4 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Multiobjective Optimization for Burden Surface in Blast Furnace With Feedback Compensation

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    In this paper, an intelligent data-driven optimization scheme is proposed for finding the proper burden surface distribution, which exerts large influences on keeping blast furnace running smoothly in an energy-efficient state. In the proposed scheme, production indicators prediction models are first developed using a kernel extreme learning machine algorithm. To heel, burden surface decision is presented as a multiobjective optimization problem for the first time and solved by a modified two-stage intelligent optimization strategy to generate the initial setting values of burden surface. Furthermore, considering the existence of the approximation error of the created prediction models, feedback compensation is implemented to enhance the reliability of the results, in which an improved association rule mining method is developed to find the corrected values to compensate the initial setting values. Finally, we apply the proposed optimization scheme to determine the setting values of burden surface using actual data, and experimental results illustrate its effectiveness and feasibility

    Intelligent Decision Making Method for BDM of Operating Parametersin Blast Furnace Iron-Making Process

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    Burden distribution at the furnace throat plays an important role in blast furnace (BF) iron-making, which influences the furnace efficiency and stable operation. Burden distribution matrix (BDM) is a key operating variable to adjust a reasonable burden distribution. However, due to complex iron-making mechanism, it is difficult for operators to formulate BDM to achieve a reasonable burden distribution in practice. Focus on this challenge, this paper studies the burden distribution model and proposes a method of adjusting BDM based on intelligent decision making method

    Design of Miniaturized External Dual-Band Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna for Microwave Hyperthermia

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    This paper designs a miniaturized in vitro dual-band microstrip circular patch antenna for microwave thermal therapy, with antenna resonant frequencies of 915 MHz and 2450 MHz and a circular patch size of 7 mm radius. It is capable of achieving a reflection coefficient of –25.51 dB at 915 MHz with a bandwidth of 30 MHz (S11 < –10dB) and –36.84 dB at 2450 MHz with a bandwidth of 270 MHz (S11 < –10 dB). The antenna can form an energy focusing area in the human surface tissue below the circular patch, and the focal point position is the same at both frequencies. After simulation, it is verified that 915 MHz can achieve a larger radiation area than 2450 MH with the same SAR field penetration depth. It is possible to select the appropriate frequency for the size of superficial tumor to achieve the effect of precise tumor treatment

    Исследования и разработки в области машиностроения, энергетики и управления : материалы XXIII Международной научно-технической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых Часть 2

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    Содержатся материалы XXIII Международной научно-технической кон ференции по следующим направлениям: машиностроение; материаловедение и технологии обработки материалов; энергетика; радиоэлектроника, автоматизация, телекоммуникации и связь; экономика, организация производства и управ ление; маркетинг и отраслевая экономика; информационные технологии и моде лирование; физические и математические методы исследования сложных систем. Для студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых