2 research outputs found

    Korištenje policijskog sustava upozoravanja za otklanjanje pogrešaka u inteligentnim sustavima otkrivanja prekršaja

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    A broad range of diverse technologies under the generic topic of intelligent transportation systems holds the answer to many transportation problems. Tailgating and the failure to maintain sufficient distance from the next vehicle are among the biggest causes of motorway accidents. There are intelligent systems to detect this violation. Their insufficient accuracy is, however, the reason they are used with reluctance. In this research, a police warning system is proposed to note the detected violating drivers by a short message service. If the violation is repeated, the driver will be fined. Using robability logic, it has been shown that by the proposed system, we can be sure that the error in traffic ticketing will be very low. A survey of police officers found that most of them welcome the proposed system.Širok raspon raznih tehnologija obuhvaćenih pod generičkom temom inteligentnih prometnih sustava nudi odgovor na mnoge probleme u prometu. Vožnja na repu i neodržavanje dovoljnog razmaka iza drugog vozila među najvećim su uzrocima nesreća na autocestama. Iako postoje inteligentni sustavi za otkrivanje ovakvih prekršaja, nevoljko se koriste zbog njihove nedostatne preciznosti. Ovim se istraživanjem predlaže policijski sustav upozoravanja koji bi uslugom kratkih poruka bilježio vozače zatečene u kršenju pravila. U slučaju ponovljenog kršenja, vozaču se izriče novčana kazna. Koristeći se logikom vjerojatnosti, razvidno je da se predloženim sustavom mogu znatno smanjiti pogreške pri izricanju prometnih kazni. Anketa provedena među policijskim službenicima pokazuje da većina njih pozdravlja predloženi sustav

    Low-cost modular devices for on-road vehicle detection and characterisation

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    [EN] Detecting and characterising vehicles is one of the purposes of embedded systems used in intelligent environments. An analysis of a vehicle¿s characteristics can reveal inappropriate or dangerous behaviour. This detection makes it possible to sanction or notify emergency services to take early and practical actions. Vehicle detection and characterisation systems employ complex sensors such as video cameras, especially in urban environments. These sensors provide high precision and performance, although the price and computational requirements are proportional to their accuracy. These sensors offer high accuracy, but the price and computational requirements are directly proportional to their performance. This article introduces a system based on modular devices that is economical and has a low computational cost. These devices use ultrasonic sensors to detect the speed and length of vehicles. The measurement accuracy is improved through the collaboration of the device modules. The experiments were performed using multiple modules oriented to different angles. This module is coupled with another specifically designed to detect distance using previous modules¿ speed and length data. The collaboration between different modules reduces the speed relative error ranges from 1 to 5%, depending on the angle configuration used in the modules.This work was by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry: CICYT project PRESECREL: "Models and platforms for predictable, secure and reliable industrial information technology systems" PID2021-124502OB-C41. Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Poza-Lujan, J.; Uribe-Chavert, P.; Posadas-Yagüe, J. (2023). Low-cost modular devices for on-road vehicle detection and characterisation. Design Automation for Embedded Systems. 27(1-2):85-102. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10617-023-09270-y85102271-2Broy M, Cengarle MV, Geisberger E (2012) Cyber-physical systems: imminent challenges. 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