7 research outputs found

    Identification of Port-Hamiltonian Systems from Frequency Response Data

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    In this paper, we study the identification problem of a passive system from tangential interpolation data. We present a simple construction approach based on the Mayo-Antoulas generalized realization theory that automatically yields a port-Hamiltonian realization for every strictly passive system with simple spectral zeros. Furthermore, we discuss the construction of a frequency-limited port-Hamiltonian realization. We illustrate the proposed method by means of several examples

    An Operator Inference Oriented Approach for Mechanical Systems

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    Model-order reduction techniques allow the construction of low-dimensional surrogate models that can accelerate engineering design processes. Often, these techniques are intrusive, meaning that they require direct access to underlying high-fidelity models. Accessing these models is laborious or may not even be possible in some cases. Therefore, there is an interest in developing non-intrusive model reduction techniques to construct low-dimensional models directly from simulated or experimental data. In this work, we focus on a recent data-driven methodology, namely operator inference, that aims at inferring the reduced operators using only trajectories of high-fidelity models. We present an extension of operator inference for mechanical systems, preserving the second-order structure. We also study a particular case in which complete information about the external forces is available. In this formulation, the reduced operators having certain properties inspired by the original system matrices are enforced by adding constraints to the optimization problem. We illustrate the presented methodology using three numerical examples

    Structure-Preserving Model Reduction of Physical Network Systems

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    This paper considers physical network systems where the energy storage is naturally associated to the nodes of the graph, while the edges of the graph correspond to static couplings. The first sections deal with the linear case, covering examples such as mass-damper and hydraulic systems, which have a structure that is similar to symmetric consensus dynamics. The last section is concerned with a specific class of nonlinear physical network systems; namely detailed-balanced chemical reaction networks governed by mass action kinetics. In both cases, linear and nonlinear, the structure of the dynamics is similar, and is based on a weighted Laplacian matrix, together with an energy function capturing the energy storage at the nodes. We discuss two methods for structure-preserving model reduction. The first one is clustering; aggregating the nodes of the underlying graph to obtain a reduced graph. The second approach is based on neglecting the energy storage at some of the nodes, and subsequently eliminating those nodes (called Kron reduction).</p