such parameters from observations of the state of the system. In this paper, we depart from this approach by assuming that our observations are {\it qualitative} properties encoded as satisfaction of linear temporal logic formulae, as opposed to quantitative observations of the state of the system. An important feature of this approach is that it unifies naturally the system identification and the system design problems, where the properties, instead of observations, represent requirements to be satisfied. We develop a principled statistical estimation procedure based on maximising the likelihood of the system's parameters, using recent ideas from statistical machine learning. We demonstrate the efficacy and broad applicability of our method on a range of simple but non-trivial examples, including rumour spreading in social networks and hybrid models of gene regulation

    Metrics for Signal Temporal Logic Formulae

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    Signal Temporal Logic (STL) is a formal language for describing a broad range of real-valued, temporal properties in cyber-physical systems. While there has been extensive research on verification and control synthesis from STL requirements, there is no formal framework for comparing two STL formulae. In this paper, we show that under mild assumptions, STL formulae admit a metric space. We propose two metrics over this space based on i) the Pompeiu-Hausdorff distance and ii) the symmetric difference measure, and present algorithms to compute them. Alongside illustrative examples, we present applications of these metrics for two fundamental problems: a) design quality measures: to compare all the temporal behaviors of a designed system, such as a synthetic genetic circuit, with the "desired" specification, and b) loss functions: to quantify errors in Temporal Logic Inference (TLI) as a first step to establish formal performance guarantees of TLI algorithms.Comment: This paper has been accepted for presentation at, and publication in the proceedings of, the 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), to be held in Fontainebleau, Miami Beach, FL, USA on Dec. 17-19, 201

    Interface-aware signal temporal logic

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    Safety and security are major concerns in the development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Signal temporal logic (STL) was proposedas a language to specify and monitor the correctness of CPS relativeto formalized requirements. Incorporating STL into a developmentprocess enables designers to automatically monitor and diagnosetraces, compute robustness estimates based on requirements, andperform requirement falsification, leading to productivity gains inverification and validation activities; however, in its current formSTL is agnostic to the input/output classification of signals, andthis negatively impacts the relevance of the analysis results.In this paper we propose to make the interface explicit in theSTL language by introducing input/output signal declarations. Wethen define new measures of input vacuity and output robustnessthat better reflect the nature of the system and the specification in-tent. The resulting framework, which we call interface-aware signaltemporal logic (IA-STL), aids verification and validation activities.We demonstrate the benefits of IA-STL on several CPS analysisactivities: (1) robustness-driven sensitivity analysis, (2) falsificationand (3) fault localization. We describe an implementation of our en-hancement to STL and associated notions of robustness and vacuityin a prototype extension of Breach, a MATLABÂź/SimulinkÂźtoolboxfor CPS verification and validation. We explore these methodologi-cal improvements and evaluate our results on two examples fromthe automotive domain: a benchmark powertrain control systemand a hydrogen fuel cell system

    Keynote: The first-order logic of signals

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    Formalizing properties of systems with continuous dynamics is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a formal framework for specifying and monitoring rich temporal properties of real-valued signals. We introduce signal first-order logic (SFO) as a specification language that combines first-order logic with linear-real arithmetic and unary function symbols interpreted as piecewise-linear signals. We first show that while the satisfiability problem for SFO is undecidable, its membership and monitoring problems are decidable. We develop an offline monitoring procedure for SFO that has polynomial complexity in the size of the input trace and the specification, for a fixed number of quantifiers and function symbols. We show that the algorithm has computation time linear in the size of the input trace for the important fragment of bounded-response specifications interpreted over input traces with finite variability. We can use our results to extend signal temporal logic with first-order quantifiers over time and value parameters, while preserving its efficient monitoring. We finally demonstrate the practical appeal of our logic through a case study in the micro-electronics domain

    Automatic Animal Behavior Analysis: Opportunities for Combining Knowledge Representation with Machine Learning

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    Computational animal behavior analysis (CABA) is an emerging field which aims to apply AI techniques to support animal behavior analysis. The need for computational approaches which facilitate ‘objectivization’ and quantification of behavioral characteristics of animals is widely acknowledged within several animal-related scientific disciplines. State-of-the-art CABA approaches mainly apply machine learning (ML) techniques, combining it with approaches from computer vision and IoT. In this paper we highlight the potential applications of integrating knowledge representation approaches in the context of ML-based CABA systems, demonstrating the ideas using insights from an ongoing CABA project