13 research outputs found

    Data-Complexity of the Two-Variable Fragment with Counting Quantifiers

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    The data-complexity of both satisfiability and finite satisfiability for the two-variable fragment with counting is NP-complete; the data-complexity of both query-answering and finite query-answering for the two-variable guarded fragment with counting is co-NP-complete

    Logical Separability of Incomplete Data under Ontologies

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    Finding a logical formula that separates positive and negative examples given in the form of labeled data items is fundamental in applications such as concept learning, reverse engineering of database queries, and generating referring expressions. In this paper, we investigate the existence of a separating formula for incomplete data in the presence of an ontology. Both for the ontology language and the separation language, we concentrate on first-order logic and three important fragments thereof: the description logic ALCI\mathcal{ALCI}, the guarded fragment, and the two-variable fragment. We consider several forms of separability that differ in the treatment of negative examples and in whether or not they admit the use of additional helper symbols to achieve separation. We characterize separability in a model-theoretic way, compare the separating power of the different languages, and determine the computational complexity of separability as a decision problem

    Finite query answering in expressive description logics with transitive roles

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    We study the problem of finite ontology mediated query an-swering (FOMQA), the variant of OMQA where the represented world is assumed to be finite, and thus only finite models of the ontology are considered. We adopt the most typical setting with unions of conjunctive queries and ontologies expressed in description logics (DLs). The study of FOMQA isrelevant in settings that are not finitely controllable. This is the case not only for DLs without the finite model property, but also for those allowing transitive role declarations. When transitive roles are allowed, evaluating queries is challenging: FOMQA is undecidable for SHOIF and only known to be decidable for the Horn fragment of ALCIF. We show decidability of FOMQA for three proper fragments of SOIF: SOI, SOF, and SIF. Our approach is to characterise models relevant for deciding finite query entailment. Relying on a certain regularity of these models, we develop automata-based decision procedures with optimal complexity bounds

    Finite Open-World Query Answering with Number Restrictions (Extended Version)

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    Open-world query answering is the problem of deciding, given a set of facts, conjunction of constraints, and query, whether the facts and constraints imply the query. This amounts to reasoning over all instances that include the facts and satisfy the constraints. We study finite open-world query answering (FQA), which assumes that the underlying world is finite and thus only considers the finite completions of the instance. The major known decidable cases of FQA derive from the following: the guarded fragment of first-order logic, which can express referential constraints (data in one place points to data in another) but cannot express number restrictions such as functional dependencies; and the guarded fragment with number restrictions but on a signature of arity only two. In this paper, we give the first decidability results for FQA that combine both referential constraints and number restrictions for arbitrary signatures: we show that, for unary inclusion dependencies and functional dependencies, the finiteness assumption of FQA can be lifted up to taking the finite implication closure of the dependencies. Our result relies on new techniques to construct finite universal models of such constraints, for any bound on the maximal query size.Comment: 59 pages. To appear in LICS 2015. Extended version including proof

    When Can We Answer Queries Using Result-Bounded Data Interfaces?

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    We consider answering queries where the underlying data is available only over limited interfaces which provide lookup access to the tuples matching a given binding, but possibly restricting the number of output tuples returned. Interfaces imposing such "result bounds" are common in accessing data via the web. Given a query over a set of relations as well as some integrity constraints that relate the queried relations to the data sources, we examine the problem of deciding if the query is answerable over the interfaces; that is, whether there exists a plan that returns all answers to the query, assuming the source data satisfies the integrity constraints. The first component of our analysis of answerability is a reduction to a query containment problem with constraints. The second component is a set of "schema simplification" theorems capturing limitations on how interfaces with result bounds can be useful to obtain complete answers to queries. These results also help to show decidability for the containment problem that captures answerability, for many classes of constraints. The final component in our analysis of answerability is a "linearization" method, showing that query containment with certain guarded dependencies -- including those that emerge from answerability problems -- can be reduced to query containment for a well-behaved class of linear dependencies. Putting these components together, we get a detailed picture of how to check answerability over result-bounded services.Comment: 45 pages, 2 tables, 43 references. Complete version with proofs of the PODS'18 paper. The main text of this paper is almost identical to the PODS'18 except that we have fixed some small mistakes. Relative to the earlier arXiv version, many errors were corrected, and some terminology has change