12 research outputs found

    FASTAFS:file system virtualisation of random access compressed FASTA files

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    Background: The FASTA file format, used to store polymeric sequence data, has become a bioinformatics file standard used for decades. The relatively large files require additional files, beyond the scope of the original format, to identify sequences and to provide random access. Multiple compressors have been developed to archive FASTA files back and forth, but these lack direct access to targeted content or metadata of the archive. Moreover, these solutions are not directly backwards compatible to FASTA files, resulting in limited software integration. Results: We designed a linux based toolkit that virtualises the content of DNA, RNA and protein FASTA archives into the filesystem by using filesystem in userspace. This guarantees in-sync virtualised metadata files and offers fast random-access decompression using bit encodings plus Zstandard (zstd). The toolkit, FASTAFS, can track all its system-wide running instances, allows file integrity verification and can provide, instantly, scriptable access to sequence files and is easy to use and deploy. The file compression ratios were comparable but not superior to other state of the art archival tools, despite the innovative random access feature implemented in FASTAFS. Conclusions: FASTAFS is a user-friendly and easy to deploy backwards compatible generic purpose solution to store and access compressed FASTA files, since it offers file system access to FASTA files as well as in-sync metadata files through file virtualisation. Using virtual filesystems as in-between layer offers format conversion without the need to rewrite code into different programming languages while preserving compatibility.</p

    FASTA/Q data compressors for MapReduce-Hadoop genomics: space and time savings made easy

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    Background Storage of genomic data is a major cost for the Life Sciences, effectively addressed via specialized data compression methods. For the same reasons of abundance in data production, the use of Big Data technologies is seen as the future for genomic data storage and processing, with MapReduce-Hadoop as leaders. Somewhat surprisingly, none of the specialized FASTA/Q compressors is available within Hadoop. Indeed, their deployment there is not exactly immediate. Such a State of the Art is problematic. Results We provide major advances in two different directions. Methodologically, we propose two general methods, with the corresponding software, that make very easy to deploy a specialized FASTA/Q compressor within MapReduce-Hadoop for processing files stored on the distributed Hadoop File System, with very little knowledge of Hadoop. Practically, we provide evidence that the deployment of those specialized compressors within Hadoop, not available so far, results in better space savings, and even in better execution times over compressed data, with respect to the use of generic compressors available in Hadoop, in particular for FASTQ files. Finally, we observe that these results hold also for the Apache Spark framework, when used to process FASTA/Q files stored on the Hadoop File System. Conclusions Our Methods and the corresponding software substantially contribute to achieve space and time savings for the storage and processing of FASTA/Q files in Hadoop and Spark. Being our approach general, it is very likely that it can be applied also to FASTA/Q compression methods that will appear in the future

    Performance evaluation of lossy quality compression algorithms for RNA-seq data

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    Background Recent advancements in high-throughput sequencing technologies have generated an unprecedented amount of genomic data that must be stored, processed, and transmitted over the network for sharing. Lossy genomic data compression, especially of the base quality values of sequencing data, is emerging as an efficient way to handle this challenge due to its superior compression performance compared to lossless compression methods. Many lossy compression algorithms have been developed for and evaluated using DNA sequencing data. However, whether these algorithms can be used on RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data remains unclear. Results In this study, we evaluated the impacts of lossy quality value compression on common RNA-seq data analysis pipelines including expression quantification, transcriptome assembly, and short variants detection using RNA-seq data from different species and sequencing platforms. Our study shows that lossy quality value compression could effectively improve RNA-seq data compression. In some cases, lossy algorithms achieved up to 1.2-3 times further reduction on the overall RNA-seq data size compared to existing lossless algorithms. However, lossy quality value compression could affect the results of some RNA-seq data processing pipelines, and hence its impacts to RNA-seq studies cannot be ignored in some cases. Pipelines using HISAT2 for alignment were most significantly affected by lossy quality value compression, while the effects of lossy compression on pipelines that do not depend on quality values, e.g., STAR-based expression quantification and transcriptome assembly pipelines, were not observed. Moreover, regardless of using either STAR or HISAT2 as the aligner, variant detection results were affected by lossy quality value compression, albeit to a lesser extent when STAR-based pipeline was used. Our results also show that the impacts of lossy quality value compression depend on the compression algorithms being used and the compression levels if the algorithm supports setting of multiple compression levels. Conclusions Lossy quality value compression can be incorporated into existing RNA-seq analysis pipelines to alleviate the data storage and transmission burdens. However, care should be taken on the selection of compression tools and levels based on the requirements of the downstream analysis pipelines to avoid introducing undesirable adverse effects on the analysis results. Document type: Articl

    BdBG: a bucket-based method for compressing genome sequencing data with dynamic de Bruijn graphs

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    Dramatic increases in data produced by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies demand data compression tools for saving storage space. However, effective and efficient data compression for genome sequencing data has remained an unresolved challenge in NGS data studies. In this paper, we propose a novel alignment-free and reference-free compression method, BdBG, which is the first to compress genome sequencing data with dynamic de Bruijn graphs based on the data after bucketing. Compared with existing de Bruijn graph methods, BdBG only stored a list of bucket indexes and bifurcations for the raw read sequences, and this feature can effectively reduce storage space. Experimental results on several genome sequencing datasets show the effectiveness of BdBG over three state-of-the-art methods. BdBG is written in python and it is an open source software distributed under the MIT license, available for download at https://github.com/rongjiewang/BdBG

    An Introduction to MPEG-G: The First Open ISO/IEC Standard for the Compression and Exchange of Genomic Sequencing Data

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    The development and progress of high-throughput sequencing technologies have transformed the sequencing of DNA from a scientific research challenge to practice. With the release of the latest generation of sequencing machines, the cost of sequencing a whole human genome has dropped to less than 600. Such achievements open the door to personalized medicine, where it is expected that genomic information of patients will be analyzed as a standard practice. However, the associated costs, related to storing, transmitting, and processing the large volumes of data, are already comparable to the costs of sequencing. To support the design of new and interoperable solutions for the representation, compression, and management of genomic sequencing data, the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) jointly with working group 5 of ISO/TC276 'Biotechnology' has started to produce the ISO/IEC 23092 series, known as MPEG-G. MPEG-G does not only offer higher levels of compression compared with the state of the art but it also provides new functionalities, such as built-in support for random access in the compressed domain, support for data protection mechanisms, flexible storage, and streaming capabilities. MPEG-G only specifies the decoding syntax of compressed bitstreams, as well as a file format and a transport format. This allows for the development of new encoding solutions with higher degrees of optimization while maintaining compatibility with any existing MPEG-G decoder