10,490 research outputs found

    Paperless Transfer of Medical Images: Storing Patient Data in Medical Images

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    Medical images have become an integral part ofpatient diagnosis in recent years. With the introduction of HealthInformation Management Systems (HIMS) used for the storageand sharing of patient data, as well as the use of the PictureArchiving and Communication Systems (PACS) formanipulating and storage of CT Scans, X-rays, MRIs and othermedical images, the security of patient data has become a seriousconcern for medical professionals. The secure transfer of theseimages along with patient data is necessary for maintainingconfidentiality as required by the Data Protection Act, 2011 inTrinidad and Tobago and similar legislation worldwide. Tofacilitate this secure transfer, different digital watermarking andsteganography techniques have been proposed to safely hideinformation in these digital images. This paper focuses on theamount of data that can be embedded into typical medical imageswithout compromising visual quality. In addition, ExploitingModification Direction (EMD) is selected as the method of choicefor hiding information in medical images and it is compared tothe commonly used Least Significant Bit (LSB) method.Preliminary results show that by using EMD there little to nodistortion even at the highest embedding capacity

    A Brief Review of RIDH

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    The Reversible image data hiding (RIDH) is one of the novel approaches in the security field. In the highly sensitive domains like Medical, Military, Research labs, it is important to recover the cover image successfully, Hence, without applying the normal steganography, we can use RIDH to get the better result. Reversible data hiding has a advantage over image data hiding that it can give you double security surely

    Introducing a New Evaluation Criteria for EMD-Base Steganography Method

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    Steganography is a technique to hide the presence of secret communication. When one of the communication elements is under the influence of the enemy, it can be used. The main measure to evaluate steganography methods in a certain capacity is security. Therefore, in a certain capacity, reducing the amount of changes in the cover media, creates a higher embedding efficiency and thus more security of an steganography method. Mostly, security and capacity are in conflict with each other, the increase of one lead to the decrease of the other. The presence of a single criterion that represents security and capacity at the same time be useful in comparing steganography methods. EMD and the relevant methods are a group of steganography techniques, which optimize the amount of changes resulting from embedding (security). The present paper is aimed to provide an evaluation criterion for this group of steganography methods. In this study, after a general review and comparison of EMD-based steganography techniques, we present a method to compare them exactly, from the perspective of embedding efficiency. First, a formula is presented to determine the value of embedding efficiency, which indicates the effect of one or more changes on one or more pixels. The results demonstrate that the proposed embedding efficiency formula shows the performance of the methods better when several changes are made on a pixel compared to the existing criteria. In the second step, we have obtained an upper bound, which determines the best efficiency for each certain capacity. Finally, based on the introduced bound, another evaluation criterion for a better comparison of the methods is presented

    A Review of Image Steganography Techniques

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    اخفاء الصور هو أحد تقنيات تأمين البيانات كصورة غلاف. من ناحية أخرى ، نظرًا لأن الاتصالات السرية وتطوير محتويات الوسائط المتعددة ، يعكس الاختزال للتقنيات أدوارًا مهمة. تعد جودة صورة الغلاف  "stego "وقدرة صورة الغلاف جانبًا مهمًا في نظامstegnography ، ويعتمد تقييم الأداء ومقارنة التقنيات على هذه المعلمات في نظام إخفاء المعلومات. هناك تقنيات تضمين موجودة تهدف إلى حماية المعلومات ، ومعدل تضمين البت الأعلى يمثل تحديًا مهمًا في تصميم نظام إخفاء المعلومات. تسلط هذه الورقة الضوء على مراجعة الأدبيات لنهج المجال المكاني للتصنيف (الاعتماد على قيمة البكسل) لإخفاء الصور ؛ و شمل ، (1) إخفاء العلومات باستخدام طريقة  LSB ، (2) إخفاء المعلومات باستخدام طريقة PVD ، (3) إخفاء المعلومات باستخدام طريقة GLM ، (4) إخفاء المعلومات باستخدام طريقة PPM الهدف من هذه الورقة هو توفير ملخص شامل للأعمال الموجودة من حيث الهدف ، وتسليط الضوء على نقاط القوة والضعف في التقنيات الحالية.Image steganography is one in  techniques of securing data as a cover image. In the other hand, since secret communications and development of multimedia contents, stenography of the techniques  reflect important roles. In based are reflected stegnography system, the quality of stego image and the capacity of the cover image are important side of the image, evaluate performance and comparison of  techniques are depending on these parameters in steganography system. There are existing embedding techniques that aim to protect information, and a higher bit embedding rate is an important challenge in designing a steganographic system.  This paper highlights a literature review of the classification spatial domain (beads on pixel value) approach  of image steganography; include, (i) LSB steganography, (ii) PVD based steganography, (iii)GLM based steganography, (iv) PPM based steganography. The goal of this paper is to supply a comprehensive summary of  existing works in terms of ideals, and to highlight the strong and weak points of current  techniques