2,748 research outputs found

    Direct numerical simulation of turbulent scalar transport across a flat surface

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    To elucidate the physical mechanisms that play a role in the interfacial transfer of atmospheric gases into water, a series of direct numerical simulations of mass transfer across the air-water interface driven by isotropic turbulence diffusing from below has been carried out for various turbulent Reynolds numbers ( RT=84,195,507). To allow a direct (unbiased) comparison of the instantaneous effects of scalar diffusivity, in each of the DNS up to six scalar advection-diffusion equations with different Schmidt numbers were solved simultaneously. As far as the authors are aware this is the first simulation that is capable to accurately resolve the realistic Schmidt number, Sc=500, that is typical for the transport of atmospheric gases such as oxygen in water. For the range of turbulent Reynolds numbers and Schmidt numbers considered, the normalized transfer velocity KL was found to scale with RT-1/2 and Sc-1/2, which indicates that the largest eddies present in the isotropic turbulent flow introduced at the bottom of the computational domain tend to determine the mass transfer. The KL results were also found to be in good agreement with the surface divergence model of McCready, Vassiliadou & Hanratty (AIChE J., vol. 32, 1986, pp. 1108-1115) when using a constant of proportionality of 0.525. Although close to the surface large eddies are responsible for the bulk of the gas transfer, it was also observed that for higher RTR-T the influence of smaller eddies becomes more important. © 2014 Cambridge University Press

    Large-eddy simulation and wall modelling of turbulent channel flow

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    We report large-eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent channel flow. This LES neither resolves nor partially resolves the near-wall region. Instead, we develop a special near-wall subgrid-scale (SGS) model based on wall-parallel filtering and wall-normal averaging of the streamwise momentum equation, with an assumption of local inner scaling used to reduce the unsteady term. This gives an ordinary differential equation (ODE) for the wall shear stress at every wall location that is coupled with the LES. An extended form of the stretched-vortex SGS model, which incorporates the production of near-wall Reynolds shear stress due to the winding of streamwise momentum by near-wall attached SGS vortices, then provides a log relation for the streamwise velocity at the top boundary of the near-wall averaged domain. This allows calculation of an instantaneous slip velocity that is then used as a ‘virtual-wall’ boundary condition for the LES. A Kármán-like constant is calculated dynamically as part of the LES. With this closure we perform LES of turbulent channel flow for Reynolds numbers Re_τ based on the friction velocity u_τ and the channel half-width δ in the range 2 × 10^3 to 2 × 10^7. Results, including SGS-extended longitudinal spectra, compare favourably with the direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of Hoyas & Jiménez (2006) at Re_τ = 2003 and maintain an O(1) grid dependence on Re_τ

    Numerical simulation of flow over a rough bed

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    This paper presents results of a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulent flow over the rough bed of an open channel. We consider a hexagonal arrangement of spheres on the channel bed. The depth of flow has been taken as four times the diameter of the spheres and the Reynolds number has been chosen so that the roughness Reynolds number is greater than 70, thus ensuring a fully rough flow. A parallel code based on finite difference, domain decomposition, and multigrid methods has been used for the DNS. Computed results are compared with available experimental data. We report the first- and second-order statistics, variation of lift/drag and exchange coefficients. Good agreement with experimental results is seen for the mean velocity, turbulence intensities, and Reynolds stress. Further, the DNS results provide accurate quantitative statistics for rough bed flow. Detailed analysis of the DNS data confirms the streaky nature of the flow near the effective bed and the existence of a hierarchy of vortices aligned with the streamwise direction, and supports the wall similarity hypothesis. The computed exchange coefficients indicate a large degree of mixing between the fluid trapped below the midplane of the roughness elements and that above it

    Direct numerical simulation of supersonic pipe flow at moderate Reynolds number

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    We study compressible turbulent flow in a circular pipe, at computationally high Reynolds number. Classical related issues are addressed and discussed in light of the DNS data, including validity of compressibility transformations, velocity/temperature relations, passive scalar statistics, and size of turbulent eddies.Regarding velocity statistics, we find that Huang's transformation yields excellent universality of the scaled Reynolds stresses distributions, whereas the transformation proposed by Trettel and Larsson (2016) yields better representation of the effects of strong variation of density and viscosity occurring in the buffer layer on the mean velocity distribution. A clear logarithmic layer is recovered in terms of transformed velocity and wall distance coordinates at the higher Reynolds number under scrutiny (\Rey_{\tau} \approx 1000), whereas the core part of the flow is found to be characterized by a universal parabolic velocity profile. Based on formal similarity between the streamwise velocity and the passive scalar transport equations, we further propose an extension of the above compressibility transformations to also achieve universality of passive scalar statistics. Analysis of the velocity/temperature relationship provides evidence for quadratic dependence which is very well approximated by the thermal analogy proposed by Zhang et Al.(2014). The azimuthal velocity and scalar spectra show an organization very similar to canonical incompressible flow, with a bump-shaped distribution across the flow scales, whose peak increases with the wall distance. We find that the size growth effect is well accounted for through an effective length scale accounting for the local friction velocity and for the local mean shear