541,824 research outputs found

    Decentralized Open Platform for Vaccination—A German Example: COVID-19-Vacc

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has massively impacted the health of many people worldwide and poses significant challenges for our social, economic, and political life. Global vaccination should help the world overcome the pandemic and return to a “normal” life. In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Health presented its “National Vaccination Strategy COVID-19”, which describes the primary actors, elements, and activities required for the immunization of the German population. However, the implementation is challenging due to the federal organization of the German state in sixteen federal states. While essential processes such as vaccination rate monitoring and surveillance are planned centrally, the sixteen federal states are responsible for implementing the vaccination strategy in a decentralized manner. Furthermore, the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) imposes strict rules for processing and exchanging personal data. However, Germany is only a case in point. Governmental decisions always need to be implemented by regional and/or local actors, the number of which varies greatly depending on the country. This work addresses these challenges by proposing the COVID-19-Vacc Platform—an open and decentralized digital platform focused on vaccinations as a matter of example. The proposed platform model connects various actors and enables them to involve, conduct, and track the vaccination process while meeting all necessary data protection and security requirements defined by EU-GDPR. Using the DMS Reference Model as the theoretical framework, the blueprint of the COVID-19-Vacc Platform is developed, outlining the platform’s ecosystem structure, its interactions process model, and the service stack, defining how the proposed platform works on the operational level. Our COVID-19-Vacc Platform may help facilitate a fast and EU-GDPR compliant implementation of COVID-19 vaccination strategies. Beyond that, the proposed open and decentralized platform model might facilitate international interconnectivity and therefore the management of emerging global pandemics or other global health-related crisi

    Joint Learning Update

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    Over the past three years, the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) has become a well-established practitioner-to-practitioner network of countries at the forefront of the global movement toward universal health coverage (UHC) . Now that the JLN has been active for a few years, many involved in the JLN felt that it was an appropriate time to assess what has been achieved to date and develop a roadmap for the future.In December 2012, the Rockefeller Foundation engaged Pact, an independent NGO that specializes in community engagement and networks, to conduct an independent strategic review of the JLN's value proposition, mechanisms for engaging members, and decision-making structures. Pact sampled each stakeholder group in the JLN by administering an online member survey and conducting a series of in-person interviews to gather perspectives from across the community and gain a deeper understanding of how each group contributes to the JLN's goals.One hundred and four JLN members -- a 45 percent response rate -- responded to the member survey and 27 stakeholders participated in semi-structured interviews. The results provided useful information about JLN members and how they are applying knowledge acquired through network activities in their own context

    Partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals 2016

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    This present document is the fourth edition of a report that has been prepared by the Division for Sustainable Development of UN-DESA as a follow up the Rio+20 Conference in 2012, as an effort to provide status of progress multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments have in realizing sustainable development. This current 2016 edition reviews a number of action networks and multi-stakeholder partnerships, with a particular focus on how they support the theme of the 2016 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) - "Ensuring that no one is left behind". Information in the report is largely based on submissions from the Partnerships for SDGs online platform, which was originally developed following the Rio+20 Conference in 201. The platform was recently redesigned ahead of the adoption of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015

    The Bellagio Global Dialogues on Intellectual Property

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    Reviews Rockefeller's conference series on intellectual property and its efforts to promote policies and institutional capacities that better serve the poor, with a focus on food security and public health. Discusses global policy, development, and trade

    Valuing the SDG Prize in Food and Agriculture: Unlocking Business Opportunities to Accelerate Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

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    Business opportunities in the implementation of the SDGs related to food could be worth over US2.3trillionannuallyfortheprivatesectorby2030.InvestmentrequiredtoachievetheseopportunitiesisapproximatelyUS2.3 trillion annually for the private sector by 2030. Investment required to achieve these opportunities is approximately US320 billion per year.These 14 opportunities could also generate almost 80 million jobs by 2030, which represents around 2 per cent of the forecasted labour force.More than two-thirds of the value of the opportunities, and over 90 per cent of the potential job creation, is located in developing countries. That includes roughly 21 million jobs in Africa, 22 million jobs in India, 12 million jobs in China, and 15 million jobs in the rest of Asian developing countries

    Women, WASH, and the Water for Life Decade

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    From childbirth to education to domestic responsibilities to dignity and safety, access to water and sanitation affect women and girls more than men and boys. This report details recommendations for policy and global practice that will empower women and water-related projects

    Sanitation as a Business: Unclogging the Blockages

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    The first Unclogging the Blockages conference took place in Kampala, Uganda in February 2014 with the aim of putting on the table some of the major challenges facing the scale up of sustainable sanitation as well as collaborating towards innovaive soluions. This report summarizes the discussions and takeaway messages from the conference, including concrete action plans developed around a number of thematic areas. [KEY FINDINGS]Market based approaches are key to addressing some of the main barriers for scaling sustainable sanitation solutions. Participants came away with a much richer understanding of the principles and key tenets of sanitation as a business. A push for greater integration in sanitation programming between the housing, energy, business, health, and education sectors will allow for sustainable city and district-wide sanitation services.Unlocking finance for businesses and households and embedding monitoring within all work is critical. One interesting outcome of the group work was a suggestion to form a Global Sanitation Financing Alliance.Supporting sanitation businesses to be successful in the realities of the market requires on-the-ground, real time, market-focused technology development and R&D. A variety of these technologies were on display at the meeting

    GLADNET: Promise and Legacy

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    [Excerpt] The Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network on Employment and Training (GLADNET) was launched by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 1995, in cooperation with over 50 social policy research centres, governmental and non- governmental organizations involved in disability-related employment programmes from over thirty countries around the world. Major organizations of persons with disabilities were also represented – the World Blind Union, the World Federation of the Deaf, Inclusion International (formerly the International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap (ILSMH)) and Disabled Peoples International (DPI). GLADNET’s lifespan was little more than a generation (1995 – 2018). What’s of interest is that it survived beyond its first few years of existence. It could easily have died early on, given a significant change in nature of support from its initiating body. That it didn’t speaks to the aspirational nature and relevance of the vision prompting its formation. It’s in pursuit of that vision where GLADNET left its mark. This document focuses on its legacy, beginning with a brief review of context within which it was initiated

    Building the Global Sisterhood: Measurement, Evaluation and Learning Report for the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation's Catholic Sisters Initiative Strategy

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    The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Catholic Sisters Initiative launched a five-year strategy in February 2013 to enhance the vitality of Catholic sisters, who in turn advance human development around the globe. The Sisters Initiative aims to support efforts to attract, form and retain members, develop their leadership skills and help them take advantage of the financial and social resources available to them.The Foundation awarded the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC) a grant in April 2014 to evaluate the Catholic Sisters Initiative strategy over four years. As the Sisters Initiative's Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) partner, CRCC seeks to answer the question, Does the strategy effectively increase the vitality of women religious across the globe as they advance human development?In order to answer this question, CRCC has developed an understanding of the landscape of Catholic sisters, where the Sisters Initiative's strategy fits into this landscape and how it can evolve. The evaluation also includes examining how the Sisters Initiative implements its strategy and how closely aligned the grants are to the goals of the strategy
