3 research outputs found

    Irregular pyramide: a hierarchical structure for exploratory vision

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    We present a new class of hierarchical structures known as the irregular pyramid . This pyramid is characterized by a non regular subsampling defined as a function of the spatial location of the points . This hierarchical structure is made as consistent as possible with the human visual mapping . This novel structure allows both fine sampling in the focus area and coarse sampling elsewhere in the scene so resulting in smaller images. Examples are shown as well as an exploratory vision application in motion detection .Nous introduisons dans cet article une nouvelle classe de structures hiérarchiques irrégulières où la nature du sous-échantillonnage est une fonction de la position spatiale. Cette structure s'apparente à la structure rétinienne (notion de fovéa et de périphérie). Ce nouveau mécanisme permet de conserver un échantillonnage précis dans la zone de focus tout en résumant le restant de la scène. L'image résultat étant de taille réduite, les traitements qui lui sont appliqués sont plus rapides. Nous présentons des exemples et une validation de cette approche sur des images dynamiques dans le contexte de la vision exploratoire

    Implementing Selective Attention in Machines: The Case of Touch-Driven Saccades

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    Recent paradigms in the fields of robotics and machine perception have emphasized the importance of selective attention mechanisms for perceiving and interacting with the environment. In the case of a system involved in operations requiring a physical interaction with the surrounding environment, a major role is played by the capability of attentively responding to tactile events. By performing somatosensory saccades, the nature of the cutaneous stimulation can be assessed, and new motor actions can be planned. However, the study of touch-driven attention, has almost been neglected by robotics researchers. In this paper the development of visuo-cutaneo coordination for the production of somatosensory saccades is investigated, and a general architecture for integrating different kinds of attentive mechanisms is proposed. The system autonomously discovers the sensorymotor transformation which links tactile events to visual saccades, on the basis of multisensory consistencies and basic, built-in, motor reflexes. Results obtained both with simulations and robotic experiments are analyzed