6,253 research outputs found

    Fine-grained Search Space Classification for Hard Enumeration Variants of Subset Problems

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    We propose a simple, powerful, and flexible machine learning framework for (i) reducing the search space of computationally difficult enumeration variants of subset problems and (ii) augmenting existing state-of-the-art solvers with informative cues arising from the input distribution. We instantiate our framework for the problem of listing all maximum cliques in a graph, a central problem in network analysis, data mining, and computational biology. We demonstrate the practicality of our approach on real-world networks with millions of vertices and edges by not only retaining all optimal solutions, but also aggressively pruning the input instance size resulting in several fold speedups of state-of-the-art algorithms. Finally, we explore the limits of scalability and robustness of our proposed framework, suggesting that supervised learning is viable for tackling NP-hard problems in practice.Comment: AAAI 201

    When Hashing Met Matching: Efficient Spatio-Temporal Search for Ridesharing

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    Carpooling, or sharing a ride with other passengers, holds immense potential for urban transportation. Ridesharing platforms enable such sharing of rides using real-time data. Finding ride matches in real-time at urban scale is a difficult combinatorial optimization task and mostly heuristic approaches are applied. In this work, we mathematically model the problem as that of finding near-neighbors and devise a novel efficient spatio-temporal search algorithm based on the theory of locality sensitive hashing for Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS). The proposed algorithm can find kk near-optimal potential matches for every ride from a pool of nn rides in time O(n1+ρ(k+logn)logk)O(n^{1 + \rho} (k + \log n) \log k) and space O(n1+ρlogk)O(n^{1 + \rho} \log k) for a small ρ<1\rho < 1. Our algorithm can be extended in several useful and interesting ways increasing its practical appeal. Experiments with large NY yellow taxi trip datasets show that our algorithm consistently outperforms state-of-the-art heuristic methods thereby proving its practical applicability

    Approximate Computation and Implicit Regularization for Very Large-scale Data Analysis

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    Database theory and database practice are typically the domain of computer scientists who adopt what may be termed an algorithmic perspective on their data. This perspective is very different than the more statistical perspective adopted by statisticians, scientific computers, machine learners, and other who work on what may be broadly termed statistical data analysis. In this article, I will address fundamental aspects of this algorithmic-statistical disconnect, with an eye to bridging the gap between these two very different approaches. A concept that lies at the heart of this disconnect is that of statistical regularization, a notion that has to do with how robust is the output of an algorithm to the noise properties of the input data. Although it is nearly completely absent from computer science, which historically has taken the input data as given and modeled algorithms discretely, regularization in one form or another is central to nearly every application domain that applies algorithms to noisy data. By using several case studies, I will illustrate, both theoretically and empirically, the nonobvious fact that approximate computation, in and of itself, can implicitly lead to statistical regularization. This and other recent work suggests that, by exploiting in a more principled way the statistical properties implicit in worst-case algorithms, one can in many cases satisfy the bicriteria of having algorithms that are scalable to very large-scale databases and that also have good inferential or predictive properties.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS 2012

    Join-Reachability Problems in Directed Graphs

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    For a given collection G of directed graphs we define the join-reachability graph of G, denoted by J(G), as the directed graph that, for any pair of vertices a and b, contains a path from a to b if and only if such a path exists in all graphs of G. Our goal is to compute an efficient representation of J(G). In particular, we consider two versions of this problem. In the explicit version we wish to construct the smallest join-reachability graph for G. In the implicit version we wish to build an efficient data structure (in terms of space and query time) such that we can report fast the set of vertices that reach a query vertex in all graphs of G. This problem is related to the well-studied reachability problem and is motivated by emerging applications of graph-structured databases and graph algorithms. We consider the construction of join-reachability structures for two graphs and develop techniques that can be applied to both the explicit and the implicit problem. First we present optimal and near-optimal structures for paths and trees. Then, based on these results, we provide efficient structures for planar graphs and general directed graphs

    Algorithmic and Statistical Perspectives on Large-Scale Data Analysis

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    In recent years, ideas from statistics and scientific computing have begun to interact in increasingly sophisticated and fruitful ways with ideas from computer science and the theory of algorithms to aid in the development of improved worst-case algorithms that are useful for large-scale scientific and Internet data analysis problems. In this chapter, I will describe two recent examples---one having to do with selecting good columns or features from a (DNA Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) data matrix, and the other having to do with selecting good clusters or communities from a data graph (representing a social or information network)---that drew on ideas from both areas and that may serve as a model for exploiting complementary algorithmic and statistical perspectives in order to solve applied large-scale data analysis problems.Comment: 33 pages. To appear in Uwe Naumann and Olaf Schenk, editors, "Combinatorial Scientific Computing," Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 201