142,558 research outputs found

    A Tutorial on Coding Methods for DNA-based Molecular Communications and Storage

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    Exponential increase of data has motivated advances of data storage technologies. As a promising storage media, DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA) storage provides a much higher data density and superior durability, compared with state-of-the-art media. In this paper, we provide a tutorial on DNA storage and its role in molecular communications. Firstly, we introduce fundamentals of DNA-based molecular communications and storage (MCS), discussing the basic process of performing DNA storage in MCS. Furthermore, we provide tutorials on how conventional coding schemes that are used in wireless communications can be applied to DNA-based MCS, along with numerical results. Finally, promising research directions on DNA-based data storage in molecular communications are introduced and discussed in this paper

    Piezoresistivity in single DNA molecules

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    abstract: Piezoresistivity is a fundamental property of materials that has found many device applications. Here we report piezoresistivity in double helical DNA molecules. By studying the dependence of molecular conductance and piezoresistivity of single DNA molecules with different sequences and lengths, and performing molecular orbital calculations, we show that the piezoresistivity of DNA is caused by force-induced changes in the π–π electronic coupling between neighbouring bases, and in the activation energy of hole hopping. We describe the results in terms of thermal activated hopping model together with the ladder-based mechanical model for DNA proposed by de Gennes.The final version of this article, as published in Nature Communications, can be viewed online at: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms903

    Pan-urologic cancer genomic subtypes that transcend tissue of origin

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    AbstractUrologic cancers include cancers of the bladder, kidney, prostate, and testes, with common molecular features spanning different types. Here, we show that 1954 urologic cancers can be classified into nine major genomic subtypes, on the basis of multidimensional and comprehensive molecular characterization (including DNA methylation and copy number, and RNA and protein expression). Tissue dominant effects are first removed computationally in order to define these subtypes, which reveal common processes—reflecting in part tumor microenvironmental influences—driving cellular behavior across tumor lineages. Six of the subtypes feature a mixture of represented cancer types as defined by tissue or cell of origin. Differences in patient survival and in the manifestation of specific pathways—including hypoxia, metabolism, NRF2-ARE, Hippo, and immune checkpoint—can further distinguish the subtypes. Immune checkpoint markers and molecular signatures of macrophages and T cell infiltrates are relatively high within distinct subsets of each cancer type studied. The pan-urologic cancer genomic subtypes would facilitate information sharing involving therapeutic implications between tissue-oriented domains.</jats:p

    Structural insights into the gating of DNA passage by the topoisomerase II DNA-gate.

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    Type IIA topoisomerases (Top2s) manipulate the handedness of DNA crossovers by introducing a transient and protein-linked double-strand break in one DNA duplex, termed the DNA-gate, whose opening allows another DNA segment to be transported through to change the DNA topology. Despite the central importance of this gate-opening event to Top2 function, the DNA-gate in all reported structures of Top2-DNA complexes is in the closed state. Here we present the crystal structure of a human Top2 DNA-gate in an open conformation, which not only reveals structural characteristics of its DNA-conducting path, but also uncovers unexpected yet functionally significant conformational changes associated with gate-opening. This structure further implicates Top2's preference for a left-handed DNA braid and allows the construction of a model representing the initial entry of another DNA duplex into the DNA-gate. Steered molecular dynamics calculations suggests the Top2-catalyzed DNA passage may be achieved by a rocker-switch-type movement of the DNA-gate

    Bridge helix bending promotes RNA polymerase II backtracking through a critical and conserved threonine residue.

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    The dynamics of the RNA polymerase II (Pol II) backtracking process is poorly understood. We built a Markov State Model from extensive molecular dynamics simulations to identify metastable intermediate states and the dynamics of backtracking at atomistic detail. Our results reveal that Pol II backtracking occurs in a stepwise mode where two intermediate states are involved. We find that the continuous bending motion of the Bridge helix (BH) serves as a critical checkpoint, using the highly conserved BH residue T831 as a sensing probe for the 3'-terminal base paring of RNA:DNA hybrid. If the base pair is mismatched, BH bending can promote the RNA 3'-end nucleotide into a frayed state that further leads to the backtracked state. These computational observations are validated by site-directed mutagenesis and transcript cleavage assays, and provide insights into the key factors that regulate the preferences of the backward translocation
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