2 research outputs found

    Avaliação da vulnerabilidade hidráulica de um sistema de abastecimento de água: o caso da cidade de Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental.O abastecimento de água é um serviço vital, imprescindível para o desenvolvimento da sociedade, tanto na sua relação com a saúde coletiva quanto na sua importância econômica. Os sistemas de abastecimento de água tendem a ser vulneráveis a diversos perigos ambientais, os quais podem provocar emergências e desastres. Tendo em vista a necessidade de garantir o abastecimento de água em quantidade e qualidade adequadas e considerando a vulnerabilidade dos sistemas, deve-se estudar a possibilidade de fornecer água em casos de emergências. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa era avaliar uma metodologia que permita medir a vulnerabilidade hidráulica de sistemas de abastecimento de água, através de simulação hidráulica, quando um componente importante do sistema é impactado. Para tanto, foram considerados diferentes cenários de danos em componentes do sistema, segundo a sua importância e a probabilidade de serem danificados por inundações. A validação da metodologia foi realizada no sistema de abastecimento de água da cidade de Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana, utilizando-se o software EPANET 2.0 para simular o desempenho do sistema, considerando-se cenários de danos por inundações baseadas em estudos existentes de eventos hidrometeorológicos relacionados com o rio Yaque del Norte. Foram determinados os trechos que provocam maior vulnerabilidade no sistema e os nós mais afetados pela interrupção destes trechos. Os resultados mostram a possibilidade de determinar a vulnerabilidade hidráulica do sistema e para nós de interesse, pelo tipo ou pela quantidade de usuários. A partir deste ponto foi possível estabelecer alternativas de abastecimento de água para casos de emergência, especialmente para os nós considerados importantes. Water supply is a vital service, essential for the development of society with regard to its relationship with collective health as well as to its economic importance. Water supply systems tend to be vulnerable to a variety of environmental hazards, which may create emergencies and disasters. Taking into account the need to guarantee water supply in adequate quantity and quality and the vulnerability of systems, the possibility of suppying water in case of emergencies must be studied. This research aimed at evaluating a methodology that would allow measuring the hydrolic vulnerability of water supply systems through hydraulic simulation when the system is impacted by floods. With this purpose, several scenarios of damage to system components were considered, according to the component importance and its probability of being damaged by flooding. The methodology validation was carried out at the water supply system from the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, in the Dominican Republic, using EPANET 2.0 to simulate the system performance, considering damage scenarios by flooding, based on existing studies of floods in river Yaque del Norte. The pipes with greater vulnerability in the system and the most impacted nodes by interruption were determined. The results showed that it is possible to determine the vulnerability of the hydraulic system and important nodes. From this point on, it was possible establish alternatives for supplying water during emergency cases, especially for nodes considered important

    www.elsevier.com/locate/cor Data envelopment analysis of reservoir system performance

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    In long-term performance analyses of water systems with surface reservoirs for different operating scenarios, the analyst (or decision maker) is faced with two connected problems: (1) how to handle the extensive output of the simulation model and derive information on the scenarios scores for a prescribed set of performance criteria, and (2) how to compare scenarios in a multi-criterial sense while identifying the most desired. The data sets may overburden the analyst, while an evaluating procedure may be subjective due to personal preferences, attitudes, knowledge and miscellaneous factors. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach proposed here seems to be reliable in treating these situations, and sufficiently objective in evaluating and ranking the scenarios. Certain performance indices are defined as evaluating criteria in a standard multi-criterial sense, and then virtually divided into scenarios’output and input measures. By considering scenarios as product units, the DEA optimizes the weights of inputs and outputs, computes productivity efficiency for each unit, and rank them appropriately. Omitting the analyst’s personal judgment on the technical parameters that describe system’s performance restricts, in this way, the influence of the decision maker. A case study application on the reservoir system in Brazil proved that a methodological connection for solving decision problems with discrete alternatives really exists between the DE