13 research outputs found

    An Algebraic Approach to the Non-chromatic Adherence of the DP Color Function

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    DP-coloring (or correspondence coloring) is a generalization of list coloring that has been widely studied since its introduction by Dvo\v{r}\'{a}k and Postle in 2015. As the analogue of the chromatic polynomial of a graph GG, P(G,m)P(G,m), the DP color function of GG, denoted by PDP(G,m)P_{DP}(G,m), counts the minimum number of DP-colorings over all possible mm-fold covers. A function ff is chromatic-adherent if for every graph GG, f(G,a)=P(G,a)f(G,a) = P(G,a) for some aβ‰₯Ο‡(G)a \geq \chi(G) implies that f(G,m)=P(G,m)f(G,m) = P(G,m) for all mβ‰₯am \geq a. It is known that the DP color function is not chromatic-adherent, but there are only two known graphs that demonstrate this. Suppose GG is an nn-vertex graph and H\mathcal{H} is a 3-fold cover of GG, in this paper we associate with H\mathcal{H} a polynomial fG,H∈F3[x1,…,xn]f_{G, \mathcal{H}} \in \mathbb{F}_3[x_1, \ldots, x_n] so that the number of non-zeros of fG,Hf_{G, \mathcal{H}} equals the number of H\mathcal{H}-colorings of GG. We then use a well-known result of Alon and F\"{u}redi on the number of non-zeros of a polynomial to establish a non-trivial lower bound on PDP(G,3)P_{DP}(G,3) when 2n>∣E(G)∣2n > |E(G)|. Finally, we use this bound to show that there are infinitely many graphs that demonstrate the non-chromatic-adherence of the DP color function.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2107.08154, arXiv:2110.0405

    Planar graphs without normally adjacent short cycles

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    Let G\mathscr{G} be the class of plane graphs without triangles normally adjacent to 8βˆ’8^{-}-cycles, without 44-cycles normally adjacent to 6βˆ’6^{-}-cycles, and without normally adjacent 55-cycles. In this paper, it is showed that every graph in G\mathscr{G} is 33-choosable. Instead of proving this result, we directly prove a stronger result in the form of "weakly" DP-33-coloring. The main theorem improves the results in [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 129 (2018) 38--54; European J. Combin. 82 (2019) 102995]. Consequently, every planar graph without 44-, 66-, 88-cycles is 33-choosable, and every planar graph without 44-, 55-, 77-, 88-cycles is 33-choosable. In the third section, it is proved that the vertex set of every graph in G\mathscr{G} can be partitioned into an independent set and a set that induces a forest, which strengthens the result in [Discrete Appl. Math. 284 (2020) 626--630]. In the final section, tightness is considered.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. The result is strengthened, and a new result is adde

    DP-4-coloring of planar graphs with some restrictions on cycles

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    DP-coloring was introduced by Dvo\v{r}\'{a}k and Postle as a generalization of list coloring. It was originally used to solve a longstanding conjecture by Borodin, stating that every planar graph without cycles of lengths 4 to 8 is 3-choosable. In this paper, we give three sufficient conditions for a planar graph is DP-4-colorable. Actually all the results (Theorem 1.3, 1.4 and 1.7) are stated in the "color extendability" form, and uniformly proved by vertex identification and discharging method.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1908.0490