3,573,404 research outputs found

    BBSRC Data Sharing Policy

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    BBSRC recognizes the importance of contributing to the growing international efforts in data sharing. BBSRC is committed to getting the best value for the funds we invest and believes that making research data more readily available will reinforce open scientific inquiry and stimulate new investigations and analyses. BBSRC supports the view that data sharing should be led by the scientific community and driven by scientific need. It should also be cost effective and the data shared should be of the highest quality. Members of the community are expected and encouraged to practice and promote data sharing, determine standards and best practice, and create a scientific culture in which data sharing is embedded

    EU project ECO2 - data policy

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    Policy compass: FCM-based policy impact evaluation using public open data

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    This paper presents how Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) technique can be applied by a policy maker to support the policy impact evaluation using the example of Policy Compass, an EU research project. The practical usage example on interest rate policy shows the potential of FCMs as a policy impact modelling tool. Through the provision of a more intuitive and easier means of using open data based on FCM techniques, the Policy Compass project can play a critical role for both policy maker and lay public to evaluate the policy impact and prepare for future policy making

    Administrative Data and Economic Policy Evaluation

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    This paper looks at the strengths and weaknesses of using administrative data for economic policy evaluation. It does this by looking at how school administrative data has been used to assess school effectiveness and the impact of month of birth on educational outcomes with varying degrees of success. It concludes that if there is some natural experiment in the way the education is delivered or an education initiative is introduced, then schools’ administrative data offers the opportunity of answering questions of extreme policy interest in a robust way – even without rich background information on the students and their families.administrative data, evaluation methods, school league tables, month of birth, natural experiment