12,767 research outputs found

    A Minimal Incentive-based Demand Response Program With Self Reported Baseline Mechanism

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    In this paper, we propose a novel incentive based Demand Response (DR) program with a self reported baseline mechanism. The System Operator (SO) managing the DR program recruits consumers or aggregators of DR resources. The recruited consumers are required to only report their baseline, which is the minimal information necessary for any DR program. During a DR event, a set of consumers, from this pool of recruited consumers, are randomly selected. The consumers are selected such that the required load reduction is delivered. The selected consumers, who reduce their load, are rewarded for their services and other recruited consumers, who deviate from their reported baseline, are penalized. The randomization in selection and penalty ensure that the baseline inflation is controlled. We also justify that the selection probability can be simultaneously used to control SO's cost. This allows the SO to design the mechanism such that its cost is almost optimal when there are no recruitment costs or at least significantly reduced otherwise. Finally, we also show that the proposed method of self-reported baseline outperforms other baseline estimation methods commonly used in practice

    Distributed Stochastic Market Clearing with High-Penetration Wind Power

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    Integrating renewable energy into the modern power grid requires risk-cognizant dispatch of resources to account for the stochastic availability of renewables. Toward this goal, day-ahead stochastic market clearing with high-penetration wind energy is pursued in this paper based on the DC optimal power flow (OPF). The objective is to minimize the social cost which consists of conventional generation costs, end-user disutility, as well as a risk measure of the system re-dispatching cost. Capitalizing on the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), the novel model is able to mitigate the potentially high risk of the recourse actions to compensate wind forecast errors. The resulting convex optimization task is tackled via a distribution-free sample average based approximation to bypass the prohibitively complex high-dimensional integration. Furthermore, to cope with possibly large-scale dispatchable loads, a fast distributed solver is developed with guaranteed convergence using the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Numerical results tested on a modified benchmark system are reported to corroborate the merits of the novel framework and proposed approaches.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems; 12 pages and 9 figure

    Stability Analysis of Wholesale Electricity Markets under Dynamic Consumption Models and Real-Time Pricing

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    This paper analyzes stability conditions for wholesale electricity markets under real-time retail pricing and realistic consumption models with memory, which explicitly take into account previous electricity prices and consumption levels. By passing on the current retail price of electricity from supplier to consumer and feeding the observed consumption back to the supplier, a closed-loop dynamical system for electricity prices and consumption arises whose stability is to be investigated. Under mild assumptions on the generation cost of electricity and consumers' backlog disutility functions, we show that, for consumer models with price memory only, market stability is achieved if the ratio between the consumers' marginal backlog disutility and the suppliers' marginal cost of supply remains below a fixed threshold. Further, consumer models with price and consumption memory can result in greater stability regions and faster convergence to the equilibrium compared to models with price memory alone, if consumption deviations from nominal demand are adequately penalized.Comment: 8 pages, 7 Figures, accepted to the 2017 American Control Conferenc

    Learning Price-Elasticity of Smart Consumers in Power Distribution Systems

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    Demand Response is an emerging technology which will transform the power grid of tomorrow. It is revolutionary, not only because it will enable peak load shaving and will add resources to manage large distribution systems, but mainly because it will tap into an almost unexplored and extremely powerful pool of resources comprised of many small individual consumers on distribution grids. However, to utilize these resources effectively, the methods used to engage these resources must yield accurate and reliable control. A diversity of methods have been proposed to engage these new resources. As opposed to direct load control, many methods rely on consumers and/or loads responding to exogenous signals, typically in the form of energy pricing, originating from the utility or system operator. Here, we propose an open loop communication-lite method for estimating the price elasticity of many customers comprising a distribution system. We utilize a sparse linear regression method that relies on operator-controlled, inhomogeneous minor price variations, which will be fair to all the consumers. Our numerical experiments show that reliable estimation of individual and thus aggregated instantaneous elasticities is possible. We describe the limits of the reliable reconstruction as functions of the three key parameters of the system: (i) ratio of the number of communication slots (time units) per number of engaged consumers; (ii) level of sparsity (in consumer response); and (iii) signal-to-noise ratio.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, IEEE SmartGridComm 201

    Aggregate Hazard Function in Price-Setting: A Bayesian Analysis Using Macro Data

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    This paper presents an approach to identify aggregate price reset hazards from the joint dynamic behavior of inflation and macroeconomic aggregates. The identification is possible due to the fact that inflation is composed of current and past reset prices and that the composition depends on the price reset hazard function. The derivation of the generalized NKPC links those compostion effects to the hazard function, so that only aggregate data is needed to extract information about the price reset hazard function. The empirical hazard function is generally increasing with the age of prices, but with spikes at the 1st and 4th quarters. The implication of this finding for sticky price modeling is that the pricing decision is characterized by both time- and state-dependent aspects.Sticky prices, Aggregate hazard function, Bayesian estimation


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    In this paper, we adapt Burtless and Hausman's (1978) methodology in order to estimate farmer's demand for irrigation water under increasing block-rate tariffs and empirically assess its effect on aggregate demand and inter-farm allocation efficiency. This methodology overcomes the technical challenges raised by increasing block rate pricing and accounts for both observed and unobserved technological heterogeneity among farmers. Employing a micro panel data documenting irrigation levels and prices in 185 Israeli agricultural communities in the period 1992-1997 we estimate water demand elasticity at -0.3 in the short run (the effect of a price change on demand within a year of implementation) and -0.46 in the long run. We also find that, in accordance with common belief, switching from a single to a block price regime, yields a 7% reduction in average water use while maintaining the same average price. However, based on our simulations we estimate that the switch to block prices will result in a loss of approximately 1% of agricultural output due to inter-farm allocation inefficiencies.Block-Rate Pricing, Irrigation, C13, Q15, Q28, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
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