5 research outputs found


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    Wireless Sensor Networks plays a vital role in all emerging areas of Wireless Platforms like Interne of Things (IoT), WiFi, WiMAX etc. Sensor nodes are communicated with or without the presence of administrator. Data gathering is a major issue in WSN which influences the throughput, energy and data delivery. In previous research, there was not taken efforts to focus on balanced data gathering.  In this research, we propose Reliable Energy Efficient Data Gathering Approach (REEDGA) to balance data gathering and overhead. To achieve this, proposed work consists of three phases. In first phase, estimation of information gathering is implemented through stable paths. Stable paths are found based on link cost. In second phase, data gathering phase is initialized to save energy in the presence of mobile sensor nodes. Overhead is kept low while keeping round trip time of gathered data. From the analytical simulation using NS2, the proposed approach achieves better performance in terms of data delivery rate, data gathering rate, throughput, delay, link availability and control overhead

    Ferry–Based Directional Forwarding Mechanism for Improved Network Life-Time in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Network

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    Considerable energy saving can be achieved with mobility-based wireless sensor networks (WSN's), where a mobile node (ferry) visits sensing nodes in a network to collect sensed data. However, the critical issues of such WSN's are limited networks lifetime and high data latency, these critical issues are due to the slow mobility and relatively long route distance for ferries to collect and forward data to the sink. Incorporating ferries in WSNs eliminates the need for multi-hop forwarding of data, and as a result, reduce energy consumption at sensing nodes. In this paper, we introduce the One Hop Cluster-Head Algorithm (OHCH), where a subset of ferries serve as cluster heads (CH), travel between nodes with short distance mobility, collect data originated from sources, and transfer it to the sink with minimum hop count possible, this approach can achieve more balance between network energy saving and data collection delay, also, it is an efficient design to combine between ferries and noise

    Effective Node Clustering and Data Dissemination In Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The denseness and random distribution of large-scale WSNs makes it quite difficult to replace or recharge nodes. Energy efficiency and management is a major design goal in these networks. In addition, reliability and scalability are two other major goals that have been identified by researchers as necessary in order to further expand the deployment of such networks for their use in various applications. This thesis aims to provide an energy efficient and effective node clustering and data dissemination algorithm in large-scale wireless sensor networks. In the area of clustering, the proposed research prolongs the lifetime of the network by saving energy through the use of node ranking to elect cluster heads, contrary to other existing cluster-based work that selects a random node or the node with the highest energy at a particular time instance as the new cluster head. Moreover, a global knowledge strategy is used to maintain a level of universal awareness of existing nodes in the subject area and to avoid the problem of disconnected or forgotten nodes. In the area of data dissemination, the aim of this research is to effectively manage the data collection by developing an efficient data collection scheme using a ferry node and applying a selective duty cycle strategy to the sensor nodes. Depending on the application, mobile ferries can be used for collecting data in a WSN, especially those that are large in scale, with delay tolerant applications. Unlike data collection via multi-hop forwarding among the sensing nodes, ferries travel across the sensing field to collect data. A ferry-based approach thus eliminates, or minimizes, the need for the multi-hop forwarding of data, and as a result, energy consumption at the nodes will be significantly reduced. This is especially true for nodes that are near the base station as they are used by other nodes to forward data to the base station. MATLAB is used to design, simulate and evaluate the proposed work against the work that has already been done by others by using various performance criteria

    Data Gathering in Delay Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Ferry

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    In delay tolerant WSNs mobile ferries can be used for collecting data from sensor nodes, especially in large-scale networks. Unlike data collection via multi-hop forwarding among the nodes, ferries travel across the sensing field and collect data from sensors. The advantage of using a ferry-based approach is that, it eliminates the need for multi-hop forwarding of data, and as a result energy consumption at the nodes is significantly reduced. However, this increases data delivery latency and as such might not be suitable for all applications. In this paper an efficient data collection algorithm using a ferry node is proposed while considering the overall ferry roundtrip travel time and the overall consumed energy in the network. To minimize the overall roundtrip travel time, we divided the sensing field area into virtual grids based on the assumed sensing range and assigned a checkpoint in each one. A Genetic Algorithm with weight metrics to solve the Travel Sales Man Problem (TSP) and decide on an optimum path for the ferry to collect data is then used. We utilized our previously published node ranking clustering algorithm (NRCA) in each virtual grid and in choosing the location for placing the ferry’s checkpoints. In NRCA the decision of selecting cluster heads is based on their residual energy and their distance from their associated checkpoint which acts as a temporary sink. We simulated the proposed algorithm in MATLAB and showed its performance in terms of the network lifetime, total energy consumption and the total travel time. Moreover, we showed through simulation that nonlinear trajectory achieves a better optimization in term of network lifetime, overall energy consumed and the roundtrip travel time of the ferry compared to linear predetermined trajectory. In additional to that, we compared the performance of your algorithm to other recent algorithms in terms of the network lifetime using same and different initial energy values