3 research outputs found

    Identification of Extreme Temperature Fluctuation in Blast Furnace Based on Fractal Time Series Analysis

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    In this study, we aim to estimate the density distribution for the return intervals of extreme temperature fluctuation in blast furnace during iron making process. We first identified the fractal feature of the data based on R/S analysis and also calculated the Hurst coefficient. Secondly, based on the fractal feature of the data, we estimated a stretched exponential distribution of the return intervals of extreme temperature fluctuation. Finally, in order to test the result, we applied this method to the data of two blast furnaces, and compared with the traditional kernel density estimation method. The comparison was based on 100,000 times K-S test. The comparison results showed that the fractal time series estimation provides a greater fitness than traditional estimation method since it has no rejection in K-S test. With this method, the density of return intervals of unexpected temperature fluctuation can be estimated. This can be applied as a tool of temperature control and also can be applied as a tool to evaluate the efficiency of the control system

    Data-Driven Dynamic Modeling for Prediction of Molten Iron Silicon Content Using ELM with Self-Feedback

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    Silicon content ([Si] for short) of the molten metal is an important index reflecting the product quality and thermal status of the blast furnace (BF) ironmaking process. Since the online detection of [Si] is difficult and larger time delay exists in the offline assay procedure, quality modeling is required to achieve online estimation of [Si]. Focusing on this problem, a data-driven dynamic modeling method is proposed using improved extreme learning machine (ELM) with the help of principle component analysis (PCA). First, data-driven PCA is introduced to pick out the most pivotal variables from multitudinous factors to serve as the secondary variables of modeling. Second, a novel data-driven ELM modeling technology with good generalization performance and nonlinear mapping capability is presented by applying a self-feedback structure on traditional ELM. The feedback outputs at previous time together with input variables at different time constitute a dynamic ELM structure which has a storage ability to tackle data in different time and overcomes the limitation of static modeling of traditional ELM. At last, industrial experiments demonstrate that the proposed method has a better modeling and estimating accuracy as well as a faster learning speed when compared with different modeling methods with different model structures

    Data-Driven Modeling Based on Volterra Series for Multidimensional Blast Furnace System

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