56,542 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Shape Completion Using Deep Neural Networks for Global Structure and Local Geometry Inference

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    We propose a data-driven method for recovering miss-ing parts of 3D shapes. Our method is based on a new deep learning architecture consisting of two sub-networks: a global structure inference network and a local geometry refinement network. The global structure inference network incorporates a long short-term memorized context fusion module (LSTM-CF) that infers the global structure of the shape based on multi-view depth information provided as part of the input. It also includes a 3D fully convolutional (3DFCN) module that further enriches the global structure representation according to volumetric information in the input. Under the guidance of the global structure network, the local geometry refinement network takes as input lo-cal 3D patches around missing regions, and progressively produces a high-resolution, complete surface through a volumetric encoder-decoder architecture. Our method jointly trains the global structure inference and local geometry refinement networks in an end-to-end manner. We perform qualitative and quantitative evaluations on six object categories, demonstrating that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art work on shape completion.Comment: 8 pages paper, 11 pages supplementary material, ICCV spotlight pape

    EbbRT: a customizable operating system for cloud applications

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    Efficient use of hardware requires operating system components be customized to the application workload. Our general purpose operating systems are ill-suited for this task. We present Genesis, a new operating system that enables per-application customizations for cloud applications. Genesis achieves this through a novel heterogeneous distributed structure, a partitioned object model, and an event-driven execution environment. This paper describes the design and prototype implementation of Genesis, and evaluates its ability to improve the performance of common cloud applications. The evaluation of the Genesis prototype demonstrates memcached, run within a VM, can outperform memcached run on an unvirtualized Linux. The prototype evaluation also demonstrates an 14% performance improvement of a V8 JavaScript engine benchmark, and a node.js webserver that achieves a 50% reduction in 99th percentile latency compared to it run on Linux

    DCCast: Efficient Point to Multipoint Transfers Across Datacenters

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    Using multiple datacenters allows for higher availability, load balancing and reduced latency to customers of cloud services. To distribute multiple copies of data, cloud providers depend on inter-datacenter WANs that ought to be used efficiently considering their limited capacity and the ever-increasing data demands. In this paper, we focus on applications that transfer objects from one datacenter to several datacenters over dedicated inter-datacenter networks. We present DCCast, a centralized Point to Multi-Point (P2MP) algorithm that uses forwarding trees to efficiently deliver an object from a source datacenter to required destination datacenters. With low computational overhead, DCCast selects forwarding trees that minimize bandwidth usage and balance load across all links. With simulation experiments on Google's GScale network, we show that DCCast can reduce total bandwidth usage and tail Transfer Completion Times (TCT) by up to 50%50\% compared to delivering the same objects via independent point-to-point (P2P) transfers.Comment: 9th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, https://www.usenix.org/conference/hotcloud17/program/presentation/noormohammadpou

    EbbRT: Elastic Building Block Runtime - case studies

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    We present a new systems runtime, EbbRT, for cloud hosted applications. EbbRT takes a different approach to the role operating systems play in cloud computing. It supports stitching application functionality across nodes running commodity OSs and nodes running specialized application specific software that only execute what is necessary to accelerate core functions of the application. In doing so, it allows tradeoffs between efficiency, developer productivity, and exploitation of elasticity and scale. EbbRT, as a software model, is a framework for constructing applications as collections of standard application software and Elastic Building Blocks (Ebbs). Elastic Building Blocks are components that encapsulate runtime software objects and are implemented to exploit the raw access, scale and elasticity of IaaS resources to accelerate critical application functionality. This paper presents the EbbRT architecture, our prototype and experimental evaluation of the prototype under three different application scenarios
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