170,392 research outputs found

    Electron Spins in Artificial Atoms and Molecules for Quantum Computing

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    Achieving control over the electron spin in quantum dots (artificial atoms) or real atoms promises access to new technologies in conventional and in quantum information processing. Here we review our proposal for quantum computing with spins of electrons confined to quantum dots. We discuss the basic requirements for implementing spin-qubits, and describe a complete set of quantum gates for single- and two-qubit operations. We show how a quantum dot attached to leads can be used for spin filtering and spin read-out, and as a spin-memory device. Finally, we focus on the experimental characterization of the quantum dot systems, and discuss transport properties of a double-dot and show how Kondo correlations can be used to measure the Heisenberg exchange interaction between the spins of two dots.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, Invited Review (Semiconductor Spintronics, Special Issue of SST

    Memory Effects In Nonequilibrium Quantum Impurity Models

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    Memory effects play a key role in the dynamics of strongly correlated systems driven out of equilibrium. In the present study, we explore the nature of memory in the nonequilibrium Anderson impurity model. The Nakajima--Zwanzig--Mori formalism is used to derive an exact generalized quantum master equation for the reduced density matrix of the interacting quantum dot, which includes a non-Markovian memory kernel. A real-time path integral formulation is developed, in which all diagrams are stochastically sampled in order to numerically evaluate the memory kernel. We explore the effects of temperature down to the Kondo regime, as well as the role of source--drain bias voltage and band width on the memory. Typically, the memory decays on timescales significantly shorter than the dynamics of the reduced density matrix itself, yet under certain conditions it develops a smaller long tail. In addition we address the conditions required for the existence, uniqueness and stability of a steady-state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Strong quantum memory at resonant Fermi edges revealed by shot noise

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    Studies of non-equilibrium current fluctuations enable assessing correlations involved in quantum transport through nanoscale conductors. They provide additional information to the mean current on charge statistics and the presence of coherence, dissipation, disorder, or entanglement. Shot noise, being a temporal integral of the current autocorrelation function, reveals dynamical information. In particular, it detects presence of non-Markovian dynamics, i.e., memory, within open systems, which has been subject of many current theoretical studies. We report on low-temperature shot noise measurements of electronic transport through InAs quantum dots in the Fermi-edge singularity regime and show that it exhibits strong memory effects caused by quantum correlations between the dot and fermionic reservoirs. Our work, apart from addressing noise in archetypical strongly correlated system of prime interest, discloses generic quantum dynamical mechanism occurring at interacting resonant Fermi edges.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Storage of multiple single-photon pulses emitted from a quantum dot in a solid-state quantum memory

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    Quantum repeaters are critical components for distributing entanglement over long distances in presence of unavoidable optical losses during transmission. Stimulated by Duan-Lukin-Cirac-Zoller protocol, many improved quantum-repeater protocols based on quantum memories have been proposed, which commonly focus on the entanglement-distribution rate. Among these protocols, the elimination of multi-photons (multi-photon-pairs) and the use of multimode quantum memory are demonstrated to have the ability to greatly improve the entanglement-distribution rate. Here, we demonstrate the storage of deterministic single photons emitted from a quantum dot in a polarization-maintaining solid-state quantum memory; in addition, multi-temporal-mode memory with 11, 2020 and 100100 narrow single-photon pulses is also demonstrated. Multi-photons are eliminated, and only one photon at most is contained in each pulse. Moreover, the solid-state properties of both sub-systems make this configuration more stable and easier to be scalable. Our work will be helpful in the construction of efficient quantum repeaters based on all-solid-state devicesComment: Published version, including supplementary materia

    Co-tunneling current and shot noise in quantum dots

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    We derive general expressions for the current and shot noise, taking into account non-Markovian memory effects. In generalization of previous approaches our theory is valid for arbitrary Coulomb interaction and coupling strength and is applicable to quantum dots and more complex systems like molecules. A diagrammatic expansion up to second-order in the coupling strength, taking into account co-tunneling processes, allows for a study of transport in a regime relevant to many experiments. As an example, we consider a single-level quantum dot, focusing on the Coulomb-blockade regime. We find super-Poissonian shot noise due to spin-flip co-tunneling processes at an energy scale different from the one expected from first-order calculations, with a sensitive dependence on the coupling strength.Comment: 4 pages, three figures, submitted to PR

    Quantum interface of an electron and a nuclear ensemble.

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    Coherent excitation of an ensemble of quantum objects underpins quantum many-body phenomena and offers the opportunity to realize a memory that stores quantum information. Thus far, a deterministic and coherent interface between a spin qubit and such an ensemble has remained elusive. In this study, we first used an electron to cool the mesoscopic nuclear spin ensemble of a semiconductor quantum dot to the nuclear sideband-resolved regime. We then implemented an all-optical approach to access individual quantized electronic-nuclear spin transitions. Lastly, we performed coherent optical rotations of a single collective nuclear spin excitation-a spin wave. These results constitute the building blocks of a dedicated local memory per quantum-dot spin qubit and promise a solid-state platform for quantum-state engineering of isolated many-body systems